The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the best possible solution to your problem.

Xinyang City People's Hospital is the region's largest general hospital, but also the region's patients see the most hospitals, although a little more expensive, but it is well-equipped, the most experts, see the first choice.

The second is a five-fourth hospital, is a military hospital, the first two years can be, but these two years a little worse, the price is cheaper than the people's hospital.

Another is the hospital affiliated with the University of Health Sciences, to see the dermatology is the province are more famous, charges than the last 2 and cheaper, but dermatology outside of the integrated treatment than the above almost

There is also the city of Chinese medicine hospitals, which is based on traditional Chinese medicine, charges are also cheaper, which has an orthopaedic director surnamed Chen, or the more responsible. But other facilities and conditions may be slightly worse

Medical ethics well that hospitals have more responsible for patients, the key is what you want to see, if it is a big disease, to see in the local area, or to go to the People's Hospital.

Added: If you just do a comprehensive health check, if you do not want to go to the People's Hospital, go to the Tanzan package of one-fifty-four can also be.