Shandong province yingtong medical treatment equipment co., ltd. ct

CPU Celeron D33 1 5 15 yuan

Main board colorful C.9 15PL-L Ver2.2 580 yuan.

Memory Kingston 5 12M 350 yuan

Hard disk Seagate 80G 440 yuan

Optical drive DVD 200 yuan

Graphics card colorful laser wind X550XT GD3 CT frozen knight 4 570 yuan.

Chassis power supply 240 yuan

Audio 120 yuan

The display 900

Mouse 40


CPU: 64-bit SEMPRON 2500+ (box) 540

Motherboard: colorful C.NF4X Ver 1.4 490

Radiator: boxed

Memory: Kingston 5 12M DDR400 3 10.

Hard disk: western digital WD80JB 450

Graphics card: Intech X550 490

Monitor: Maya K75 890

Optical drive: Pioneer 1 10CH 399

Network card: motherboard integration

Sound card: motherboard integration

Mouse and keyboard: ordinary photoelectric 60

Power cabinet: ordinary cabinet +300W power supply 300

Total number: 3929


CPU: 64-bit Intel Celeron D336 (boxed) 590

Motherboard: Colorful 9 15PD2 699

Radiator: boxed

Memory: king kong 512dr2533 memory (motherboard is active) 199.

Hard disk: Seagate Cool Fish IX 80GB PATA 430

Graphics card: MG Aurora 6200TC Diamond Edition 449

Display: EMC 770MD( 17 negative ion) 788

Optical drive: Pioneer 1 10CH DVD burner (supports RAM CD burning) 399.

Network card: motherboard integration

Sound card: motherboard integration

Mouse and keyboard: ordinary photoelectric 70

Power cabinet: ordinary cabinet +300W power supply 300

Total number: 3924


CPU: 64-bit Intel Pentium 4 506(775 pin, boxed) 845

Motherboard: motherboard 5P945-J(945P chipset) 799.

Radiator: boxed

Memory: maiwei 512mb DDR Ⅱ 533× 2 600.

Hard disk: Seagate 7200.7 SATA 80GB 480

Graphics card: dual-sensitive speed-matching PCX66 18LE-D3 649.

Display: LG F7 10B 870

Optical drive: LG 4 167B 399

Network card: motherboard integration

Sound card: motherboard integration

Mouse and keyboard: ordinary photoelectric 50

Power cabinet: ordinary cabinet +300W power supply 300

Total: 4,992