What are the programs of the health museum

1. Acupuncture is part of China's unique Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has been practiced for thousands of years since ancient times. Acupuncture can be traced back to the Middle Stone Age.

2. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is based on ancient principles that make the mind and body harmonious. What does aromatherapy mean? The word is derived from the meaning of "incense", extended to fragrance or odor and the meaning of "treatment". The term "aromatherapie" was founded in 1928 by the French chemist, Ray Maurice Gattefosse.

3, herbal therapy

Indian herbal medicine is a holistic system of SPA herbal therapy, has been practiced in India for more than 5000 years. The word ayurveda literally means "knowledge of life" and its practice constitutes a scientific program of procedures and remedies designed to promote and maintain optimal health.

4. Sunbathing

With more and more medical and medical information available on the need to protect the skin from the negative effects of the harmful and intense sun rays, however, we have created other alternatives to help achieve the perfect sun bath, which has only good, not bad, effects on the skin.

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Expanded information:

SPA's role

1, can be beautiful body. In order to maintain good health and maintain a good figure, we must take into account a variety of factors, such as eating a low-calorie diet, exercise, stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, relaxation of tense muscles, are part of the spa.

Additionally, hydrotherapy, together with the marine therapy of seaweed, can restore the internal balance of the cells by absorbing various minerals and rare trace elements through the skin; and through the penetration and stimulation of the lymphatic circulation, toxins are eliminated, which has a sustained effect on the restoration of the body's vitality.

2, can resist stress. The natural balance of the human body is always threatened by external stressors, and in response, the human body automatically releases a series of neurological hormones within the body, known as the adaptive syndrome. The spa's anti-stress design provides stress relief.

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