Secondly, it is the success of the product development, is the product on the market before the preparation. Product samples out to be sent to the test to ensure that the product meets the appropriate technical requirements, but also on your product clinical evaluation, this mainly depends on what your product, divided into clinical trials, or clinical literature, clinical experience data on the evaluation of the product, in which the clinical trials of the largest inputs; completion of the above steps, but also all the results of the test, the R & D process, etc. to the food and drug Supervision and management department for review, that is, the process of product registration, it is worth noting that since the start of this year since the implementation of the new registration fees, the registration of the cost of inputs compared to the previous increase in a lot of;
Registration after the success of the product that is eligible for sale on the market, the need for high-volume production, which involves the construction of the production plant, the production of workers to recruit workshop management and other aspects of the The next step is advertising, sales channel development and so on.
By and large, I can think of several major aspects