Collect examples and data on the destruction of ecological environment and natural resources.

China's forest coverage is only 13.92%, per capita forest area is only equivalent to 17.2% of the world's per capita level. According to relevant information, China's annual consumption of disposable chopsticks 45 billion pairs, consuming 1.33 million cubic meters of wood, to cut down about 25 million trees, need to destroy 146 square kilometers of forest. The widespread use of disposable wooden chopsticks puts greater pressure on forest resources. China is the country that uses the most water in the world, and at the same time is one of the countries that waste the most water. To produce the same amount of food, we use twice as much water as the United States. According to Zhang Chunyuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, agricultural water use is the bulk of China's water use, accounting for about 72% of the total water use, but the water that is really effectively utilized only accounts for about 1/3 of the total water used in agricultural irrigation, most of which is lost in the process of water delivery and diffuse irrigation. Industry, China's 10,000 yuan output value of water consumption is 225 cubic meters, but the developed countries are only more than 100 cubic meters. In addition, the amount of urban water consumption is far lower than the amount of agricultural and industrial water consumption, but the water consumption of people on the water resources of the unstinting and unscrupulous waste is not far from the first two. According to statistics, Beijing only a year of car washing water consumption, is equivalent to a more Kunming Lake or 6 Beihai water storage. People are not only wasting the water that is being used, but also inadvertently destroying those water resources that have not yet been used. At present, more than 1/3 of the industrial wastewater and more than 9/10 of the domestic sewage is discharged into rivers and lakes without treatment, making 90% of the urban water environment deterioration, aggravating the shortage of available water resources. in the late 80's, a farmer in Kunming dumped a small truckload of waste dyes into the Panlong River, coloring the entire river red and shutting down the water plant for a day," one person pollutes a river". One person pollutes a river." It is easy to destroy water and pollute it, but it is not easy to control sewage. The nation's most serious water pollution in the Huaihe River area 1.8 million tons of serious pollutants COD into the Huaihe River each year, the implementation of the "zero action" in 1998, COD amount down to 900,000 tons, and to really meet the pollution standards, the amount of COD needs to be reduced to 300,000 tons, which at least 1 trillion yuan need to be invested.

In addition to the waste of water and pollution of water, due to unknown water laws, the development of water resources, the lack of unified planning and scientific management, is also not conducive to the development and utilization of water resources. For example, urban planning and industrial layout failed to fully consider the conditions of water resources, resulting in localized areas of groundwater over-exploitation, water depletion. In the west corridor of Gansu province on the Shiyang river, is located in the downstream of the Minqin basin in the 80's there are still 600 million cubic meters of water resources, the 90's plunged to 0.8 billion cubic meters of water shortage crisis loomed over the Minqin people, the main reason is due to the lack of unified planning, only a hundred kilometers away from the upper reaches of the Wuwei Basin occupies the 1.6 billion cubic meters of water resources. Living in this era of abundance of food and clothing, do we still remember the poem "The day of the harvest is the afternoon, sweat drops under the soil; who knows the food on the plate, all the grains are hard." Do we still remember the profound meaning of this poem? Perhaps not many people still remember it. This is the truth. As people's lives have become better and better in recent years, the word "economize" has been increasingly neglected and forgotten in people's minds. Our country is a populous country, all kinds of waste phenomenon if continue, the consequences are very serious! 1.3 billion people, a quarter of the world's population! If each person wastes 1 yuan a day, a year the country wasted 474.5 billion yuan; if each person wastes 500 grams of food per month, a year the country wasted 650,000 tons of food; if each person wastes 1 ton of water per month, a year the country wasted 15.6 billion tons of water! If each person wastes one degree of electricity, how many power plants generate electricity for one day? Accumulated sand becomes a pile, accumulated water becomes a river. If we could save a little bit every day, there would be no such huge waste. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the world's most authoritative independent environmental organization, released its most detailed report on the state of the Earth's resources to date on the 9th. The report predicts that because human beings are currently utilizing natural resources 20 percent beyond their renewal capacity, the overall standard of living of human beings will decline after 2030 if governments do not intervene.

The 2002 Living Planet report is based on the calculation and analysis of scientific data from around the globe, of which the Earth Vitality Index and the Global Ecological Impact Index are the two most important data references.

The report is based on the calculation and analysis of scientific data from around the world.

The report concludes that the current overconsumption of human beings is not sustainable in the long term. According to the report, due to overconsumption, human economic activities have reduced the number of living species on the earth by 35 percent over the past 30 years, including 54 percent of freshwater species, 35 percent of marine species, and 15 percent of forest species.

The report estimates that if the current rate of consumption of natural resources and global population growth are taken into account, the "overdraft" on natural resources will increase by 20 percent per year in the future. This means that by 2050, humans will consume 1.8 to 2.2 times the Earth's biological potential, in other words, by that time, it may take two Earths to satisfy human demand for natural resources. But do we have two Earths?

The report also points out that the total **** of land and ocean available for biological growth on Earth is currently 11.4 billion hectares, or just 1.9 hectares of land or ocean for every 6 billion people on the planet.

The report warns the world with unprecedented force that human beings, especially the developed Western countries, are using up the limited resources of the earth at a high rate far beyond the earth's load. Among them, the United States is the number one consumer of the earth's resources, with per capita consumption twice that of Britain, a fellow developed industrialized country, and more than 24 times the per capita consumption of some African countries! The report points out that the United States has 5.27 hectares of land and sea per capita, but they consume 9.7 hectares of resources, the difference of course coming from underdeveloped countries. Africa, on the other hand, has 1.55 hectares of land and sea per capita, but only 1.36 hectares of resources they can actually use.

To this end, the report seriously criticizes that the wasteful lifestyle of the rich developed countries is the main reason for the high rate of depletion of the earth's natural resources. If this trend does not change, by 2050, the global marine fishery resources will be exhausted, the original forests that can absorb the carbon dioxide emitted by human beings will be completely destroyed, a large number of water sources will be polluted, clean water sources will become extremely rare, and the environment of the earth's resources on which human beings depend for their survival will be in jeopardy.

Jonathan Lowe, the report's lead author, argued that it would be difficult to stop this trend. According to the report's lead author, Jonathan Loh, a four-pronged approach is needed to halt this trend and achieve sustainable development: reducing energy consumption through improved technology, adopting more economical consumption patterns, controlling population growth and protecting ecosystems.

It is reported that between August 26 and September 2 this year, the "World Summit on Sustainable Development" will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The World Conservation Fund (WWF) has released this report a month before the summit to call on governments to look beyond immediate political interests and to take a long-term view to improve education and healthcare, and to curb population growth by controlling the birth rate.

Sustainable development

Since the middle of this century, the so-called "human dilemma" has attracted more and more researchers as social, economic and political issues such as resources, the environment, and demographics have become increasingly acute and globalized. Among them, the Club of Rome's research has been the most notable. The Club of Rome was founded in April 1968 as a small group of prominent scientists, economists and sociologists.

In March 1972, a group of 17 people led by Middlesex presented a study to the Club of Rome entitled The Limits to Growth. They chose five parameters that would be decisive for the fate of mankind: population, industrial development, food, non-renewable natural resources and pollution. The report concluded that the Earth is finite and that mankind must consciously curb its growth, otherwise the collapse of human society will follow. This theory is also known as the "zero growth" theory.

After the birth of the "zero-growth" theory, more and more people began to think seriously about long-term development on a global scale. 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development put forward a report entitled "Our ****together for the future", which devised a "sustainable development" model. In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development adopted a strategy for sustainable development. At present, the term "sustainable development" has been popular all over the world, and has become a hotspot of concern for governments and the public, and a focus of discussion for experts and scholars from all walks of life. (By Sun Jiahua)

The annual consumption of human beings has exceeded 20% of the earth's output, and today each person uses an average of 2.2 hectares of land to provide natural resources, in fact, the earth's ability to provide the limit of resources is 1.8 hectares for each person ----

The world's most important resource, the world's most important resource, is the world's most important resource, the world's most important resource. p>