Traveling in Thailand, the tour guide said that selling fake goods in Thailand is to be shot, is there really no fake goods here?

In fact, when it comes to Thailand does not allow the sale of counterfeit goods, if found to sell counterfeit goods will be sentenced to death, in fact, in my opinion this is not true.

Because at that time the reason why this filler was added inside the Thai law should be due to the fact that the previous king of Thailand after taking the fake medicine, resulting in blindness in one eye, and may be because of this, so the sale of fake medicines is prohibited in Thailand.

This article actually which country have it, after all, every country should not be allowed to sell fake drugs. And as Thailand mainly supports their economy with tourism, this prohibition of selling fake medicines may have been gradually expanded to mean that selling fake goods is not allowed, which may be a means for businesses to lure consumers into spending money.

Through this you can make consumers buy their own goods, and then achieve the purpose of earning profits. But although it is all so rumored that selling fake goods is not allowed in Thailand, there are actually still many people who are selling fake goods.

And according to my understanding, Thailand only the kind of really committed a great crime, ten evil people will be sentenced to death, so selling fake goods was sentenced to death is to say no.

And according to my understanding, Thailand only the kind of really committed a great crime, ten evil people will be sentenced to death.

And the death penalty is rare in Thailand, sometimes a life sentence can be imposed for even the most serious offenses. Thailand's prices are cheaper for those who have traveled there,so they are more likely to be suspected of selling fake goods.

Where do they earn interest income if they don't sell fakes. And Thailand's prices are cheap but the people are rich, does it make sense not to sell fakes!

These are some of my views on whether Thailand sells fake goods, I hope it can help you, you have questions can also give me a message yo!