In the Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi, with the character Yishao, was the son of Wang Kuang. He excelled in calligraphy at the age of seven, and when he was twelve, he saw in his father's pillow the ancient Sayings of the Pen, and stole it to read. The father (upon discovery) asked, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled but did not answer. Mother said, "You read the Pen Sayings." Seeing that he was small, his father was afraid that he would not be able to keep the secret. So he said to Wang Xizhi, "When you grow up to be a man, I will pass it on to you." Wang Xizhi sincerely begged his father, "Give it to me now. If I wait until I am an adult, I am afraid that I will bury my young talent." His father was delighted and gave it to him. Within a month, his calligraphy improved greatly. When Mrs. Wei saw this, she said to Wang Ce, who was a Taishang official, "Xizhi must have read the Sayings of the Brush, and when I looked at his calligraphy lately, I saw that he already had the wisdom of an old man." With tears streaming down his face, he said, "This child will surely be more famous than I am." When the Emperor of Jin, the court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs, and when replacing the blessing plate, the workers chipped away at his characters, which seeped into the wooden board for three minutes.
2. Seek about 700 words of the ancient text, write calligraphy works with700 words of the ancient text, the following is only for reference Potential to win the study of the [Northern Song Dynasty] Xue Juzheng I do not know the potential, do not think that the person also.
The situation is easy and not realized, will be defeated. The first thing you need to do is to look at the situation.
To believe in his words, it is better to examine his heart. It is difficult to be clear when you are not aware of it.
The momentum of the gentleman, stagnant and not fall. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
The heart does not give birth to evil, the road has not been cut off.
The heart does not give birth to evil, and the way is not yet finished.
The obvious potential, not against the ear. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I am talking about.
Forcing people to be forceful, pleasing people must be curved. The first thing I want to do is to get the best out of the world, and I want to do it right.
The first thing you need to do is to ask for the best, and then you can ask for the best, and then you can ask for the best.
The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what is going on in the world.
The first thing you need to do is to be able to get to the top of the world and not be able to get to the top. The first is the one that is not.
The first thing you need to do is to be able to see what is going on in the world. The first thing you need to do is to be patient with your friends and family.
The first step is to make sure that you have the right to be able to do what you want to do. The difference between noble and lowly is also a matter of potential.
Those who use the power are noble, those who use treachery are cheap.
This is the first time that I have seen a movie in which I have been able to get a good look at the movie.
The trend is not to be slow, but to be honest.
If you don't respect the top, the top will lose.
It is not a matter of honor to be a part of the world, but of the world, and of the world.
Not for the potential, in the potential also.
The first thing I want to say is that I am not a good person, and I am not a good person.
No virtue, no name, the beginning of man. The absence of the person is difficult to change.
The wisdom, it is difficult to abandon.
The first thing you need to do is to take a look at your own life.
The strongest, the flatterer is not to be disliked.
The first is the one that is not a good idea, and the second is the one that is not a good idea.
The people are sufficient for their own needs.
The first thing I'd like to do is to ask you to do something about it, and then I'll tell you.
The villain relies on the strong, but does not increase his prosperity.
The time is easy to change the mood can not be changed, the situation change heart can not be carried out.
Natural born, potential born Jie.
The people are born with the power, the power is born with the talent, the power is born with the talent.
Adulterers do not master the situation, to discuss their sins.
The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what is happening in the world.
The first thing you need to do is to avoid the situation.
The good do not complain about the inferiority of the situation, but do their best.
Not good people do not have good behavior, cherish the strength.
The first thing I want to do is to find out what is happening in the world and how it is happening.
The good ones do not complain about the disadvantages of the situation, but are willing to avoid the risks.
The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I am talking about.
The trend is that of profit.
This is the first time I've ever seen a movie that I've seen.
The world is not fair, people are attached. The first is the one that is not a part of the world, and the second is the one that is not a part of the world.
The first time I saw this, it was a very good idea to have a good time, but it was not a good time. The first is that the first is the first to be a member of the family, and the second is the first to be a member of the family of the deceased.
The grudges are dangerous, and the benevolent are far away. The first thing I want to do is to get rid of all the people in the world who are in the world.
The gentleman is strong, but the trouble is not established.
The first thing I want to do is to get rid of all the people in the world, and I want to do that.
Centerlessness is no gain.
These are the most important things that you can do for your business.
The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of it.
The first thing you need to do is to get rid of it.
No hardship, no trouble. The first is the one that is not in the center of the world, and the second is the one that is not in the center of the world.
The first is the "I am a man of the world", and the second is the "I am a man of the world", and the third is a man of the world.
They are the ones who are not afraid of the world, and the ones who are not afraid of the world.
The first thing you need to do is not to seek out the best of the best, but to be able to find the best of the best.
They are not the only ones who are not in a hurry to get to the top.
The moral is lost and then the potential does not exist. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
Good people are good at what they do, bad people are bad at what they do. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do, and what you want to do is to get it right.
The good is the enemy of the good, and the bad is the enemy of the good. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I'm doing.
The first thing that I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I am doing.
The situation has an end, early preparation.
The first thing that I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what I am doing.
Zhu Zi family training [Qing] Zhu with pure dawn that is up, sweeping the court, to inside and outside neat; both dim will rest, lock the door, must personally check. A porridge and a meal, when thinking about the place is not easy; half silk and half strand, always think of the material force is difficult.
It is better to save for a rainy day than to dig a well when you are thirsty. The first thing you need to do is to be frugal, and don't stay for the banquet.
The quality and cleanliness of the utensils, pottery is better than gold and jade; food and drink is about and refined, the garden vegetables more delicacies. The first is to be a good example of this.
The three nuns and the six women are the matchmakers of prostitution; the beauty of the maidservants and the beauty of the concubines are not the blessings of the boudoir. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in your life and what is going on in yours.
Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifices must be sincere; although the children and grandchildren are stupid, the scriptures must be read. The first thing you need to do is to keep your life simple and teach your children to be righteous.
Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth, don't drink too much wine.
This is the first time that I have seen a man who has been in the world for a long time, and who has been in the world for a long time.
The first step in the process is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in the world and how it works.
This is the first time I've seen a new version of the book, and I'm sure it'll be a good one.
This is the first time I've seen a woman's face in the world, and I'm sure it's been a long time since I've seen a woman's face. If you want to marry a daughter and choose a good son-in-law, don't ask for a heavy salary; if you want to marry a daughter-in-law, don't count on a thick trousseau.
Seeing the rich and powerful and having a flattering face is the most shameful; meeting the poor and making a proud attitude, the cheap is not very much. Don't be a litigious person at home, for litigation will lead to disaster; don't talk too much in the world, for you will lose if you talk too much.
Don't bully widows and orphans with your power; don't kill birds and fowls with your appetite. If you are not a good person, you will have a lot of regrets and mistakes; if you are a bad person, you will not be able to make a success of your family.
These are the most important things that you can do to make your life easier. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and the second time I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and the third time I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. The first thing I want to do is to get rid of all the problems that I've been having.
The first thing you need to do is to be able to see what is going on in the world and to understand what is going on in the world. The first thing you need to do is to get the money to pay for it, and the second thing you need to do is to get the money to pay for it.
When there is joy, do not be jealous; when there is trouble, do not be happy. The good is not good if you want people to see it; the evil is evil if you fear that people will know it.
The first time I saw a woman, I saw a woman, and I saw a woman, and I saw a woman, and I saw a woman, and I saw a woman. If the family is in good health, then even if the food is not enough, there is still joy; if the national lesson is finished early, then there is nothing left in the pocket, and one is happy.
The study of the sages, the official heart of the state. The first thing I'd like to do is to get the best out of the world, and then I'd like to get the best out of the world.
If this is the case for people, then it is close.
The front, the harshness of doom. The first is to reduce the number of people in the world, and the second is to reduce the number of people in the world who are not in the world.
If you go up to the top, you will be able to accomplish your work easily.
I don't know how to be vigilant, but it's hard to tolerate up and down.
This is the first time that I have seen the world.
The bright people do not love their position, Ming abandoned.
They are not the only ones who are not in a hurry to get to the top of the list.
Life is not easy, so what is the point? The first is that the first is the one that is not.
Not to seek one's own, a gentleman's wisdom. The first is that the man of the world is a man of the world, and the second is a man of the world.
Not complaining about the lack of wisdom, loyalty and righteousness. The first is to be a good example of this.
The lower is not true, and the art is second.
This is the first time that we have seen the world's most popular movie.
The fool is a fool.
The man who says he is wise is a fool, and the man who says he is wise is a scourge.
The third chapter on the prevention of lust has no root in desire, and no hate in the heart. The first is that the first is the one that is not.
Gentlemen cultivate themselves to avoid disaster. The first is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.
The loss of a thought, the difference between life and death.
They are not the only ones who are not in a position to do so.
The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I want to do, and that I have a good idea of what I want to do.
This is the first time that we have seen the world's most important book.
The system is based on the principle of virtue, and on the principle of commandment. The people who are enlightened are free, and the people who are lost are trapped.
The first is to be a good example of how the world can be a good place to live. The first is that the world is not a place where people are not in need of help.
People are different, life is different.
The first thing that I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what is happening in the world.
Treat yourself like a human being, and you will not lose the big plan. The first is that the man is not a man of the world, but a man of the world.
The human heart is easy, but it is difficult to think. The world is not a place where people can be happy, but it is a place where people can be happy, and it is a place where people can be happy.
The person who is worried about the body is not evil, and is positive for a long time. The heart of a man is free from guilt, and he will be happy and fortunate.
The truth-seeking Volume V. The far-sighted are practical, the near-beneficial are not. The one who is cautious of the crowd, and the one who is pleased with himself, advances.
If you don't stick to the book, you will not lose the book. The first thing I'd like to do is to get the best out of the world, and I'd like to do it right.
People are not cheap, but self-abandonment. The first thing I want to do is to get rid of all the things that are wrong with me, and then I will be able to do it.
The smallest wisdom is not virtuous, but it is also against the feelings of the people.
This is the first time that we have seen the world.
It is not the fault of the truth to be laborious and to gain little. The first is that the first is the first to be a member of the family, and the second is the first to be a member of the family.
The sixth volume of prudent speech is the scourge of speech, regardless of its merits and demerits. The evils of language, by the people to choose and choose.
Gentlemen do not say false words, the truth is against the ear.
They are not the only ones who are not in a position to do so, but they are the only ones who are not.
See the words see the will, its behavior is also broken. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of all the stuff that you have to do.
It is better to be humble than to let go.
The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
I don't know if there is any leakage.
3. Translation ofWang Xizhi Learning to Write
Wang Xizhi's name is Yishao, the son of Situ Guan. Xizhi young mute in speech, people have not been strange. And long, defense support, to the bone called. Particularly good in clerical script, for the crown of the ancient and modern, the commentators said its penpower, thought floating like floating clouds, as if the dragon, deep from the Burdon, the guide is valued. When Chenliu Ruan Yu has a heavy reputation, Yu also eye Xizhi and Wang Cheng, Wang Yue for Wang's three young. When the lieutenant Xi Jian so that students seek son-in-law in the guide, guide order on the east side of the whole view of the children. Scholar returned, said Jian said: "Wang's young and good, but heard the letter to, salty and reserved. The only person in the east bed frank belly food, alone as if not heard." 鉴曰:"Positively this good son-in-law evil!" Remember, is Xizhi also, so the female wife.
Xizhi Ya good service to nourish the sex, not happy in the capital, the first crossing of Zhejiang, there will be the end of the will. Sun Chuo, Li Chuang, etc. are all to literature and righteousness of the world, and build rooms in the East and Xizhi with the same good. Tried to feast with his comrades in the Lanting in the mountains of Huiji, Xizhi for the preamble to its will.
Good geese, Huiji has a lone living basil raising a goose, good song, seeking the city failed to get, so he brought a new friend ordered to drive on the view. Lou heard Xizhi will come, cooking to wait for it, Xizhi sigh of regret for the day. And there is a Taoist priest in Shanyin, raising good geese, and I went to see it, and I was very pleased, but I begged for the market. Taoist cloud: "for the writing of the Tao Te Ching, when the group to send the ear." Xizhi gladly wrote, caged geese and returned, very happy. Taste to the student's home, see the covered basket a few smooth and clean, because of the book, half of the real grass. Later, his father mistakenly scraped it off, and the student was shocked and chagrined for days. Xizhi's books are valued by the world, and all of them are of this kind. Every time he said to himself: "My book is better than Zhong Yao's, when the line of resistance; than Zhang Zhi's grass, when the line of geese also." He once wrote to someone: "Zhang Zhi was learning to write in the pool, and the water in the pool was all black, so that people were delayed as if it were, and may not be after it."
Hussar General Wang Shu has a reputation for being young, and Xizhi, and Xizhi is very light, by which the love is not good. These first for the Huiji, to the mother's funeral in the county, Xizhi on behalf of the statement, stop a hanging, then not re-attendance. Whenever he heard the sound of the horn, he said that he would always clean up after himself.
Such a person for many years, and Xizhi even disregard, said deep thought hate.
4. Find a 200-word literary text suitable for calligraphy
"Precepts" [Song] Shao Yong top quality people, do not teach and good; middle quality people, teach and then good; bottom quality people, teaching is not good.
The good is not taught, it is not holy. The first is that the first is the one that is not a good one, and the second is the one that is not a good one. The first thing that I want to do is to teach the people who are not good at what they are doing. The good is also known as auspicious; the bad is also known as evil. Ji also, the eye does not look at the color of indecency, the ear does not listen to the sound of indecency, the mouth does not say indecent words, the foot does not trample on the ground of indecency, people are not good not to make friends with things that are not righteous not to take, pro-virtue such as on the orchid, avoiding evil such as fear of snakes and scorpions.
Or that is not called auspicious, then I do not believe. Fierce also, the language is treacherous, move to sinister, good profit ornaments, greed and urine and woe, disease good as collision, criminal constitution such as food and drink, small perishable, the big one is overthrown the heir.
Or that is not called the murderer, then I do not believe. The biography has said: good for good, but not enough days; murderous people are not good, but also not enough days.
Do you want to be a good person? The first is the "I'm not sure I can do this". The great gain is not as great as life, and there is no gain if life is jeopardized.
The problem of gain and loss is that it begins with a lack of surrender. The first thing you need to do is to get a good understanding of how to do it.
We all have our own plans, so if we give first and take second, we will be able to comply with the wishes of the people and the wisdom of the people. The strong will not be able to do so, and will lose what they have gained.
The weak are not, and the loss is difficult to predict.
The weak are not lost, the loss is difficult to predict.
Do not be happy if you get, or lucky if you lose.
This is the first time I have ever seen a person who has been in a position to do this.
Shun and Reverse Volume II The dead are stupid and the living are wise. The first is that the first is the one who is not a member of the organization, and the second is the one who is not a member of the organization.
The more you give, the less you give, the more you suffer. The man who gives more will not perish, and the man who gives less will be in danger.
Shun is born from giving, against the abuse.
This is the first time I have ever seen a man with a bad reputation.
The villain does not accept the big words, and hates himself for not having the power.
This is the first time that I have seen a person who has been in the same situation as me.
The first thing I want to say is that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it, but I'm going to do something about it. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I am talking about.
Respect and humility Volume III Respect is given to people, and if you lose it, you are humble. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
The gold market is not auspicious. The man who is forced by his power is in danger of losing his power.
The gold can not be abused, the power can not be indulged, the extreme is easy. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.
The cheap ones don't give up, their righteousness is also thick. The first is that the first is the first to be a good man, and the second is the first to be a good man, and the third is the first to be a good man.
The reputation is not to be taken, and it is not reputation to be taken. The first is that the first time I saw the movie, I was able to see the movie, and the second time I saw the movie, I was able to see the movie.
The first two volumes of the book are the first to be published, and the second is the first to be published in the second half of the year. The life is different, but the feelings are the same.
The joys of life can be pleasing, the sorrows of life can be saddening, and the sorrows of life can be given. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the company.
The people who don't save are not successful in their endeavors. The people who are happy together are few, noble and far away.
*** The difficult people are many, mean and no room. The people who are not happy are those who are not happy.
The most joyful is to give, the life of the lofty. The most bitter is the loss, the death of fear.
Honor and shame Volume V. People are strong, not insulting, and the gas is proud of no honor. The first is that the first is the one that is not.
The one who honors others honors himself.
The first thing you need to do is to get a good understanding of what is going on in the world.
Gentlemen do not long decline, small people do not have a long time to run, the road of the reason. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from your family.
Cold to warm, not as much as doom to caution. The first thing I want to do is to give the people to the lack of, it can also be established.
The honor is the disgrace, but the virtue can exist. If you have no honor, you will be honored, but you will not lose your goodness.
Success or failure, Volume 6 There is no fixed way to achieve success, but to benefit oneself and others. The first is that the first time I saw the movie, it was a very good one, and the second time I saw the movie, it was a very good one.
The name of the gentleman is better than the reality of the villain. The first is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want to do with your life.
Observe their people, you can see the success or failure. The enemy, give the system can also be.
Friends, I can also be long.
This is the first time that I have seen the world.
The first thing you need to know is that you can't say you've won, but you can't say you've won.
The first thing I want to say is that I am not a good person, but I want to be a good person.
The world is not lost, but it is not destroyed. The world is not a place where you can be a man, but where you can be a woman.
The first time I saw this is when I was a young man, and the second time I saw it was when I was a young man. The world is not a place where the world is not a place where the world is not a place where the world is not a place where the world is not a place.
The rise and fall of human masters is not for heaven.
The villain is a bad man, bad in the treacherous scheme.
The first thing I want to say is that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it.
The joy of heavenly descent, not just take it. The first is to be a good example of how the world can be a better place.
The Book of Commandments [Three Kingdoms Shu] Zhuge Liang The title Zhuge Liang (181-234), the word Kongming, the Three Kingdoms Luangmu Yangdu (present-day Yishui County, Shandong Province, south of the city), the official prime minister of Shu. In his letter, he taught his son how to govern and establish himself.
Among them, "Tanya Mingzhi" and "Tranquility leads to the distant" have been recited by later generations. The gentleman's behavior ① is to be quiet to cultivate oneself ② and frugal to cultivate virtue ③, and there is no way to be clear in one's mind ④ if one is not tranquil, and there is no way to be far-sighted if one is not serene ⑤.
The study of the gentleman must be quiet, and the study of the gentleman's talent is necessary; the study of the gentleman's talent is not possible without the study of the gentleman's talent6, and the study of the gentleman's talent is not possible without the will of the gentleman. If you are not a student, you will not be able to learn, and if you are not an ambitious student, you will not be able to learn.
The year and the time Chi ⑨, the intention and said to go ⑩, so become withered? Note ① f: the beginning of the sentence tone of voice, that will be issued. The gentleman: a person of high moral character.
line: do. ② Cultivate the body: cultivate the body and mind.
③ Nurture virtue: to cultivate virtue.
④澹(dan)泊:quiet and indifferent.
⑤宁静:安定清静。 ⑤ Tranquility: stability and tranquility.
⑥广:扩大。 Here it means to increase.
⑦淫:放纵,无制制制。 Slow: slack.
Reed: incentive. ⑧ Danger: disease.
Cure: cultivate.
The first is to run fast.
This means that time passes quickly.
This means that time passes quickly. ⑩去:去掉,消失。
What is the meaning of the word "go"? The first thing you need to do is to get rid of it.
This refers to old age, exhaustion of energy and lack of learning.
Another Letter of Commandment to the Sons 题解 In this letter, Zhuge Liang teaches his son how to socialize at wine banquets and how to control his drinking. The original text is: "The setting up of wine is in line with the etiquette and sentiment1, suitable for the body and nature2, and the end of the etiquette and retreat, which is the most important of all.
The main idea is not exhausted,④ and the guests have more than enough to get drunk without getting confused. The first is the one that is not a part of the program, but the second is the one that is not a part of the program.
①To: to reach the peak.
④意:情趣。 ⑤: to the end.
⑥ To: to reach. Commandment to Foreign Students ① 题解 This letter is a family lesson written by Zhuge Liang to his nephew Pang Lax.
Pang Lax, the word Shiwen, Zhuge Liang's second sister's son, was once the county governor. In this letter, Zhuge Liang teaches his nephew how to set his mind, cultivate his body and become a man.
The original text The will when the high and far-reaching ②, Mu sages, the absolute desire, abandon the doubt and stagnation ③, so that the will of the common people ④, uncovered some of the existence of ⑤, compassionate feeling ⑥; tolerate flexion and stretching ⑦, to go to the small and broken ⑧, wide consultation, in addition to the suspicion of miserliness ⑨, although there are inundated with ⑩, what loss of interest in the U.S., why not suffer from the inability to do so? If the will is not strong, the intention is not generous, futile stagnation in the ordinary? If the will is not strong and resolute, the intention is not generous, futilely stagnant in the vulgar, silently bound to the feelings, forever scurrying in the vulgar?
生,同 "甥"。
③ stagnant: rigid.
⑤: reveal. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do that.
⑥ compassionate: earnest.
⑦ endure: tolerate.
屈:委屈;挫折。 Stretch: stretch, smooth.
⑧ fine: small and annoying. ⑨ smack: complain, dissatisfaction.
吝:remorse, regret. ⑩ Drowning: stay.
5. What are some suitable ancient texts for practicing calligraphy1. 陋室铭
2. 馬說
3. 师说
4. 爱莲说
7. 鱼我所欲也
8.劝学 《荀子》
9. 赤壁赋赋
11. 9. Chibi Fu
10. Charcoal Seller
11. Mulan Poetry The Collected Poems of the Lefu School
12. Shi Zhongshan Records
13. Tombstones of the Five Men
Most of them are required to be memorized in high school.
The good is not taught, it is not holy. The first is that the first is the one that is not a good one, and the second is the one that is not a good one. The first thing I'd like to do is to ask you to do something about it, and then I'd like you to do something about it. The good is also known as auspicious; the bad is also known as evil. Ji also, the eye does not look at the color of indecency, the ear does not listen to the sound of indecency, the mouth does not say indecent words, the foot does not trample on the ground of indecency, people are not good not to make friends with things that are not righteous not to take, pro-virtue such as on the orchid, avoiding evil such as fear of snakes and scorpions.
Or that is not called auspicious, then I do not believe. Fierce also, the language is treacherous, move to sinister, good profit ornaments, greed and urine and woe, disease good as collision, criminal constitution such as food and drink, small perishable, the big one is overthrown the heir.
Or that is not called the murderer, then I do not believe. The biography has said: good for good, but not enough days; murderous people are not good, but also not enough days.
Do you want to be a good person? The first is the "I'm not sure I can do this". The great gain is not as great as life, and there is no gain if life is jeopardized.
The problem of gain and loss is that it begins with a lack of surrender. The first thing you need to do is to get a good understanding of how to do it.
We all have our own plans, so if we give first and take second, we will be able to comply with the wishes of the people and the wisdom of the people. The strong will not be able to do so, and will lose what they have gained.
The weak are not, and the loss is difficult to predict.
The weak are not lost, the loss is difficult to predict.
Do not be happy if you get, or lucky if you lose.
This is the first time I have ever seen a person who has been in a position to do this.
Shun and Reverse Volume II The dead are stupid and the living are wise. The first is that the first is the one who is not a member of the organization, and the second is the one who is not a member of the organization.
The more you give, the less you give, the more you suffer. The man who gives more will not perish, and the man who gives less will be in danger.
Shun is born from giving, against the abuse.
This is the first time I have ever seen a man who has been a good man, and who has never been a good man.
The villain does not accept the big words, and hates himself for not having the power.
This is the first time that I have seen a person who has been in the world for a long time.
The first thing I want to say is that I've been working on this for a long time, and I've been working on it for a long time. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I am talking about.
Respect and humility Volume III Respect is given to people, and if you lose it, you are humble. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
The gold market is not auspicious. The man who is forced by his power is in danger of losing his power.
The gold can not be abused, the power can not be indulged, the extreme is easy. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.
The cheap ones don't give up, their righteousness is also thick. The first is that the first is the first to be a good man, and the second is the first to be a good man, and the third is the first to be a good man.
The reputation is not to be taken, and it is not reputation to be taken. The first is that the first time I saw the movie, I was able to see the movie, and the second time I saw the movie, I was able to see the movie.
The first two volumes of the book are the first to be published, and the second is the first to be published in the second half of the year. The life is different, but the feelings are the same.
The joys of life can be pleasing, the sorrows of life can be saddening, and the sorrows of life can be given. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the company.
The people who don't save are not successful in their endeavors. The people who are happy together are few, noble and far away.
*** The difficult people are many, mean and no interval. The people who are not happy are those who are not happy.
The most joyful is to give, the life of the lofty. The most bitter is the loss, the death of fear.
Honor and shame Volume V. People are strong, not insulting, and the gas is proud of no honor. The first is that the first is the one that is not.
The one who honors others honors himself. The first thing that you need to do is to get a good understanding of what you are talking about.
Gentlemen do not long decline, small people do not have a long time to run, the road of the reason. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from your family.
Cold to warm, not as much as doom to caution. The first thing I want to do is to give the people to the lack of, it can also be established.
The honor is the disgrace, but the virtue can exist. If you have no honor, you will be honored, but you will not lose your goodness.
Success or failure, Volume 6 There is no fixed way to achieve success, but to benefit oneself and others. The first is that the first time I saw the movie, it was a very good one, and the second time I saw the movie, it was a very good one.
The name of the gentleman is better than the reality of the villain. The first is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want to do with your life.
Observe their people, you can see the success or failure. The enemy, give the system can also be.
Friends, I can also be long.
This is the first time that I have seen a man who has been in the world for a long time.
The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what I am doing and how I am doing it.
The first thing I want to say is that I am not a good person, but I want to be a good person.
The world is not lost, but it is not destroyed. The world is not a place where you can be a man, but where you can be a woman.
The first time I saw this is when I was a young man, and the second time I saw it was when I was a young man. The world is not a place for the world to be.
The rise and fall of human masters is not for heaven.
The villain is a bad man, bad in the treacherous scheme.
The first thing I want to say is that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it.
The joy of heavenly descent, not just take it. The first is to be a good example of how the world can be a better place.
The Book of Commandments for Sons [Three Kingdoms Shu] Zhuge Liang 题解 Zhuge Liang (181-234), the character Kongming, was a native of Yangdu, Luangmu, Three Kingdoms (present-day Yishui County, Shandong Province, south of the country), and served as prime minister of the State of Shu. In his letter, he taught his son how to govern and establish himself.
Among them, "Tanya Mingzhi" and "Tranquility leads to the distant" have been recited by later generations. The gentleman's behavior ① is to be quiet to cultivate oneself ② and frugal to cultivate virtue ③, and there is no way to be clear in one's mind ④ if one is not tranquil, and there is no way to be far-sighted if one is not serene ⑤.
The study of the gentleman must be quiet, and the study of the gentleman's talent is necessary; the study of the gentleman's talent is not possible without the study of the gentleman's talent6, and the study of the gentleman's talent is not possible without the will of the gentleman. If you are not a student, you will not be able to learn, and if you are not an ambitious student, you will not be able to learn.
The year and the time Chi ⑨, the intention and said to go ⑩, so become withered? Note ① f: the beginning of the sentence tone of voice, that will be issued. The gentleman: a person of high moral character.
line: do. ② Cultivate the body: cultivate the body and mind.
③ Nurture virtue: to cultivate virtue.
④澹(dan)泊:quiet and indifferent.
⑤宁静:安定清静。 ⑤ Tranquility: stability and tranquility.
⑥广:扩大。 Here it means to increase.
⑦淫:放纵,无制制制。 Slow: slack.
Reed: incentive. ⑧ Danger: disease.
Cure: cultivate.
The first is to run fast.
This means that time passes quickly.
This means that time passes quickly. ⑩去:去掉,消失。
What is the meaning of the word "go"? The first thing you need to do is to get rid of it.
This refers to old age, exhaustion of energy and lack of learning.
Another Letter of Commandment to the Sons 题解 In this letter, Zhuge Liang teaches his son how to socialize at wine banquets and how to control his drinking. The original text is: "The setting up of wine is in line with the etiquette and sentiment1, suitable for the body and nature2, and the end of the etiquette and retreat, which is the most important of all.
The main idea is not yet exhausted4, and the guests have more than enough to get drunk without getting confused. The first is the one that is not a part of the program, but the second is the one that is not a part of the program.
①To: to reach the peak.
④意:情趣。 ⑤: to the end.
⑥ To: to reach. Commandment to Foreign Students ① 题解 This letter is a family lesson written by Zhuge Liang to his nephew Pang Lax.
Pang Lax, the word Shiwen, Zhuge Liang's second sister's son, was once the county governor. In this letter, Zhuge Liang teaches his nephew how to set his mind, cultivate his body and become a man.
The original text The will when the high and far-reaching ②, Mu sages, the absolute desire, abandon the doubt and stagnation ③, so that the will of the common people ④, uncovered some of the existence of ⑤, compassionate feeling ⑥; tolerate flexion and stretching ⑦, to go to the small and broken ⑧, wide consultation, in addition to the suspicion of miserliness ⑨, although there are inundated with ⑩, what loss of interest in the U.S., why not suffer from the inability to do so? If the will is not strong, the intention is not generous, futile stagnation in the ordinary? If the will is not strong and resolute, the intention is not generous, futilely stagnant in the vulgar, silently bound to the feelings, forever scurrying in the vulgar?
生,同 "甥"。
③ stagnant: rigid.
⑤: reveal. The first thing that you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
⑥ compassionate: earnest.
⑦ endure: tolerate.
屈:委屈;挫折。 Stretch: stretch, smooth.
⑧ fine: small and annoying. ⑨ smack: complain, dissatisfaction.
吝:remorse, regret. ⑩ Drowning: stay.