What would be the characteristics of a sick turtle


Symptom 1: The affected part of the sick turtle can be seen with naked eyes to be ulcerated, and the epidermis is white. (Rotting Skin Disease )

Symptom 2: There are one or several white scabies of soybean size on the neck and limbs, and there are yellow and white bean dregs-like contents when squeezing the surrounding area by hand. Diseased turtles can still eat at the beginning, gradually less food, severe cases stop eating, slow reaction. Generally die within 2 to 3 weeks. (Scabies


Turtle buying method:

If you decide to buy one or several Brazilian turtles, the following characteristics should help you buy red colored turtles or other varieties of colored turtles:

One, carefully observe the turtle you want to buy ! Does it show any natural movement of avoidance (as long as there is room in the pot for avoidance)? Does it try to dive to escape when a person approaches the pot? Turtles that have difficulty swimming or diving, have clogged nostrils, or have swollen, dilated eyes are at the end of their lives and should not be purchased.

Second, most healthy turtles have uninjured shells, which means that the shells are uniformly shaped and normal, with no missing links. If the shell is "soft" to the touch, it is suffering from chondromalacia. This defect can be salvaged to a limited extent, but it is a lifelong condition of having a disproportionate carapace.

Third, ask the turtle seller to feed the turtles, and watch which one or how many turtles are the first to eat, this can also determine their health. You should be careful with tortoises that refuse to eat the feed, because they are either sick or have not yet adapted to the new feed.

Four, if you still like the turtles you see, you should also consider that these cute little guys will not be little guys forever, and in the future they will need more space. If conditions are favorable, they will grow very quickly, and under your care, the carapace length will grow to twenty-five or thirty centimeters! A growing pair of red tortoises will need about 100 liters of water to swim in, and they don't look so green and cute when they grow up. However, for those who love tortoises, they will always be cute. A deficiency of calcium and vitamins can cause "rickets", which is a condition in which you can press your finger on the back of the turtle's armor, causing a small indentation. This is called "rickets".