How are dental implants different from traditional restorative dentistry?
Dental implants are a highly effective treatment in modern dental technology, with the major difference being that an artificial tooth root is surgically implanted under the patient's gums, and then a denture is fitted to the root to make it look just like a natural tooth. Traditional restorative methods, on the other hand, involve grinding teeth and other means to support the dentures, causing some degree of damage to existing teeth. Therefore, dental implants can better protect the patient's teeth and gums from secondary damage.
Tooth drilling is a surgical operation necessary for dental implants, also known as a gingivectomy. The surgeon uses certain instruments and techniques to create a space in the patient's mouth where the denture can be placed, and then installs an artificial tooth root made of titanium or other material over the gums and bone to complete the surgical procedure for the dental implant. While this procedure may sound scary, modern medical equipment and techniques have made it increasingly safe and common.
While dental implant surgery is considered one of the safest and most efficient treatments in modern dentistry, there are a few things that patients need to be aware of before undergoing the procedure. The first is the cleaning of the mouth and prevention of infection. It is important to keep the mouth clean before performing the surgery, while after the surgery, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations for oral care to prevent infection and other oral complications. Secondly, you need to take care of rest and oral discomfort after the surgery. There may be a small amount of bleeding and pain after the surgery, and this is when the patient needs to take rest and seek medical attention.