Deionized water equipment how much

The working principle of deionization equipment is to remove cations and anions from the water in the ionic state, anion and cation exchange resins can be composed of ion-exchange cation system, ion-exchange anion system and ion-exchange mixed-bed system according to different ratios of matching, and the mixed-bed system is usually used in reverse osmosis and other water treatment processes used to produce ultrapure water in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, electroplating, electronics, and chemical petroleum industries are used for ultrapure water treatment, such as Deionization equipment for ultra-pure water treatment. Industry are used deionized water purification equipment for ultrapure water treatment.

For the production of ultrapure water, high-purity water deionization equipment is one of the irreplaceable means, recently there are a lot of people asked the editor: deionization of pure water equipment, a set of about how much money?

The price of water purification equipment and equipment quality and after-sales service is linked to a certain degree, the price of equipment and raw water quality, the required amount of water production, the output of water quality, the equipment is used automatically or manually, water tanks and pumps are imported or domestic, these are factors that affect the price of deionized water purification equipment.

So overall, the price of a set of deionized water equipment, there are tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of, mainly based on the pretreatment of raw water and industry.

Different industries water treatment process is different, deionized water purification equipment can be lower than the conductivity of the water below 1uS/cm, the resistivity of the water to reach more than 1MΩ.cm, the following is a list of a common deionized water treatment process flow:

1, pretreatment → reverse osmosis → intermediate tanks → water pump → EDI device → purified water tank → pure water pump → ultraviolet sterilizer → polished mixed bed → precision filter → water object (≥18MΩ.CM) (the latest process)

2, pretreatment → a reverse osmosis → dosing machine (PH adjustment) → intermediate water tank → the second level of reverse osmosis (positively charged reverse osmosis membrane) → purified water tank → pure water pump → EDI device → UV sterilizer → precision filter → water object (≥17MΩ.CM)(the latest process)

3, pretreatment → reverse osmosis → intermediate tank → pump → EDI device → pure water tank → pure water pump → UV sterilizer → precision filter → water object (≥15MΩ.CM)

3, pretreatment → reverse osmosis → intermediate tank → pump → EDI unit → pure water tank → pure pump → UV sterilizer → precision filter → water object (≥15MΩ.CM)

(the latest process)