The Mayan civilization, which has attracted much attention from the world, is a wonder in the history of world civilization. Mayan civilization because of the Indian Maya people and named, is the American Indian Maya people in Asia, Africa, Europe and the ancient civilization of isolation under the conditions of independent creation of a great civilization. Its sites are mainly located in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Maya civilization was born in the 10th century B.C., and is divided into three periods: the pre-classical period, the classical period and the post-classical period, of which the 3rd to 9th centuries A.D. is its heyday. Maya civilization was achieved by human beings before Columbus discovered the American continent. It made extremely important contributions in science, agriculture, culture, art and many other aspects. In contrast, the Aztec and Inca civilizations, the two other major civilizations born on this vast expanse of land in the Western Hemisphere, are not comparable to the Mayan civilization. But what puzzles the world is that, as the only ancient civilization born in a tropical jungle rather than a river basin, the Mayan civilization, like its miraculous rise and development, had a mysterious demise and disappearance. around the 8th century, the Mayans gave up their highly developed civilization and migrated in a big way. Each of the central cities they created also terminated with new buildings, the cities were completely abandoned, and the large bustling cities became deserted, left to be swallowed up by the tropical jungle. The Mayan civilization disappeared overnight into the tropical jungles of the Americas. By the late 11th century, the Mayan civilization had been partially revived, but, compared to its heyday, its glory was long gone. The Mayan civilization was finally destroyed by the Spanish colonizers as capitalism expanded overseas in a bloody campaign, and has long since been lost to the jungles of the tropics. In the 18th century and 30s, American John Stephens discovered the ruins of the Mayan civilization for the first time in the tropical jungle of Honduras. Since then, archaeologists from all over the world have discovered many abandoned ruins of ancient Mayan cities in the jungles and wildernesses of Central America. With neither metal tools nor means of transportation, the Maya created a splendid and brilliant civilization simply by relying on the primitive production tools of the Neolithic era. Editor's Introduction
The Mayan civilization reached the highest level of construction work in the world, capable of carving and cutting solid stone materials. Through long-term
Maya Civilization (pottery)
[1] observation of the heavens, has mastered the cycle of eclipses and the laws of the movement of the sun, the moon, and Venus; carvings, painted pottery, and murals are of high artistic value, and have been referred to as the Greece of the Americas. Early slave state was established around 400 B.C. The 3rd to 9th century A.D. was a prosperous period, declined in the 15th century, and finally destroyed by the Spanish colonizers, and since then it was long obliterated in the tropical jungle. In 1502 A.D., Columbus made his last voyage to the Americas, exactly 10 years after his first discovery of the New World. The ship docked in the Gulf of Honduras, and Columbus and his crew were excited to set foot on the lush land they had not seen in a long time. In the local market, a kind of beautifully crafted pottery pot caught his eye, and the seller told him that this beautiful pot came from the "Maya". This magical name, for the first time into the ears of Europeans. 1519, the Spanish explorer Cortez (Hernan Cortez) led the Spanish army swept through Mexico, conquering the Aztec empire, which was in the heyday of civilization, "eradicating a culture, such as a passer-by casually folded down the roadside a sunflower! ". At this time, Mayan civilization was nearing its end, but a few small Mayan states remained on the Yucatan Peninsula, and in 1526, a Spanish expedition traveled to the Yucatan in an attempt to violently establish a Spanish colony and enforce the Christian faith. The Maya refused to give in to the guerrilla warfare for more than a hundred years, until 1697, the last Maya city-state in the Spanish artillery in the ashes. 18th century began to attract the attention of academics, the end of the 19th century, the excavation of a number of important sites, the beginning of the Maya civilization of the modern archaeological research. 20 century 50 s, the progress of the research is more rapid, the formation of a special Mayan studies, is the world archaeology and history research important field. Historical research is an important field in the world. The stage of development of the Maya civilization has been described differently among scholars. According to the division of American archaeologist N. Hammond, it can be divided into three stages: the Preclassic, Classical and Postclassic periods. There are still surviving descendants of the ancient Maya in the eastern islands of the Pacific Ocean.
Usually, Mesoamerican civilization is divided into three periods, 1500 B.C. to 300 B.C. is called the Preclassic or Formative Period, 300 B.C. to 900 B.C. is the Classical Period, and 900 A.D. to the 16th Century is the Postclassic Period. Legend has it that the Maya began to build religious structures 3,000 years ago, and the earliest remains consisted of a number of simple earthen mounds, which later evolved into pyramids (the Maya's pyramids and the Egyptian's pyramids are slightly different in shape in addition to the building's role is fundamentally different: the Egyptian's pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs of the rulers of Egypt in antiquity, and scientists speculate that an important role of the Maya's pyramids is to provide a better understanding of the role of the pharaohs. pyramids served as ritual and ceremonial altars.) The early Yama civilization appears to have been influenced by the earlier Olmec civilization (which declined and died out after spreading their culture to the present-day Yucatan Peninsula). The period from about 200 BC to 800 AD was the most prosperous period for the Maya culture. The Maya developed hundreds of cities, the largest of which was Tikal, which scholars estimate had 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants at its peak. The hundreds of cities developed into many agriculturally intensive, urbanized city-states. The most notable of these monuments are the pyramids built in religious centers, and the royal palaces that accompanied them. Other important relics are the carved stone tablets, written in hieroglyphics, which describe genealogies, war victories, and other accomplishments. The Maya were also involved in the long-distance trade of ancient Mesoamerica, with cacao, salt, and obsidian being the main goods. The sudden and simultaneous decline of the city-states of the Classic Maya civilization beginning in the 9th century A.D. remains a mystery. By the 10th century A.D., the once prosperous Mayan cities were all abandoned in the jungle. Thereafter, a number of Maya city-states emerged in the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula, led by Chichen Itza, which began what is known historically as the Postclassic period of Maya civilization. The city-state regime of Chichen Itza was overthrown in 1224 A.D., followed by a confederation of city-states led by Mayapan, which collapsed in 1450 due to civil unrest. By the time the Spaniards arrived on the American continent, the Mayan regions were already in a state of disintegration. Contrary to legend, the Maya never disappeared and there are still three million Maya living in the Yucatan Peninsula area, many of whom still speak Mayan languages today.
The Mayan civilization is ancient and mysterious, but there are always some evidence-based features, the following list of characteristics of the Mayan civilization: 1, the Mayan civilization belongs to the stone civilization, the Mayans did not invent the use of bronze, not to mention iron.
Ruins of the Maya civilization
2, mastery of a high degree of construction technology, the Maya would not use copper and iron, nor the use of wheeled vehicles, the concept of the wheel, although in pottery and a small toy and other artifacts, but in real life has not been practical. But they created a high degree of urban civilization. 3, agriculture to corn as the main food, so also known as "corn civilization", no cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, no traces of animal husbandry, farmers use a very primitive Milpa farming method. 4. Mathematics used the binary system, discovered and used the concept of "zero" (another theory is that it was taught by the Olmecs), and mastered a high degree of mathematical and astronomical calendar knowledge. 5, the use of unique hieroglyphics: the Mayan script edited this section of the main culture
In 1839, the explorer Stephens led a team in the rainforests of Central America to discover the remains of the ancient Maya: magnificent pyramids, rich palaces, and the use of bizarre hieroglyphics engraved on stone tablets of the highly accurate calendar. The archaeological community has come up with many hypotheses about the mystery of the Mayan civilization's annihilation, such as foreign invasions, population explosions, disease, and climate change. ...... Each has its own opinion, which has painted the Mayan civilization with a strong and mysterious color. In order to solve this ancient mystery, in the 1980s, a multidisciplinary team of 45 scholars, including archaeologists, zoologists and nutritionists, set foot all over the Guatemalan Petén rainforest area where jaguars and rattlesnakes are often found, even if grave robbers dare not tread easily. The team spent six years examining more than 200 sites of the Mayan civilization, and concluded that the Mayan civilization was destroyed by bloody civil wars and internecine warfare over wealth and power. The Maya were not a peace-loving people as they are said to have been; on the contrary, in the heyday of 300 - 700 A.D., the Maya aristocrats in neighboring city-states were constantly engaged in wars for power and profit. The Maya wars seemed like horrific sporting events: using spears and clubs as weapons, the soldiers attacked other cities with the aim of taking prisoners and handing them over to the priests of their own side as a gift to the gods, a symbol of the worship of the gods in Maya society. Mayan society was once quite prosperous. Farmers cultivated border fields, terraces, and swampy rice paddies, producing food to feed a burgeoning population. Craftsmen made works of art from flint, stone, bone, horn, and shell, produced cotton fabrics, carved inscriptions on stone tablets, and painted pottery and murals. Commodity trading flourished. But beginning in the mid-7th century AD, Maya society declined. As political unions increased, royal brothers other than the eldest son were ostracized. Some of the princes left their homes in search of new cities, while the rest stayed behind to compete for succession. This "internecine warfare" changed from fighting over rituals to fighting over jewels, luxury goods, kingship, and beautiful women. ...... The wars were never-ending, people were killed, trade was disrupted, towns were destroyed, and only 10% of the population survived. The destruction of the royal palace in the city of Dos Pilas in 761 AD can be seen as a starting point for the decline of Maya society. Dos Pilas was the central city-state within a 1,500-mile radius. It was attacked by enemies from the neighboring city of Tomarito. A hole containing the heads of 13 men between the ages of 8 and 55 attests to the decimation of the city when it was captured, and eight days later (the precise details of which are recorded on stone tablets), the victors held a "final ceremony," smashing thrones, temples, and tablets. Some of the nobles fled to the nearby city of Aguadeca, a natural fortress surrounded by a huge chasm. They languished there for 40 years before they were finally overrun by their enemies and fell. By 800 AD, Aguadica was a ghost town. After 820 A.D., the Mayans abandoned the Petunia rainforest, where countless cities had been built over the millennia, and never returned to the birthplace of their civilization. The destruction of the Mayan civilization is now history, but it provides a warning that humanity should always remember. Today, there are still more than 2 million descendants of the Maya living in the lowlands of Guatemala, as well as in Mexico, Belize and Honduras. But the best of Mayan culture such as hieroglyphics, astronomy, calendars and other knowledge has disappeared, failing to bequeath to future generations. "The Earth is not owned by mankind, but mankind belongs to the Earth" - Mayan Prophecy According to the Mayan prophecy, the Earth we live on now is in the so-called 5th Solar Age, and so far, the Earth has passed through four Solar Ages, and at the end of each of these Ages, there will be a drama of destruction. a thrilling drama of destruction at the end of each epoch. The first solar era was the MATLACTIL MATLACTIL ART, which ended in destruction by a flood, one theory being Noah's flood. The second solar epoch was Ehecatl Ehecatl, blown in all directions by the wind serpent. The third solar age is Tleyquiyahuillo, which was destroyed by a rain of fire from the sky, an ancient nuclear war. The fourth solar age was Tzontlilic, which was also destroyed by an earthquake caused by the rains of fire. The Mayan prophecies also say that from the first to the end of the fourth solar age, the earth will be plunged into unprecedented chaos and will end in a series of terrible tragedies that will surely warn of the earth's demise before it occurs. The last chapter of the Mayan prophecies is mostly chronological, and all of these chronological records, as if in collusion, come to an end in the Fifth Solar Era, so the Mayan prophecies predicted that the Earth would meet its complete demise in the Fifth Solar Era. When the Fifth Solar Era ends, the sun will disappear and the earth will begin to shake. According to the prophecy, there are only five cycles in the solar era, and once the sun experiences five deaths, the earth will be destroyed, and the Fifth Solar Era began in 3113 A.D., and after the Mayan Cycle of 5,125 years, the earth will meet its final end. And now the Western calendar against this end date, on December 21, 2012 A.D.. There are also legends, is someone misunderstanding, the Mayans mean after the fifth solar era, the Maya will cross into a new era, not the end of the world. Edit this section of the main beliefs
The Maya people are y religious, cultural life are rich in religious colors. They worshipped the gods of the sun, rain, grains, death, war, wind, corn and other gods. The sun god was above all gods and was honored as the incarnation of God. In addition, they practiced ancestor worship and believed in the immortality of the soul. The Mayan state also managed religious affairs. The capital city was the religious center. In the early stages of Maya civilization, settlements were formed around ceremonial centers, and in the Classic period, city-states were formed, with each city-state having its own dynasty. Society
Restoration of an ancient Maya city
The ruling class was the priests and nobles, and the king was hereditary, in charge of religious rituals and setting agricultural dates. The lower members of the commune were common agricultural laborers and artisans of various trades. At the bottom of the social ladder were slaves, usually from prisoners of war, criminals, and debtors, who could be bought and sold freely. The Maya states were similar in social development to the primary slave states of the ancient world, but details are not yet available. Mayan writing first appeared around A.D., but the first stone tablet with a date was unearthed in 292 A.D., found in Tikal. Since then, Mayan writing has only spread to a small area centered around Belden and Tikal. It was only in the middle of the fifth century that the Maya script spread throughout the Maya region, when commercial trading routes were established and the Maya script spread throughout the region along these routes. About a quarter of the 800 hieroglyphs used by the Maya have been deciphered by linguists. These represent the names of the days and months of the week, numerals, directions, colors, and the names of gods and goddesses. Most were written on stone tablets, wooden boards, pottery and books. The paper of the books was made from plant fibers, soaked in lime water and then dried in the sun, leaving a layer of lime on the paper. Although two million people still speak Mayan today, and some of the hieroglyphic and harmonic characters in the script resemble ancient Egyptian and Japanese characters, and it may be possible to compare and explore the similarities and differences, we are still unable to decipher the entire Mayan script. In 1963, however, the Russian linguist R. Kroluf succeeded in deciphering the Mayan script. In 1963, however, the Soviet linguist R. Kroluf succeeded in classifying the inscriptions into categories, processing and analyzing them statistically, and from these different categories, the same hieroglyphic characters were identified. Instead of the Mayan script consisting of twenty-six Roman characters, as in English, the script has four syllables for each word. Cloroux finally managed to read a few of the scripts. According to S. Sobov and Baki S. Sobov of the Institute of Mathematics of Soviet Russia. S. Sobolov and Bakytzhan Abdraiym. By Skirov, using a computer, succeeded in deciphering an article using a huge source text (about 100,000 words). The ancient documents of Dresden contain accounts of lunar eclipses, the movement of the stars, and marriages; those of Madrid contain records of farming, hunting, and carving; and those of Paris record historical truths. In short, the basics are religious ceremonies, meteorological phenomena and crops. Editorial astronomical numerals and calendar
We must have learned Arabic numerals from our elementary school no one will think it is very impressive! But it is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 the arrangement of these ten numbers. Perhaps you do not know, this concept of 0 is the Arabs from India to Europe, Europeans in ancient times did not have such a simple concept of numbers. The Greeks excelled in invention, but they had to use letters to write numbers; the Romans, although they could use numbers, could only represent them graphically with four digits. The Maya used a point, a cross, and a shell symbol for zero to represent numbers Archaeologists studying the Maya's numbering system found that their numerical representation was similar to that of the abacus bead. They used three symbols: a point, a cross, and a beribboned symbol for zero - to represent any number. A similar principle is used today in the "binary system" of computers. This method of counting can be applied to astronomical numbers, and in the carved stone pillars known as stelae found in Girigua, Guatemala, the numbers for 90 million years and 400 million years are recorded. The Mayan calendar was very complex, with a 260-day cycle of the Chokin calendar, a six-month cycle of the Taiyin calendar, a 29- and 30-day cycle of the Taiyin lunar calendar, and a 365-day cycle of the solar calendar, among other things, and different calendars for different cycles. With modern astronomical observations, we know that a year is 365.2422 days, while the Mayans had already measured that a year is 365.2420 days. The Mayans worked out the famous Venus formula: Moon 20x13=260 260x2x73=37960 Sun 8x13=104 104x5x73=37960
Mysterious Symbols
Venus 5x13=65 65x8x73=37960 What these formulas mean is that after 37960 days of each type of cycle. These formulas mean that after 37,960 days of each cycle, the planets will meet in a straight line and, according to Mayan mythology, the "gods" will come to a peaceful resting place. Venus calendar year is the time it takes for Venus to circle the sun, the Mayans spent 384 years of observation, calculated 584 Venus calendar year (they found that Venus in eight Earth years exactly five times, and then repeat the cycle, then 5 divided by the number of days in eight Earth years - 2920 - resulting in 584 days), and today's calculations are 583.92 days, the margin of error is less than 12 seconds per day, and only 6 minutes per month. only 6 minutes per month. To calculate the Venusian calendar with such a high degree of accuracy is incredible. Maya counting day unit is surprisingly large, archaeologists already know the value of: 20 days for 1 Vinal 18 Vinal for 1 Tun is equal to 360 days 20 Tun for 1 Katun is equal to 7200 days 20 Katun for 1 Baktun is equal to 144,000 days 20 Baktun for 1 Piktun is equal to 2.88 million days 20 Piktun for 1 Calabtun is equal to 57.6 million days 20 Calabtun for 1 Kinchil Tun is equal to 1,150 million days 20 Kinchil Tun is equal to 1,152 million days. 1,152 million days. 20 Kinchiltun is 1 Aratun, equal to 23,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 days. This numerical unit is so large that even modern man cannot use it. From today's scientific point of view, there is perhaps only one discipline that uses such a large number, and that is astronomy. Astronomers often use very large numerical units to represent intergalactic distances, and only astronomical "astronomical numbers" are this large. Mayan Prophecies in the Calendar In the Mayan calendar, there is a calendar called the "Dreikin Calendar", which is based on a year of 260 days, but strangely enough, there is no planet in our solar system that applies this calendar. According to this calendar, the approximate position of this planet should be between Venus and Earth. The symbols in the "Chokin Calendar" express the core of the Milky Way as described by the Mayans, and are very similar to the Tai Chi yin-yang diagram that we know so well. Some Mayan scholars believe that this calendar, known as the Dreikin Calendar, records the operation of the "galactic seasons," and according to the Dreikin Calendar, our planet is now in the so-called According to the Dreiken Calendar, our planet is now in the so-called "Fifth Solar Era", which is the last "Solar Era". During this period of the Galactic Seasons, our solar system is experiencing a "Great Cycle" that lasts more than 5,100 years. The time period is from 3113 BC to 2012 AD. During this "Big Cycle", the moving Earth and the solar system are passing through a beam of galactic rays from the core of the Milky Way. The cross-sectional diameter of this ray is 5125 Earth years. In other words, it will take the Earth 5125 years to pass through this ray. The Mayans divided this "Great Cycle" into 13 phases, each of which is documented in great detail. Each of the 13 phases was divided into 20 evolutionary periods. Each period lasts about 20 years. This calendar cycle is very similar to the Chinese "Heavenly Stems" and "Earthly Branches", and the calendar is cyclical, rather than linear as in the Western Era, with no end in sight. They believe that since the creation of the world, the earth has passed through four solar epochs. When the stars of the solar system through the beam of galactic rays under the action of the "big cycle", there will be a fundamental change, the Mayans called this change "assimilation of the Milky Way". In terms of the timing of the Mayan prophecy of the "Great Cycle", it is nearing its end today. In the 20-year period from 1992 to 2012, our planet has entered the last period of the final phase of the Great Cycle. The Mayans considered this to be a very important period before the "assimilation of the galaxy". They called it the "Earth Renewal Period". During this period, the Earth had to be completely purified. After the "Earth Renewal Period", the Earth would step out of the galactic rays and enter a new phase of "assimilation into the Milky Way". Since the Mayan calendar is so accurate, their prophecies should also have some basis. In today's world of environmental pollution and natural and man-made disasters, we can think about what the Mayan prophecies are reminding us of.
Some scholars have put forward a bold view: they believe that in the distant ancient times, the tropical jungles of the Americas may have come to a group of highly civilized extraterrestrial intelligent beings, who came out of the spaceship, taught the Maya in the primitive era of a variety of advanced knowledge, and then drifted away. They were considered by the Mayans to be gods. The Mayan culture's incomprehensible knowledge was imparted by the aliens. The carvings on the Palenque tablets are also Mayan copies of alien astronauts. When the aliens left, they promised the Mayans a return to Earth, but on the days when the Mayan quest priests predicted the return of the sky gods, these aliens did not re-enter. This led to a loss of confidence in the Maya's religion and priestly rule, which in turn caused a psychological collapse of the entire nation, finally causing people to leave their homeland one by one and disperse. The Mayan culture thus disappeared. One might accuse this view of being too much of a hypothesis. But even if we reject this argument, we still can't satisfactorily explain the mysterious connotation of the Mayan culture, the many incredible miracles, and the reason for its sudden disappearance.
The archaeological community has put forward a number of hypotheses about the disappearance of the Mayan civilization, such as alien invasions, population explosions, disease, and climate change. ...... Each has its own opinion, to the Mayan civilization painted a thick mysterious color. In order to solve this ancient mystery, in the 1980s, a multidisciplinary team of 45 scholars, including archaeologists, zoologists and nutritionists, traveled through the Guatemalan Petén rainforest, which is often infested with jaguars and rattlesnakes, and where even grave robbers dare not tread easily. The team spent six years examining more than 200 Mayan civilization sites and concluded that the Mayan civilization was destroyed by bloody civil wars and internecine warfare over wealth and power.
Possible reasons for the disappearance
1 Political alliances, royal brethren were sidelined, and other members of the family competed for inheritance, property, resulting in confusion among their superiors 2 The rise of secular culture, the impact on the traditional civilization 3 The Spanish invaders' plundering and oppression, religious coercion, and the disasters given to the people 4 Population expansion, infectious diseases 5 Space migrants, abandoning the city to return to the primitive, is the transformation of the new primitive planet Need, or long-distance travel is very hard; the distance of the requirements of the number of people and the quality of the requirements of the number of people left behind the chaos led to disaster, the tool is to use the gravitational pull of Halley's comet. The reasons for the disappearance of the Mayan civilization have been widely debated, with most people believing that it suffered from earthquakes and hurricanes, along with a population explosion, food shortages, peasant riots and alien invaders, which caused its demise. However, the actual answer has not yet appeared, the secret of the unraveling, like a jigsaw puzzle, at present, but has just begun.