Why medical pressure cookers are calibrated annually

Medical autoclaves are calibrated annually for the following reasons: safety considerations, quality assurance, and compliance requirements.

1, safety considerations: medical autoclaves are equipment used in medical environments for sterilization and disinfection. Since autoclaves use high-pressure steam to operate, a malfunction or failure of the equipment can lead to safety risks such as explosion or air leakage. By having the equipment inspected annually, it can be ensured that the equipment is in proper operating condition and provides a safe and reliable operating environment.

2. Ensure quality of work: Medical autoclaves play an important role in the medical process, ensuring effective sterilization and disinfection of medical devices and items. Regular calibration can verify the working performance and accuracy of the autoclave to ensure that it can provide the proper working pressure and temperature to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the work.

3. Compliance requirements: The use of medical devices is governed by regulatory agencies and laws and regulations, including the requirement for periodic calibration. Medical autoclaves, as part of medical equipment, need to comply with relevant regulations and standards to ensure that they meet safety and performance requirements.

The calibration of medical autoclaves is carried out by a professional third-party organization or an accredited institution. The calibration process includes testing and verification of various parameters of the autoclave, such as operating pressure, temperature control, sealing performance and so on. The accuracy and reliability of the calibration results are ensured through the use of standardized test equipment and methods.