When patients go to the hospital for treatment, they often need some auxiliary treatment. Whether the examination conclusion is correct or not depends not only on the examiner (that is, the quality of the medical staff and the quality of the corresponding examination equipment), but also on the patient's self-preparation. Not without influence.
1. Electrocardiogram examination: Patients should rest quietly for about 5 minutes before the examination. Running, heavy meals, cold drinks and smoking are prohibited. Because these factors can lead to abnormal electrocardiogram, which in turn affects the judgment of the disease, in addition, fasting should be done on the day of the examination before the full meal test and the double 2-level step exercise test.
2. Electroencephalogram examination: Do not wash your hair or use hair oil one day before the examination. Stop taking sedatives, stimulants and other drugs that can act on the nervous system 24 hours before the examination to avoid false impressions and wrong judgments during the examination. The EEG test must be performed within 3 hours after a meal. If you cannot eat before the test, you should follow the doctor's instructions and take 50 grams of sugar starch orally or 40 ml of 50% glucose intravenously to prevent hypoglycemia from affecting the test results. .
3. Thyroid iodine absorption test: The test must be done on an empty stomach, that is, fasting 12 hours before the test. Before fasting, you cannot take iodine-containing preparations or eat iodine-rich foods, such as kelp, Jellyfish, seaweed, etc.
4. Renogram examination: Be sure to urinate before the examination, do not drink tea and coffee, and do not take diuretics, such as furosemide, spironolactone, hydrochlorothiazide, etc.
5. Fiberoptic endoscopy: No food or water should be allowed 4 hours before fiberoptic bronchoscopy to avoid vomiting due to examination stimulation. Those who wear removable dentures must remove them before the examination to prevent them from suddenly falling off during the examination and accidentally entering the trachea or esophagus. Fasting is required 6 to 8 hours before the gastroscopy to prevent reflex vomiting during intubation and affecting the examination findings. You should also empty your bowels before the examination. You should eat a low-residue diet 3 days before the colonoscopy, take laxatives 1 day before the examination, and have an enema 3 hours before the examination to empty the feces in the intestinal cavity.
6. CT examination: You must fast and water before doing abdominal CT examination to avoid the formation of artifacts and affecting the quality of CT imaging. It is not necessary to fast and water for CT examination of other parts.
7. Selective cardiovascular angiography: fast 3 to 4 hours before the examination, and carefully practice the actions required for the examination, such as inhaling and holding your breath, taught by the doctor to cooperate with the examination.
8. Oral cholangiography and intravenous cholangiography: Eat a fatty meal at noon one day before the examination to promote the emptying of bile in the gallbladder. It is better to have an oil-free and high-sugar dinner, about 7 hours after dinner. Take the contrast agent as directed by your doctor and then fast. Before the intravenous cholangiography examination, also eat a fatty meal at noon the day before, and fast on the morning of the examination. If there is acute inflammation, fever, abdominal pain, acute jaundice, etc., do this examination after it gets better.
9. Angiographic examination of the urinary tract and male reproductive system: You should eat soft food for dinner the day before the examination, and fast after that. You should also take laxatives the night before the examination to remove the accumulation in the intestines. Gas and feces accumulation. In addition, you must empty your urine before the examination.
10. Female reproductive system angiography: Before the examination, you should empty your bowels and bowels. If you have not had a bowel movement, you should have an enema. You should also shave your pubic hair and clean your vagina.
11. Laboratory examination: When drawing blood for biochemical index examination, fasting blood should be drawn before breakfast, so that the results are more accurate, especially for checking liver function, blood sugar, blood lipids and other items. Fasting requirements are more stringent.