Does it hurt to have a hysteroscopy?

Diseases occurring in the uterine cavity that cannot be seen with the naked eye require hysteroscopy. The hysteroscope can be placed directly into the uterine cavity to clearly show the situation inside the uterine cavity. It is for this reason that many women are concerned about producing severe pain before having a hysteroscopy and surgery. When it comes to whether or not the treatment is painful, it first depends on how this procedure is performed. Hysteroscopic surgery is a procedure performed by a doctor using special hysteroscopic instruments that combine optical, ultrasound, computerized, and mechanical technologies. Hysteroscopic surgery pain factors of patient tolerance, hysteroscopy is the application of ultra-fine optical fiber to the tiny "electronic eye" lens through the body's natural orifice vagina, cervix, directly into the cavity for examination and treatment. Whether fiber hysteroscopy or rigid hysteroscopy, except for special circumstances such as young children, postmenopausal uterine atrophy, the vast majority of patients are able to tolerate, for individual nervousness or medical comorbidities in patients, in order to reduce the discomfort of hysteroscopy surgery, can be given before the operation of painkillers, sedatives or antispasmodic medications to ease intraoperative reactions. Hysteroscopic surgery pain factors of the doctor's experience, hysteroscopy of the mirror in the cervical canal can minimize the stimulation of the cervical canal, so the examination of the patient is almost no pain during the operation, the patient only feel lower abdominal distension or pain, but can be tolerated, the more nervous or need to carry out the mirror surgery of the patient can also be taken to block the anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia. Involving anesthesia, so hysteroscopic surgery can only be performed in large-scale regular hospitals, and the professional requirements of the surgeon are also very high, so patients who want to undergo hysteroscopic surgery must choose a regular hospital. Regular hospitals have experienced doctors to operate, clinically experienced doctors to carry out hysteroscopy surgery on the uterus does not hurt, of course, there will be no pain. Most patients who are ready to undergo hysteroscopy and surgery are concerned about whether it will be painful. The biggest benefit of having a good doctor perform a hysteroscopy is that it is less painful and naturally minimizes the damage to the body. Therefore choosing a good hospital is also very important.