What are the famous logistics companies in China?

Deppon Logistics, Huayu Logistics, Longbang Logistics, Uc Logistics, China Post Logistics, Changtong Logistics, Chuanxi Logistics, China Railway Logistics, Feikangda Logistics, Aneng Logistics, Bafu Oriental Logistics, Best Express, Dada Logistics, Luhang Logistics, Jiji Express, Kerry Logistics, Li Kao Logistics, Lianhao Tong Logistics, Guangming Logistics, Sheng'an Logistics, Shenghui Logistics, Suijia Logistics, Wanxiang Logistics.

Logistics company is a type of company, generally refers to companies operating in the transportation, warehousing, distribution and other industries related to logistics. It often plays the role of goods collection, stocking, inventory, distribution, etc.. between suppliers and retailers, so logistics companies sometimes play the role of big sellers. This type of company can reduce transportation and warehousing costs for suppliers.

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