Clinical assistant physician clinical class examination to which instruments?

1, general instruments: stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, gloves, percussion hammer, flashlight, tongue depressor, funduscope, tape measure, swabs, surgical gowns, isolation gowns, disinfecting apparatus, dressing change kit, dilatation kit, cotton pads, bandages, splints, suture cushions and pillows, triangular towels, oxygen equipment, catheterization tubes, gastric tubes, stretcher, hardboards, puncture kits, phlegm suction device, intracardiac syringe and needles, etc..

2, medical teaching simulator, need to meet the physical examination, drug change, puncture, catheterization, oxygen, catheterization, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other operational needs.

3, simple respirator, electric defibrillation equipment, multimedia computer, headphones, projector, sub-gauge.