Industry is growing so fast, why do we still need to use manual labor

6 jobs robots can never replace humans do

(1) creative art work: Photoshop and other types of software has become an essential graphic software for many artists illustrators, but human creative work content will never be replaced by computers or robots. Art is an impromptu expression of human creativity and imagination, and artificial intelligence is no longer high enough to have it!

(2) Professional sports: the world has tens of millions of sports enthusiasts who watch all kinds of professional ball games or competitive sports. If you set up a few robots to play soccer on a green field, they may find it novel, but never get excited. It's because they're more interested in the background of the athlete, the athletic expertise, and other human factors, and that's exactly what girls do when they're crazy about Beckham's good looks. Robots can't give us the excitement of watching sports and can't replicate it.

3) Healthcare medicine: On the one hand, there is a lot of automated medical equipment that brings a lot of convenience to human beings, thanks to the development of common sense and technology in medicine. Of course there are also many factors that cannot be handled by computers or robots, at least the machines cannot grasp the psychological state of the patient.

(4) Education: all kinds of online open courses have caught fire, what Khan Academy MOOC and so on, which is conducive to self-improvement in working life. But remember we still need a human teacher! Networks and machines bring courses that can't be universal, and because of individual differences, how can personalized tutoring be less? You can expect a robot to teach you how to solve problems, but you can't expect it to irrigate you with chicken soup for the soul!

(5) quality assurance: the machine breaks down, the metal rusts, where parts and components fall out of the chain, this time the need for human beings in the quality of qualified. You let a machine to ensure quality, then this machine to monitor the quality of the machine is also broken how to do, into a dead cycle can be good. At the end of the day you still need people to do the job!

(6) Politics and Law: Can a computer or a robot make laws, no! Can a computer or a robot make laws, no! Can it make the right judgment, seemingly not either! Juries, judges, lawyers and other things involved in the political sphere, can you count on robots, of course not!