Operating expenses include what accounts

Operating expenses are expenses incurred by an enterprise in the process of selling its goods, including transportation, loading and unloading, packaging, insurance, exhibition and advertising costs, as well as operating expenses such as employee wages and benefits, expenses of a similar wage nature, and operating expenses of a sales organization set up exclusively for the purpose of selling the enterprise's goods.?

Specifically, transportation, handling, packaging, insurance, advertising, exhibition and leasing expenses (excluding finance leasing expenses), as well as employee salaries and benefits, office expenses, travel expenses, depreciation, repair, material consumption, and amortization of low-value consumables of sales organizations set up exclusively for the purpose of selling the Company's merchandise.

Old accounting standards called operating expenses, the new accounting standards called selling expenses, that is, in the new accounting standards selling expenses = operating expenses.

Classification chart:

Expanded Information

Accounting for selling expenses under the new standard:

The subject should be detailed accounting for selling expense items, this account accounts for the sale of goods and materials, the provision of labor services in the process of the various costs incurred in the enterprise, including insurance premiums, packaging, exhibitions, and advertising costs, commodity maintenance costs, product quality assurance is expected to loss, transportation costs, handling costs. loss, transportation costs, loading and unloading costs, etc., as well as operating expenses such as employee remuneration, operating expenses and depreciation expenses of sales organizations set up exclusively for the purpose of selling the enterprise's goods.

Costs and Expenses and Their Composition

Subsequent expenditures for fixed assets, such as daily repair costs and overhaul costs incurred by the enterprise in connection with the sale of goods and materials, provision of labor services and the setting up of a sales organization dedicated to the sale of goods and materials, and which do not satisfy the conditions for the recognition of fixed assets stipulated in the guidelines for fixed assets are also accounted for in this account.

Enterprises (financial) should change this account to "6601 Business and Management Expenses" to account for all expenses incurred by enterprises (insurance) in the process of business operation and management, including depreciation expenses, business promotion expenses, business hospitality expenses, operating expenses of electronic equipments, expenses on delivery of banknotes and coins, security and prevention expenses, postal and telegraphic expenses, Labor protection expenses, foreign affairs expenses, printing expenses

Amortization of low-value consumables, employee salaries, travel expenses, utilities, employee education expenses, labor union expenses, taxes, meeting expenses, litigation expenses, notary fees, consulting fees, amortization of intangible assets, amortization of long-term amortized expenses, heating and cooling expenses, hiring intermediaries, technology transfer fees, greening fees, board of directors' fees, property insurance premiums, labor insurance premiums, pending insurance premiums, housing fund, property management fees, research expenses, and withdrawal of insurance protection fund.

Enterprises (financial) should not set up the "administrative expenses" account

Baidu Encyclopedia - Business Expenses

Baidu Encyclopedia - Selling Expenses

This is the first time a company is required to set up an administrative expense account.