The development trend of international trade

Brother, you asked the question of the scope is too large,

In general

First, the current development of international trade presents six trends

(a) international trade into a new round of growth, trade on economic growth of the pulling role of more and more prominent

Accompanied by the world's economic growth and economic globalization of the deepening development of international trade growth accelerated significantly has entered a new round of growth

In 2004, global trade in goods grew by 21% in nominal terms, reaching the highest level in 25 years. In 2004, global trade in goods grew by 21% in nominal terms, reaching the highest level in 25 years. Driven by the strong growth of the world economy and the strong demand for energy and raw material commodities in the international market, as well as the depreciation of the US dollar, the total volume of global trade in goods and services amounted to nearly 11 trillion US dollars in 2004, with a growth rate of 20 per cent, maintaining a high-speed growth trend. The rapid growth of global trade is scientific and technological progress, productivity increases, the deepening of the international division of labor *** with the results, at the same time, it also promotes the world production. 90 years since, the growth rate of international trade for more than the growth rate of world production, resulting in the world's foreign trade dependence on countries have different degrees of increase.

(2) to the developed countries as the center of the trade pattern remains unchanged, China has become the international trade growth of the new rising force

The United States, Japan, Europe, the three major economies are both the world's economy is the main force in international trade is also in a dominant position. 2004, Germany, the United States and Japan in the world's exports of goods in the share of the world have reached 10%, 9% and 6.2% respectively. At present, the developed countries have occupied more than 70% of the world's exports of goods and more than 90% of the trade in services. More importantly, the developed countries have dominated the international trade order and gained most of the trade benefits from international exchanges by carrying out regional trade cooperation and controlling the multilateral trading system.

China is the most conspicuous "bright spot" in the growth of international trade in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that China has not only climbed up the share and ranking of total global trade, but also contributed more significantly to the incremental growth of global trade. Since its accession to the WTO in 2001, China's ranking in global trade has risen at a rate of one place per year. 2004, China's foreign trade volume reached 11,548 billion U.S. dollars, surpassing Japan to become the third-largest trading country after the United States and Germany, accounting for 6.4% of the total global trade in goods and 20% of the incremental volume.

(C) The multilateral trading system is facing new challenges, and the momentum of regional economic cooperation on a global scale is rising

The new round of WTO negotiations has made slow progress since its inception, and after the failure of the Cancun conference in 2003, the negotiations were once at a standstill.

On August 1, 2004, the 147 members of the WTO reached an agreement on the framework of the new round of multilateral trade negotiations, but the content of the agreement is more principled and general. The content of the agreement is more principled and generalized, and members still have great differences on issues such as agriculture and non-agricultural market access etc. 2005 is a crucial year for the Doha Round negotiations, and developed and developing members will negotiate on the substance of the main issues at the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in December. It is worth noting that due to the variety of regional trade agreements and overlapping membership, some trade agreements have gone beyond the traditional scope of reducing trade and investment barriers, which has brought a greater impact on the multilateral trading system.

At the same time, regional economic cooperation in the form of regional trade arrangements (RTAs) has accelerated and shown many new trends. First, the rapid development of RTAs. As of January 2005, there were 162 RTAs*** actually in force, of which more than 80% were established in the past 10 years. Second, major trading powers are pursuing dominance of RTAs. The United States, while promoting the establishment of the FTAA of the Americas, is also negotiating with South Korea, South Africa and more than 10 other countries on the FTAA; the EU became the world's largest regional trade bloc after realizing its eastward expansion in May 2004, and intends to negotiate free trade agreements with all Latin American countries and ASEAN; Japan has already signed a free trade agreement with Singapore, and is in the process of negotiating with South Korea and Thailand on free trade matters. Third, the share of trade among members of RTAs is rising further; in 2004, intraregional trade accounted for more than 50 per cent of total international trade. Fourth, competition among countries is changing to competition among regional economic blocs. Regional trade arrangements have become a strategic means for countries to strive for market resources, expand development space and enhance international status, and have had a significant impact on the world economic and political pattern.

(D) The international trade structure is moving towards advanced development, and the development of trade in services and technology is on the rise

The advanced development of the international trade structure and the upgrading of the industrial structure are mutually dependent on each other, and there are the following two outstanding features in terms of their changing trends. First, along with the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure of various countries, global trade in services is developing rapidly. Over the past 20 years, the scale of international trade in services has expanded from US$360 billion in 1980 to US$2.1 trillion at present, accounting for 19% of global trade. In terms of industry structure, trade in services is increasingly tilted towards emerging services such as finance, insurance, telecommunications, information and consulting, with the share of traditional transportation and tourism continuing to decline; in terms of regional distribution, the share of developing countries in trade in services continues to expand, with particularly notable growth in East Asia. Secondly, the status of high-tech products in the trade of manufactured goods has greatly increased, especially the fastest growth in the export of information and communication technology products. At the same time, due to transnational corporations have to information technology as the representative of high-tech industries to developing countries, in recent years, developing countries, technology-intensive exports accounted for a rapid increase in the proportion of the world, has risen from 16.6% in 1985 to 35.4% in 2000.

(E) The trend of trade and investment integration is obvious, and the dominant role of transnational corporations in global trade is increasing

Driven by economic globalization, factors of production, especially capital, flow more freely around the world, and transnational corporations, through the establishment of production and marketing networks around the world, promote the increasing integration of trade and investment, and have a profound impact on the pattern of the international economy and trade. They have had a profound impact on the international economic and trade pattern. First, transnational corporations have become a central force in resource allocation on a global scale. At present, the number of TNCs in the world has reached 62,000, and they not only control 1/3 of global production and 70% of technology transfer, but also 2/3 of global international trade and 90% of foreign direct investment. Secondly, the basis of international trade has changed from comparative advantage to competitive advantage based on the number of transnational corporations and their ability to integrate resources on an international scale. This means that the more enterprises a country has with an international competitive advantage, the more it can integrate the resources of other countries in the international division of labor. Third, the pattern of international trade has shifted from inter-industry trade to intra-industry trade and intra-firm trade. The main manifestation is that the proportion of intermediate products and parts and components trade in international trade has increased. Fourthly, the industrial transfer of transnational corporations has been accelerating, and the proportion of processing trade in international trade as a whole has continued to increase, becoming a growth point for developing countries' foreign trade. As the world's largest developing country and the third largest trading country, China's processing trade accounted for the proportion of total trade has reached 48%, occupying half of the country.

(F) Trade liberalization and protectionism of the increasingly fierce struggle, a variety of trade barriers to emerge

In the economic globalization of the impetus, the world's economic exchanges more and more frequent, trade liberalization has been an irreversible trend. However, as the scale of international trade continues to expand, the possibility of trade friction is also greater. At present, the imbalance of the economic prosperity of all countries, the competitiveness of industry and trade structure, the exclusivity of regional trade blocs, the polarization of trade distribution interests, and the politicization of economic and trade issues are all important reasons for the emergence of trade protectionism.

The world has now entered a period of high incidence of trade disputes, and presents the following characteristics. First, the increase in trade friction based on considerations of strategic interests. 2004, the United States and the European Union on the issue of subsidies in the aviation industry mutual accusations, and ultimately resorted to the WTO dispute settlement mechanism is the most typical case. Secondly, the means of trade protection are constantly being renovated. Various technical barriers have become new weapons of trade protection, and disputes over intellectual property rights have become important disputes in international trade. Thirdly, friction has shifted from purely trade issues to more comprehensive areas. Social security issues and exchange rate system issues have become new areas of friction, and the trend of interaction between resource friction and trade friction has become more and more obvious. Fourth, China has become the biggest victim of international trade protection. Starting from 1995, China has been the most anti-dumping countries for 10 consecutive years. 2005 world textile trade began to realize the integration of China's textile trade friction may become a new focus.

Second, a number of thinking

These new trends in the development of international trade on the world's economic and trade development have had a profound impact. To look at the current international trade environment facing our country in a discriminatory manner, not only to see the challenges that exist in the opportunities, but also to see the opportunities hidden in the challenges. We must establish a global strategic awareness, and further improve the level of opening up to the outside world to create more space and more favorable conditions for domestic development.

(I) to deal with and develop the economic and trade relations of the big countries, to expand the external space of China's economic development

The United States, Japan, Europe, Russia and ASEAN are both the world's major trading powers (group), but also China's important economic and trade partners. 2004, China's trade with the EU, the United States, Japan and ASEAN were more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, respectively, to reach 177.3 billion U.S. dollars, 169.6 billion U.S. dollars, 167.9 billion U.S. dollars and 105.9 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for half of China's total foreign trade. Although the scale of China-Russia trade is relatively small at present, the two sides have broad prospects for cooperation in areas such as oil and gas and mineral resources, and high technology. In-depth promotion of economic and trade relations with these countries and regions to a higher level and broader areas of development, the overall situation of China's foreign economic work.

(2) Actively develop regional economic cooperation and multilateral economic and trade relations, and promote the establishment of a global free trade system favorable to our economic development

Participating in regional economic cooperation has great economic and political significance. We should earnestly implement the China-ASEAN FTA agreement on trade in goods and promote trade facilitation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. We will continue to promote new progress in economic and trade cooperation among the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. A more open global multilateral trading system is in the long-term interests of all WTO members, including China. According to World Bank estimates, the Doha Round, if successful, could bring more than $500 billion in economic benefits to the world by 2015. We should actively promote the WTO Doha Round negotiations and play a constructive role in the multilateral economic and trade system. We will do a good job in responding to the WTO's first trade policy review of China and in negotiating with the WTO's accession applicants. We will actively participate in the activities of the United Nations and other multilateral international organizations, and further play our role in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the United Nations Development Programme.

(C) Accelerating the transformation of foreign trade growth mode, focusing on promoting the export of high-tech products and services

China's quantitative growth-oriented growth mode has been subject to more and more constraints, and it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of foreign trade from a quantitative growth-oriented to a quality-oriented approach. To continue to implement and improve the export tax rebates and other policies to ensure stable growth of exports at the same time, make great efforts to change the mode of export growth. Pay close attention to the structural adjustment of exports of labor-intensive products, improve textiles, light industry, home appliances and other advantageous products, export quality, grade and price; increase the vegetables, fruits, flowers and other advantageous agricultural products, general trade policy support, and strive to achieve a zero-percentage tax rate for agricultural exports; in-depth implementation of the strategy of science and technology to promote trade and to grasp the construction of high-tech products, software and pharmaceutical export base, with a focus on supporting the automotive and spare parts, ships, Railroad equipment, communications products, biomedical products exports, accelerate the formation of high-tech products to drive the export of electromechanical products, electromechanical exports to drive the pattern of foreign trade exports; the implementation of the brand development strategy, support for the export of goods with independent intellectual property rights and independent brands; promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade, focusing on the introduction of high-end processing value-added links.

Take advantage of the global "big buyers" to organize and coordinate the import of energy, important raw materials, key technologies and major equipment that are urgently needed in China. In accordance with international practice, explore the pilot centralized purchasing of bulk products, actively and steadily develop futures and other trading methods, and improve the bargaining power of imports of energy and important raw materials. The use of international bidding and other ways to introduce advanced high-tech products and environmental protection, large-scale medical and power equipment, key equipment, advanced technology imports and digestion, absorption, innovation, and promote the development of the domestic equipment manufacturing industry; urged certain developed countries to relax the restrictions on China's high-tech exports.

(D) to improve trade friction and "WTO" after the transition period to deal with the level of work, to create an external environment conducive to the development of

My personal feeling, free trade and protectionism, there are right, this year's trade is not very good to do, the country also has some control in policy. The actual feeling is that trade, if you buy things abroad less people! Just like our country, also began to stimulate domestic consumption, rather than stimulate are buying things abroad.

My company exports 350 million USD a year, but now it seems that the first quarter has slipped 10 million USD over the same period

Go for it, survive this chop, it will be fine

Hope to help you