1 Design Guidelines for Metro Stations introduces the basic concepts, classification, system components, structural forms, functional layouts, and other aspects of the metro station to help us understand the design principles and methods of metro stations.
2 Metro Station Design Floor Plans, shares some tips and resources on how to get metro station design floor plans, and how to use positive and negative shapes, colors, compositions, and other elements to create metro illustrations.
3 Subway Illustration, shows some excellent subway illustration works, which reflect the characteristics and charms of the subway, and also increase the artistic atmosphere and aesthetic value of the subway.
4 Setting up a yellow warning area outside the subway door to remind passengers to avoid the open door area to prevent being hit by the door.
5 Label high-frequency locations at subway exits to make it easy for passengers to quickly find their destinations.
6 Set up mother and baby rooms, disabled restrooms, and nursing mothers' travel worries in subway stations.
If the subway can also add some facilities, it may make passengers more satisfied and safe. For example:
1 Free Wi-Fi in subway cars so that passengers can browse the Internet for information or entertainment while traveling
2 Charging piles in subway stations so that passengers can charge their cell phones or other electronic devices
3 Emergency medical kits in subway stations so that passengers can be treated for emergencies such as wounds or illnesses
4 Vending machines in metro stations so that passengers can buy drinks or snacks to quench their hunger or thirst
5 Environmentally friendly recycling bins in metro stations so that commuters can sort and recycle their own waste to reduce litter and pollution.