055-79000, Introduction to Social Work
Test Scope
Introduction to Social Work: Connotation and Work Area of Social Work Functions of Social Work; Value System of Social Work; Social Work Theory; Social Welfare System; Social Casework Social Group Work; Community Work; Social Administration Children's Social Work; Social Work with Adolescents; Social Work with the Elderly, Social Work with Women, Social Work with the Disabled; Family Social Work; Medical Social Work; Industrial Social Work; Rural Social Work; Poverty Alleviation and Social Work; Corrective Social Work; Civil Work and Social Work; Social Work Education; Social Work Internship and Supervision Social Work Research.
Modern Social Welfare Thought: Social Welfare and Social Welfare Systems Social Welfare Thought and Its Historical Origins A Study of the Ideological Characteristics of Modern Social Welfare The Meaning and Methodology of Social Welfare Thought Social Welfare Thought during the Industrial Revolution Social Welfare Thought During the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Social Welfare Thought Welfare Economics and Its Influence on Modern Social Welfare Thought Keynesianism and the Welfare State Social Welfare Theory of the New Liberalism's Social Welfare Thought Modern Political Philosophy's Theory of Social Justice and Social Welfare Thought New Social Democracy's Social Welfare Thought Marxism's Social Welfare Thought Feminist Welfare Thought: Toward a Modern Society China's Social Welfare Thought.
Wang Sibin. Modern Social Welfare Thought (3rd ed.) Higher Education Press. October 2014 Qian Ning. Introduction to Social Work )Second Edition) Higher Education Press. April 2013
Secretarial Studies Exam Subjects
055-79000, Modern Social Welfare Thought
Test Scope
Introduction to Secretarial Studies: the emergence and development of secretarial studies in China; Objects of study, basic contents, and disciplines of secretarial studies.
nature; secretarial study and research methods secretarial profession; definition, scope, types of secretarial social status and characteristics of the industry secretarial institutions in our country; leadership concept of leadership the basic role of leadership the general role of secretarial work definition of decision-making services leadership secretarial routines the routine work of the agency's daily business; the nature of the work of the Secretariat, characteristics and role; the purpose of secretarial work, principles and Basic requirements; methods of secretarial work; management of secretarial work secretarial ideology and morals, knowledge and ability, personality and psychology, interpersonal relations Ancient secretarial work in China, modern secretarial work and an overview of foreign secretarial work.
Secretarial practice: the object of study, nature and status of secretarial practice; study the significance and methods of secretarial practice; text work; document management; investigation and research; information work; staff advice; audit and coordination; conference work; correspondence work; negotiation services; time management and travel services publicity, reception, etiquette and other daily work.
Yang Shusen. Introduction to Secretarial Science . Anhui University Press . 2012
Yang Shusen. Secretarial Practice (Second Edition) . Higher Education Press . 2018
Food Quality and Safety Exam Subjects
055-79000, Introduction to Secretarial Practice
Test Scope
Food Science Primer: The field of food science research; the development trend of the food industry; the nutritional value, structure, and properties of food components (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and other food components) and their Food processing practice; food processing in the operation of the main units (pretreatment, separation and reconstitution, heat exchange, concentration and drying, molding and packaging); food quality elements; the main causes of food spoilage; food quality control of the basic principles; heat preservation and processing; low temperature preservation and processing; food dehydration and concentration; food processing in biotechnology food processing in the new technology; milk and dairy products; meat, Milk and dairy products; meat, poultry and egg products; fruit and vegetable products; beverages; confectionery, chocolate products; oil and fat processing products; functions and forms of food packaging; food packaging materials and their safety; food packaging safety standards and policies and regulations food labeling and marking norms food packaging and food safety trends.
Food microbiology: the concept and characteristics of microorganisms microbiology and its subdisciplines; history of food microbiology and its development of the future of the basic types of microorganisms prokaryotic (bacteria; eukaryotic microorganisms: fungi; non-cellular organisms: viruses; microbial nutrition, growth of microorganisms energy metabolism, catabolic and anabolic metabolism, primary metabolism and secondary metabolism; microbial heredity of the material basis; Genomic plasmids of microbial genes; Genetic variation and breeding of microorganisms, transgenics and breeding; Preservation and restoration of bacterial strains; Ribosomal RNA sequence analysis and biological three-domain theory; Evolution of gene structure and species formation; Taxonomy and nomenclature; Overview of bacterial and fungal taxonomic systems; Fundamental concepts of microbial ecology; Distribution of microorganisms in nature; Interrelationships of microorganisms and the biological environment; Microbial contamination of food; Microorganisms and food brewing; Microbial contamination of food. Microbial contamination of food; Microorganisms and food brewing; Microbiological hazards of brewed foods; Summary of immunity; Antigens; Antibodies; Humoral and cellular immunity; Immunity in food; Food spoilage; Mechanisms of food spoilage; Correlation of food spoilage with food type; Food preservation techniques; Microbiological contamination of food; Bacterial food poisoning and prevention; Fungal food poisoning and prevention; Virus-mediated foodborne infections and hazards; Microbiological indicators of food safety. Virus-mediated foodborne infections and hazards; Microbiological indicators of food safety.
Rong Rong, Zhang Wenbin, Xia Shuqin. Introduction to Food Science. Chemical Press. 2008
Jiang Hanhu, Dong Mingsheng. Secretarial Practice (Third Edition), China Agricultural Publishing House, 2010
Internet of Things Engineering Exam Subjects
055-79000, Introduction to Food Science
Test Scope
Computer Fundamentals of Specialization: Introduction to Computers Computer Fundamentals, Classification, Use of Computer Numerical Data Representation; Computer Data Processing Motherboards, Microprocessors, memory; Storage devices; Input-output devices and other devices Computer software basics APP and APP; Common APP office toolkit; Operating system basics File basics; File management; Fundamentals of network building; Wired networks; Wireless networks; LAN applications; Internet basics Fixed Internet access; Portable Internet access Internet services; Internet of things; Web Technology; Search Engines; E-Commerce; Social Media Fundamentals; Content Communities; Community Web Formats; Online Communication: Multimedia and Web Fundamentals; Multimedia Elements; Multimedia Web Site Design and Development; Information Systems and Systems Development Lifecycle; Database Concepts; Data Management Tools; Database Design; SQL Statements; Cloud Databases; Big Data; Programming Fundamentals; Procedural Programming; Object-Oriented Programming; Programming Aspects; Adaptive and Agile Programming; Process Programming; Object-Oriented Programming; Object-Oriented Programming; Object Oriented Programming Aspect Programming; Adaptive and Agile Software Development Non-License Usage; Malware; Online Intrusion; Social Security; Backup Security; Workspace Safety and Ergonomics Careers in Computing and Professional Ethics.
Programming in C: computer programs, languages; development and characteristics of the C language C programs; steps and methods of executing programs in C programming tasks; algorithms and examples; algorithmic properties; displaying algorithms; structured programming methods; smooth programming; representations of data, operators and expressions; the C language; data input and output; implementation of selection structures and conditional judgment with if statements. Relational operators and relational equations for structures; Operators and logical expressions; Conditional operators and conditional expressions; Structural programming of multi-branch selection structures using switch statements nested in selection structures; for loop structures; while and do-while loop structures; continue and break statements; Nested loops; Defining and referencing one-dimensional arrays and two-dimensional arrays; Character arrays; defining functions; calling functions; nested function calls, recursive calls; arrays as function parameters; local and global variables; storage and lifetime of variables and pointer variables; references to arrays, strings; struct variables; struct arrangements; struct pointers; basics of opening and closing C files; reading and writing to and from files; locating files.
Lv Yunxiang, Li Peilun. A Guide to Computers. Electronic Industry Press, 2016 Tan Haoqiang. Programming in c (5th edition) . Tsinghua University Press, 2017
Horticulture Examination Subjects
055-79000, Food Microbiology
Test Scope
Botany: Morphological and Anatomical Part ( 80% ) Division of the plant kingdom; Plant Role in Relation to Man Classification and Nomenclature of Cellular Doctrine; Cellular Structure and Functions Post-containment; Cellular Reproduction; Cellular Growth and differentiation; plant tissue concepts, types, systems seed organs: roots and root types; root tip structure and development root primordia; root secondary structures; rhizomes and mycorrhizae; physiological functions of roots; basic stem morphology; stem development; stem primordia; stem secondary structures; physiological functions of stems; leaf morphology; leaf development and structure leaf ecosystems; leaf physiological functions; interrelationships among nutrient organs and their Metamorphosis Flower composition and types Flower programs and flower patterns; Inflorescences; Stamen development and structure Pistil development and structure Flowering, pollination, fertilization Germplasm structure; Seed types; Seed development; Seed germination and seedling types; Fruit development; Fruit structure and types Fruit and seed dispersal; Life history of angiosperms.
Systematic classification section ( 20% ) Prokaryotes, Algae, Mycorrhizae, Mosses, Ferns (Outline the relationship with man; Gymnosperms: basic characteristics and life history; Angiosperms: basic characteristics and principles of classification.
Plant physiology: concepts, content, tasks, development history and prospects of plant physiology; the role of water in plant life activities in the plant body of plant cells and the movement of water; root uptake of water; transpiration; transport of water in the plant body; physiological basis of rational irrigation plant mineral plant mineral uptake; transport, distribution of minerals in the body, Physiological basis of rational fertilization photosynthesis; and chloroplast pigments; photosynthesis mechanism; photorespiration; factors affecting photosynthesis Agricultural measures to improve the efficiency of light energy utilization and light efficiency in plants; transport and distribution of organic matter in plants; concept and significance of respiration, respiratory pathways, indicators of the amount of regulation of respiration, and factors affecting respiration; respiration and agricultural production; growth hormones; erythromycin; cytokinins; cytokinins; and the role of respiration in the development of agriculture. Growth hormones; gibberellins; cytokinins; ethylene; abscisic acid; other natural plant growth substances; plant growth regulators and their applications; seed germination; plant growth; plant locomotion; plant tissue culture; floral induction; physiology of fertilization; physiology of seed and fruit ripening; dormancy of seeds and prolongation of organs; aging of plants; abscisic acid; physiology of resistance; resistance to cold, drought, heat and flooding in plants, salt tolerance, disease resistance, environmental pollution causing damage to plants.
Wang Quanxi, Zhang Xiaoping, eds. Food Microbiology (Second Edition) Science Press. 2012 Liu Dianlin. Fundamentals of Computer Science (7th ed.) Peking University Press. 2007
Administration Exam Subjects
055-79000, C Programming
Test Scope
Principles of Management: Management Activity and Theory of Management Management Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Globalization and Management Management in the Age of the Internet; Decision-making and Decision-making Methods Planning and Planning Work Strategic Planning and Planning Implementation Organizational Design; Human Resource Management; Organizational Change and Organizational Culture Introduction to Leadership; Motivation; Communication; Control and Controlling Process Control Methods; Management Innovation Functions Business Technology Innovation Business Organizational Innovation.
Management: introduction; the basic problems, emergence and development of management; the significance of learning administrative management and methodology; administrative functions and administrative function system, realization and transformation; administrative organization and administrative organization structure, process and environment; personnel administration; national civil service system of China's national civil service system of the basic content of the administrative guidance and the system of administrative guidance, the quality of the administrative leadership methods and arts; administrative decision-making and administrative decision-making Administrative decision-making and administrative decision-making system, basic procedures and theoretical models of administrative implementation and the process of administrative implementation, improvement; financial administration; financial revenue, expenditure management; management of administrative organs; the main content of the management of administrative organs, the system of administrative rule of law; administrative rule of law construction; administrative ethics; administrative supervision; China's administrative supervision system; the improvement of China's administrative supervision mechanisms; administrative performance and administrative Performance evaluation of China's government performance management administrative reform and development of China's administrative reform practice; Towards the modernization of national governance.
Zhou Sanduo. Botany (fifth edition) . Higher Education Press. 2018
Zhao Hongbin, Ye Changlin. Plant Physiology . University of Science and Technology of China Press . 2016
Air Service Arts and Management Exam Subjects
Scope of the Test
Introduction to Communication: Definition of Communication; History of Human Communication; Origins of Communication; Origin and Development of Communication; Constituents of Communication; Types of Communication; Models of Communication Processes; Methods of Research in Communication; Messages; Symbols and Meanings; Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication; Interpersonal Communication Skills. Characteristics of communication; Interpersonal communication techniques; Organizations and organizational communication; Important organizational schools and their organizational communication; Mass communication and socially functioning participants; Several important media control theories of the classical theories of participant studies; Social control of communication; The main communication characteristics of the "stakeholder" media in communication, McLuhan's theory of the media; Stages of the super- and limited-effects theories; The stages of the limited-effects theories; The stages of the limited-effects theories; The stages of the limited-effects theories. The superpower and limited effects phases of the moderate effects phase; other mass communication effects studies that return to the powerful effects phase; cultural communication; cultural patterns and modes of communication; barriers and skills in intercultural communication.
Sun, G.. Plant Physiology (3rd ed.) . Renmin University of China Press. 2018
Physical Education Examination Subjects
Principles of Management
Test Scope
Physical Education Pedagogy: an overview of physical education pedagogy; analysis of factors in physical education the significance of learning in physical education pedagogy; an overview of the objectives of physical education the structure and formulation of the objectives of physical education teaching and learning; the dominant, the subject, and the conditions of student subjectivity of physical education learning physical education teaching and learning process Meaning and nature, levels and characteristics; Laws of physical education; Principles of physical education overview of the principles of physical education teaching; Physical education content overview of the classification, development and reform of the content of physical education in China; Outline of physical education classroom teaching, structure and implementation, organization and implementation, management and methodology; Physical education planning and design overview of the grade level, unit and classroom physical education teaching plan physical education teaching model; Physical education teaching methodology; Overview of the physical education environment optimization Physical education environments physical education evaluation; physical education research.
Mao Zhenming. Administrative Management (3rd ed.) . Higher Education Press. 2017
Pre-school Education Examination Subjects
055-79000, Administration
Test Scope
Pre-school Education: meaning, elements, types, development trends, characteristics, principles and tasks of pre-school education pre-school education and children's relationship to the evolution and construction of children's view of the pre-school education by the impact and constraints of the society pre-school education on the Influence of social development kindergarten teacher quality kindergarten education purpose and content kindergarten life activities and guidance kindergarten educational activities and guidance kindergarten gaming and guidance kindergarten environment and creation kindergarten and family childish links and strategies.
Pre-school child development psychology: the meaning and methods of pre-school child psychology the onset of newborn psychology; infant psychological development; pre-school child psychological development; pre-school child psychological development pre-school child perceptual development pre-school child attention development pre-school child memory development pre-school child imagination development pre-school child thinking development pre-school child language development pre-school child emotional development pre-school child social development. Development of personality of preschool children Basic laws of psychological development of preschool children.
Zongshun Zhu, Wenhua Chen. Introduction to Administration . Beijing Normal University Press . 2012
Chen Guangmei, Feng Xiaoxia, Pang Lijuan. Introduction to Communication Studies . Beijing Normal University Press, 2013
Software Engineering Exam Subjects
Computer Professional Fundamentals, C Programming
Test Scope
Computer Professional Fundamentals: introduction to computers computer fundamentals, classifications, and use of computers numerical data representation; Computer Data Processing motherboards, microprocessors, and memories; storage devices; Input and output devices and other devices Computer software basics APP and APP; Common APP office toolkits; Operating system basics File basics; File management; Fundamentals of network building; Wired networks; Wireless networks; LAN applications; Internet basics Fixed Internet access; Portable Internet access Internet services; Internet of things; Networking technologies; Search engines; E-commerce; Social Media Fundamentals; Content Communities; Community Web Formats; Online Communication: Multimedia and Web Fundamentals; Multimedia Elements; Multimedia Web Site Design and Development; Information Systems and Systems Development Lifecycle Database Concepts Data Management Tools; Database Design; SQL Statements; Cloud Databases; Big Data; Programming Fundamentals Procedural Programming; Object-Oriented Programming; Aspect-Oriented Programming; Adaptive and Agile Software Development Non-License Usage; Malware; Online Intrusion; Social Security; Backup Security; Workspace Security and Ergonomics Computer Science Careers and Ethics.
Programming in C: computer programs, languages; development and characteristics of the C language C programs; steps and methods of executing programs in C programming tasks; algorithms and examples; algorithmic properties; displaying algorithms; structured programming methods; smooth programming; representations of data, operators and expressions; the C language; data input and output; implementation of selection structures and conditional judgment with if statements. Relational operators and relational equations for structures; Operators and logical expressions; Conditional operators and conditional expressions; Structural programming of multi-branch selection structures using switch statements nested in selection structures; for loop structures; while and do-while loop structures; continue and break statements; Nested loops; Defining and referencing one-dimensional arrays and two-dimensional arrays; Character arrays; defining functions; calling functions; nested function calls, recursive calls; arrays as function parameters; local and global variables; storage and lifetime of variables and pointer variables; references to arrays, strings; struct variables; struct arrangements; struct pointers; basics of opening and closing C files; reading and writing to and from files; locating files.
Lv Yunxiang, Li Peilun. Introduction to Computer. Electronic Industry Press, 2016
Tan Haoqiang, C Programming (5th Edition) . Tsinghua University Press, 2017
Accounting Exam Subjects
055-79000, Introduction to Communication
Test Scope
Principles of Management: management activities and management theories Management Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Globalization and Management Management in the Age of the Internet; Decision Making and Decision Making Methods Planning and Planning Work Strategic Planning and Planning Implementation Organizational Design; Human Resource Management; Organizational Change and Organizational Culture Introduction to Leadership; Motivation; Communication; Control and Controlling Process Control Methods; Management Innovation Functions Business Technological Innovation Business Organizational Innovation.
Principles of accounting: the meaning of accounting, objects and tasks, methods; basic premise of accounting and quality of accounting information requirements accounting measurement; accounting profession and management of the elements of accounting; accounting equation; account setup; principles of double-entry bookkeeping; general ledger accounts and detailed ledger accounts double-entry bookkeeping operations summary calculations supply process calculations production process calculations sales process calculations financial results calculations other Calculation of economic operations; role and types of accounting documents; filling in accounting documents; reviewing, submitting and maintaining accounting documents; meaning and types of books of accounts; setting up and registering books; rules of bookkeeping; role and types of property inventories, scope and methods of property inventories, and treatment of results; summary of financial reports; balance sheet; income statement; cash flow statement; statement of capital changes; overview of accounting processes; accounting documents; summary of accounting processes Account summary of accounting voucher accounting processing flow accounting processing flow accounting processing flow for multicolumn journal accounting processing procedures journal.
Zhou Sanduo. Theory of Physical Education and Teaching (5th ed.) . Higher Education Press . 2018 Ge Jun. Teaching Theory of Physical Education )Fifth Edition)
Logistics Management Exam Subjects
055-79000, Pre-school Education
Test Scope
Principles of Management: managing managers and managing environments; Fundamentals of decision making for general management problems; Fundamentals of planning work; Organizational structure and design Human Resource Management; Managing Change and Innovation Personal Behaviour Fundamentals; Rewarding employees who understand the group and management team; Leadership and trust; Communication and information management control fundamentals; Operations management.
Introduction to logistics: definition of logistics; business flow and logistics; logistics forms and their classification; logistics discipline orientation logistics economy; logistics engineering; logistics management; overview of modern packaging; modern packaging technology and packaging machinery integrated and pooled packaging; loading, unloading and handling summary; transport machinery loading and unloading; material handling and transportation organization storage introduction; storage technology; modern logistics center transport overview; modern transport modes; integrated transport; circulation processing and management. Transportation mode; comprehensive transportation; circulation processing status; circulation processing economic benefits distribution concept; distribution types; distribution centers; logistics information summary; logistics information system structure; logistics information system management; enterprise logistics management; manufacturing enterprise logistics; distribution enterprise logistics; regional logistics; urban logistics; economic zone logistics; national economy logistics overview of the current situation of the development of China's logistics industry and the situation facing the pre-school Psychology of Child Development Main Content International Logistics Overview International Logistics Customs Clearance; International Mode of Cargo Transportation Connotation of Green Logistics; Reverse Logistics and Recycling Logistics Transportation and Environmental Protection; Relationship between E-Commerce and Logistics Flow of Logistics Operations in E-Commerce E-Commerce Operation Methods and Logistic Support; Concepts and Connotation of Third-Party Logistics Logistics Logistics Industry; Logistics Outsourcing; Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Design; Supply chain strategy management.
Robbins. Pre-school Pedagogy (9th ed.) . Mechanical Industry Press . 2015 Cui Jiehe. Developmental Psychology of Preschool Children )5th edition)
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