Give priority to developing agriculture. Gold, cocoa and wood, three traditional export products, are the pillars of Canadian economy. Since 1983 implemented the economic restructuring plan, the government has made eliminating inflation, developing agriculture and encouraging investment as three major priorities, and the economy has maintained sustained growth. Known as the "model" of economic restructuring in African countries, 1994 was disqualified as the least developed country by the United Nations. At the end of 1990s, influenced by external factors such as falling prices of gold and cocoa in the international market, Canada's economy was in deep trouble, its fiscal deficit increased sharply, and its currency depreciated sharply.
After the Kufuor regime came to power, it focused on stabilizing and developing the economy, strengthened macro-control, formulated a provisional budget, comprehensively implemented a free and open economic policy, and promoted the development of private enterprises and economic growth. Join the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Initiative (HIPC), strive for debt relief from the West, and ease the pressure of debt repayment. The prices of gold and cocoa in the international market are gradually rising, Canada's economic situation is improving, its currency is stable, and its inflation rate is falling, which is in the stage of recovery growth.