Heat treatment workplace should be fenced and hang safety warning signs.
Heat treatment workplace should be fenced and hung safety warning signs. Heat treatment operations in the process of the operator shall not leave without authorization, the end of the operation to check that there is no risk of fire before leaving, other personnel shall not be close to the wire rope, power lines, etc..
Heat treatment refers to the material in the solid state, by means of heating, holding and cooling, in order to obtain the desired organization and properties of a metal thermal processing technology. The role of heat treatment has been gradually recognized in the progression from the Stone Age to the Copper and Iron Ages. Heat treatment generally includes heating, holding, cooling three processes, sometimes only two processes of heating and cooling.
Equipment operation safety precautions
1, the operator should wear the necessary labor protection products, that is, when working must wear overalls, with gloves, not allowed to play the bare back, with shorts, slippers. The area around the workplace should be kept tidy.
2, before the operation must carefully check the equipment, electrical, measuring instruments, mechanical protection devices, such as accuracy, sensitivity, transmission components are running normally, equipment with fault work is strictly prohibited.
3, the equipment and areas that endanger personal safety should be set up safety signage, such as high-voltage equipment (transformers, high-frequency equipment), electrified parts should be set. Every 3-5 months must clean up the heat treatment production workshop oil.
4, heat treatment workshop storage of flammable, explosive hazardous materials must be set up in the area of the appropriate safety signage, fireworks are strictly prohibited, a monthly check to ensure that the safety signage is intact.