Pinyin for Walking Stick

The pinyin for crutch is guǎi zhàng.

Crutches definition:

A simple device to assist walking, an important medical rehabilitation aid, usually a wooden or metal stick.

Types of crutches:

1, cane

One side of the hand to support the walking tool, the use of cane upper arm and shoulder muscle strength needs to be normal in order to maintain considerable stability.

2, forearm support crutches

Also known as elbow crutches, suitable for poor grip, weak forearms, but do not need to use the armpit crutches people use.

3, triceps-supported crutches

Also known as the upper arm crutches, elbow joint stability is poor as well as the upper arm of the triceps muscle strength is weakened can be chosen, the stability of the axillary crutches and elbow crutches between.

4, armpit support crutches referred to as axillary crutches

Reliable and stable, elbow joint stability can be used when the poor stability, wrist joint stability is poor, you need to choose the axillary crutches with wrist fixation belt.

Crutches sentence:

1, when nature deprived man of the ability to walk on all fours, it granted him a crutch, that is, the ideal! Since then, man has been unconsciously and instinctively pursuing the good, aiming higher and higher.

2, Dad whenever you are my crutch, give me support, give me the direction, give me the strength, so that I can walk every section of the road in the future. Even if you are not by my side, that strong father's love will still help me until forever.

3. My uncle, tired of this reaction he was causing in us, moved the bottom of his cane forward on the ground and walked in a two-footed gauge up towards the castle gates.

4, It's late at night, there's an end to the show, luckily life isn't, and one day we'll be on stage on crutches, and we'll still be singing for you as long as you're willing to replace the glowsticks in your hands with crutches to bring it along with you for the day, it's stubbornness on your part and mine.

5, Wu Fa Bao natural very popular here, many people have come to ask long and short, especially some of the old people living on crutches to Wu Fa Bao surrounded in the middle of the boo boo boo boo, Kong Yi suddenly got up the feeling of missing their families, parents.