gb 14598.27-2008 measure relays and Bruins have been updated
GB/T14598.10-2007 the latest version of GB/T 14598.10-2012GB/T14598.17-2007 the latest version of GB/T 14598.17-2005GB/T14598.19-2007 this is the latest version of the GB/T 14598.10-2012 Measurement relays and protective devices Part 22-4: Electrical Nuisance Test Electrical fast transient/impulse group immunity test Standard Status: Current Standard Introduction GB/T14598 of this part of the GB/T17626.4-2008 as the basis for reference to the applicable parts of the publication, provides for the electrical fast transient immunity test of the general requirements. These tests are applicable to power system measurement relays and protection devices, including control, monitoring and process interface equipment used in conjunction with these devices. The purpose of the test is to verify that the test device operates correctly when excited and subjected to repetitive fast transient (pulse train) disturbances caused by, for example, inductive load disconnections, relay contact trips, etc. The requirements of this part apply to new relays and protective devices, including control and monitoring and process interface equipment used with these devices. The requirements of this part apply to new metering relays and protective devices and all tests are type tests only. The purpose of this part is to define: ● Definitions of terms used; ● Test severity levels; ● Test equipment; ● Test configurations; ● Test procedures; ● Acceptance criteria; ● Test reports. English name: Measuring relays and protection equipment-Part 22-4:Electrical disturbance tests-Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test. burst immunity test Substitution: Substitute GB/T 14598.10-2007 CCS Classification: Electricity>>Transmission and substation equipment>>K45 Relay protection and automatic devices ICS Classification: Electrical engineering>>Electrical equipment>>29.120.70 Relays Acceptance of the standard: IEC 60255-22-4:2008 IDT issued by: People's Republic of China and the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China National Standardization Administration of China Date of Issue: 2012-06-29 Date of Implementation: 2012-11-01 Date of Initial Publication: 1996-12-13 Proposed by: China Electrical Apparatus Manufacturers Association (CEAMEA) Subordination Unit: National Standardization Technical Committee for Measurement Relays and Protection Devices (CSTC). National Technical Committee for Standardization of Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment (SAC/TC 154) Drafting unit: Nanjing Nanrui Relay & Protection Electric Co. Publication Date: 2012-11-01GB/T 14598.17-2005 Electrical Relays Part 22-6: Electrical Nuisance Tests for Measurement Relays and Protective Devices - Immunity to Conducted Nuisance Induced by Radio Frequency FieldsStandard Status: Current Standard IntroductionThis part is based on GB/T 17626.6-1998, and refers to the applicable parts of the standard. Provides for the protection of power systems for the measurement of relays and protection devices (including the system used for control, monitoring and process interface devices) on the electromagnetic field induced by the conductive harassment of the general requirements. English name: Electrical relay-Part 22-6: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment-Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by radio frequency fieldsICS Classification: Electricity>>Transmission and substation equipment>>K45 Relay protection and automation ICS Classification: Electrical engineering>>Transmission and distribution networks>>29.240.30 Control equipment for power systems IEC 60255-22-6:2001 Issuing Department: China Electrical Appliance Manufacturers Association (CEMA) Date of Issue: 2005-08-26 Implementation Date: 2006-04-01 Date of First Issue: 2005-08-26 Proposed by: China Electrical Appliance Manufacturers Association (CEMA) Subordinating Unit: National Technical Committee for Standardization of Measurement Relays and Protection Devices (NCTCSPD) Unit: Xuchang Relay Research Institute Drafter: Yang Dalin, Tu Liming, Chen Dingkun, Zhao Guogang, Li Weishuo, Liu Bin Plan Order No.: 20021279-T-604 Pages: 10 Publisher: China Standard Press Book No.: 155066.1-27044 Publication Date: 2006-04-01GB/T 14598.19-2007 Electrical Relays Part 22 -Part 7: Electrical nuisance test of measurement relays and protective devices - Industrial frequency immunity test Standard status: current standard Introduction This part specifies the general requirements for industrial frequency immunity test. These tests apply to measurement relays and protective devices used for power system protection, including control, monitoring and process interface equipment used with these devices. The requirements specified in this part apply to new metering relays and protective devices and the tests specified are type tests only. English name: Electrical relays-Part 22-4:Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment-Power Classification: Electrical engineering >> Transmission and substation equipment >> K45 Relay protection and automatic devices ICS Classification: Electrical engineering >> Electrotechnical devices >> 29.120.50 Fuses and other overload protections Adoption: Equivalent to IEC 60255-22-7-2003 7-2003 Issuing Department: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China National Standardization Administration of China Date of Issue: 2007-01-23 Date of Implementation: 2007-08-01 Date of First Issue: 2007-01-23 Proposed by: China Electrical Appliances Manufacturers' Association Subordinating Unit: National Technical Committee for Standardization of Measurement Relays and Protective Equipment Authority: China Electrical Apparatus Industry Association Drafting unit: Guodian Nanjing Automation Company Limited, National Relay Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Beijing Sifang Relay Automation Company Limited, etc. Drafted by: Wu Xuefeng, Zhang Zhanying, Li Jiuhu, Tian Geng, Lei Zhenfeng, Li Li, Wang Jiemin, Yuan Wenguang, etc. Program Order No.: 20051332-T-604 Page(s): 10 Page(s): 10, Word count: 13,000 words Publisher: China Standards Press Publication date: 2007-08-01 Three standards GBT14598.10-201... 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