In Shanghai to do trial drug 15000 yuan a month, together with 500 yuan a day, can go.
The drug tester is also a profession, I heard that people are willing to apply to do this work is still a lot of people, drug tester income, but at the same time it is worthwhile to recognize that the development of new drugs and clinical applications can not be separated from the drug tester to do this contribution.
Test new drugs, human drug testing, not as terrible as imagined. Because the drug was first tested in animals for toxicity. If there are no side effects, then it is applied to human beings to test.
Drug testing is divided into several stages, the first and second highest risk, the most money. The third and fourth stages have no risk.
Professional drug testers have been doing nothing for several years. I have a friend who has been a drug tester for a while, and he said that there is nothing wrong with the body, physical examination, blood test, taking medication, receiving injections and so on. The first thing you need to do is to sign an informed agreement that specifies the rights and obligations of both parties.
After taking the medicine, there may be side effects, such as dizziness, dry throat, and the doctor will always keep a note of what should not be reacted.
The big problem will not be there, the drug properties and pharmacology of drugs beforehand, medical experts have figured out, used to the human body is just the last again responsible to determine.
Most of the drug testers are unskilled ordinary people who want to make money fast through this career, and the risk of drug testers is still there, just not too big, and those who want to make money fast can accept it.
So without a certain way, you can't join the team of drug testers.
I met a blood seller, a test drug, blood seller that sells twice a year, waste , body long rotten sores, often cold, test drug or girl, only once, from which I can not see
If you can not find a good job, you can do a test drug transition, after all, the pay is also quite considerable, do Trialist is not a permanent solution, but also for the future to consider more considerations, trialist daily salary reaches more than one thousand dollars, there are also projects 1-3 million.
Not every month you can get 15,000, the state provides that everyone can only test drugs every 3 months, ID card national network, can be checked. Of course, some full-time trial drug, will participate in the non-networked program, this is not recommended.
Overall each has its own needs.
Drug testers a **** is divided into four phases, a phase and phase II trials can happen what will happen? Development of drugs, do not know the clinical, the danger of the third phase is very small, the fourth phase is basically no danger, because the fourth phase is to become a post-marketing trial, the danger of taking drugs in the fourth phase and the danger of the drugs you buy in the drugstore is the same as the same!
Then pay a period and the second phase can reach thousands of tens of thousands of a day, depending on the type of drug, three general seven hundred and eight hundred a day, four general four or five hundred a day, the fourth phase of the pharmaceutical industry within the people have the time to also participate in the, so the safety do not have to worry about a kind of medicine to the third, the fourth phase of the basic will not be in danger.
Normal people take the drug, in a certain period of time will be metabolized out, generally believe that 3 months can be completely metabolized out, after all, the dose is very small (their own imagination, the dose of 2 tablets of cold medicine). If you encounter a request to pay a deposit in advance, I can't guarantee that it will be a scam, but it is not recommended to participate. The water is deep, but as long as you refuse to pay the deposit and registration fee, you'll rarely be stuck with a test subject. If you want to be in this business, make sure you understand it well and don't fall for the scam.
Hazards of test subjectsIn general most of the projects are less harmful, after all, the dose is very small, the informed agreement has the phone number of the ethics committee, which can be contacted at any time. During the trial period can be withdrawn at any time, no mandatory. But there are some programs that are not particularly short of money that are generally not recommended for participation: injections, psychotropic drugs, blood pressure medications, diet pills, and antidepressants. These are generally safe to participate in, generally no adverse reactions, or that is, the dose is very small.
The drug tester industry is still a risk, if not a serious lack of money, try not to touch the industry. Still, don't do it for a long time. If you are really short of money, do it for 2 or 3 times and then you can quit.
The drug test lack of money can occasionally go to do the next, after all, to money very quickly, but also can not be chaotic, can solve the problem of a moment, I tried a few times in the most difficult time.
First, this is a regular medical institutions in the country under the regulations.
Secondly, to be frank, China's drugs are basically other people's patent period to the imitation of the security is still relatively high, sad, China's great country are basically generic drugs, repackaging, take a good name, advertising more, is the so-called new drugs.
Third, the test drug you want to good health, test drugs before the medical examination program, physical examination indicators are very strict. A little bit of a problem you can not pass, but also free medical examination, physical examination, even if selected can go not.
Changsha Xiangya three hospitals, Changsha Central Hospital, three hospitals often. Go to the general are young people, occasionally can, as a career or not, but I have seen a lot of people as a career
can go, but you can think about the future, the test drug is risky, if you are a normal person, it is not recommended to go to do. Although the income is very high, but perhaps the side effects of the latter can make a lifetime will not get rid of.
I once knew the owner of one of these intermediary organizations, who helped recruit drug testers for some research institutes and some pharmaceutical companies.
Their favorite and most wanted is this type of patients, such as patients with special niche diseases, these humane low incidence, all generally very few drug companies reason to study this type of drugs, because the market is small, but some foreign drug companies do not believe this, because they are globalized enterprises, a country of several tens of thousands of patients, the number of the world will be large enough to develop a kind of such a drug price is very expensive, the patients are bought. drug is strangely expensive, patients can't afford it and are willing to do a trial of the drug. So they worked together.
If they can't find the right one, there are some ordinary healthy people who will do it, but only to test the risks, and the adverse effects.
This should be done on an individual basis, and it's better not to try it lightly if you haven't done it before.
There are risks.
External use can be, internal use of this money do not do!
To be honest, if it is not particularly urgent need for money, or do not go good.
The trialists, as the name suggests, are the ones who help to try out the newly developed drugs.
Know why we buy drugs instructions to write: such as the use of drugs after what, what, adverse reactions should immediately stop taking drugs?
In fact, this is what the drug testers try out for us!
I see a lot of people say that the drug testers are not much danger, say this heart is really big, if there is no danger, why do people want to give you such a high salary? There are so many doctors in hospitals, why don't they try the drugs themselves?
Currently, the salary of drug testers is basically more than 1,000 yuan a day, the salary is really high, but the same danger is also very big.
There are three types of people who are generally engaged in drug testing:
First: professional drug testers ( Now many people are specializing in drug testers )
Second: patients in hospitals ( Many new drugs are developed and the hospitals will first be able to use them for their own purposes, but they can also use them for their own purposes.
Third: college students ( Many college students will choose to do drug testing because of financial difficulties)
If you really need money, you can try it.
First of all, choose a regular hospital ( Preferably the best three hospitals )
Secondly, do not believe that the intermediary ( Currently, many of our national drug testers through the
Secondly, never trust intermediaries ( At present, many of the drug testers in our country are found through intermediaries.
1, First of all, those who send recruitment through WeChat and QQ groups are definitely intermediaries.
2, website push may also be the intermediary.
What is the harm of a drug tester introduced by an intermediary?
First of all: the intermediary will put the interests of the forefront, perhaps the hospital developed this batch of drugs is more dangerous, but the intermediary in the communication with you, will not tell you the disadvantages of the powerful, because of the fear of you to run away from the battle.
Secondly: or interest, the intermediary, as the name suggests, is to earn the difference, the hospital and the intermediary to talk about the price, you do not know, so the intermediary to you how much money should be how much money.
Lastly: it is recommended that the drug testers do two times is enough, do not take a chance, this kind of thing, long-term do to the body is really not good, do not even want to life for money!
A few days ago I also saw the publicity about the trial drug, do this is still more delayed, need to be hospitalized, if you are now in the situation of no work can go to try. Part-time work is not dry. Now during the epidemic, you also need to pass the nucleic acid test. Generally speaking, the higher the price, the longer it will take. The safety of the drug, this is something that can not be said, may be very high safety drugs, you are allergic to it, it is also not easy to say. However, drug trials are generally staged, and the uncertainty is definitely higher in phase I than in phase III. The body's metabolism of drugs also has a cycle, generally speaking, is three months, so the test drug is generally required to three months to participate in the next test drug. From this point of view this is also not a long-term income, three months 15,000 is not enough to cover expenses. But then again, without these people who test drugs, our country will not have so many new drugs on the market every day, which is also considered a contribution to the national pharmaceutical industry.
Life is only one time do not use to exchange this point of interest, last year in Shanghai to find a job, in the labor inside a person specifically looking to go to the test drug, said 10 days 15000 he said nothing harmful, try the drug has no effect? He is a pull head to make money, said a good listen, in fact, not so simple, no more than a month can not get this money, but also requires a particularly high, too high, not too short, not too short, the weight is the same, to go to the people really much, are going to be the money ah, men and women have a bus, 54 people passed 19.
The first day to go to the physical examination over, every two days before called to go to the hospital inside the accommodation, live three days, after the test drug and eight times a day to draw blood, three days to draw 24 times blood, how terrible thing, the last that six days is every week must go to the hospital every week back, once a week, once a Wednesday, every time you go to the hospital to also draw your blood, in the middle of the you don't go, the money can only take the very little, he said is ten days, these ten days are people taking The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
However, the hospital is quite conscientious, what are first told you to let you sign a letter of information, it will tell you what this is the drug and then try the drug will be different people, there are different reactions, what happened, by the hospital to bear, listen to his training an hour, the more you listen to the more afraid, I voluntarily give up, this money is not good to take, to take the life to joke.