Goldfish electrical innovation industrial park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that the goldfish electrical innovation industrial park is located in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Qiantang District (Hangzhou Qiantang District, 16th Street 8), covers an area of about 27 acres, as of now there are 4 enterprises in the park ***, including Hangzhou Goldfish Electrical Appliance Group Limited, Hangzhou Jinyu Electronics Company Limited, Hangzhou Kelley Stainless Steel Kitchen Equipment Company Limited and so on.

25% of the enterprises in the Goldfish Electric Innovation Industrial Park are located in the ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, and 25% are located in the retail industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of over 10 million dollars include Hangzhou Goldfish Electrical Appliance Group Co.

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