PDCA in hospital management
The first phase of P consists of four steps:
00a. analyze the current situation of the hospital to identify quality problems in the hospital;
00b. analyze the causes of quality problems in the hospital;
00c. identify the main reasons affecting the quality of the hospital;
00e. develop measures to address the main causes affecting the quality of the hospital and then propose an improvement plan and set goals.
Phase II D. Implement the plan according to the objectives of the plan.
Phase III C: Check the actual results of implementation to see if the expected results of the plan have been achieved.
Phase IV A: in two steps:
00a. Summarize the mature experience and incorporate into the standard system and regulations in order to consolidate the achievements and prevent mistakes;
00b. Incorporate the problems that have not yet been solved in this round of the PDCA cycle into the next round of the PDCA cycle to solve.