What is meant by loan policy and what are the factors affecting loan policy

Loan policy refers to the commercial banks to guide and standardize the loan business, management and control of loan risk of the various guidelines and procedures of the general term. And the factors affecting the loan policy are mainly six factors.

I. Factors affecting the loan policy: the managers of commercial banks generally take the following factors into consideration when formulating the bank's loan management policy:

1. Relevant laws, regulations and the country's fiscal and monetary policies

2. The bank's capitalization status

3. The structure of the bank's indebtedness

4. Economic conditions of the service area and the Economic cycle

5. The quality of the bank's lending staff

2. The basic contents of the lending policy are as follows:

(1) Development strategy of the lending business

1. The lending policy of the bank should first of all specify the development strategy of the bank, including the principles that should be followed in carrying out the business, the industries and regions in which the bank wishes to carry out the business, the types of business that it wishes to carry out and the business objectives that it wishes to achieve. business varieties and the scale and speed of business development they wish to achieve.

2. In the bank's lending policy documents, it is pointed out at the outset that the development of the lending business must be in line with the principle of sound operation of the bank, and the guiding ideology of the bank's lending business, the development of the field and other strategic planning.

3, loan business development strategy, first of all should be clear that the bank to carry out the loan business must follow the basic policy. In the clear bank loans should be followed on the basis of the business policy, but also according to the needs and possibilities, to determine the scope of the development of bank loans (including industry, geography and business varieties), speed and scale.

(2) Loan working procedures and division of authority

In order to ensure the standardization of the operation process of the loan business, the loan policy must clearly stipulate the working procedures of the loan business. Loan working procedure is the specification of loan business operation.

1, loan procedures usually contain three stages:

The first stage is the pre-loan marketing, investigation and credit analysis stage. This is the basis for scientific decision-making on loans;

The second stage is the evaluation, review and loan disbursement stage after the bank accepts the loan application. This is the decision-making and specific issuance stage of the loan, is the key to the entire loan process;

The third stage is the supervision and inspection after the loan issuance, risk monitoring and loan principal and interest recovery stage. This stage is also related to the loan can be timely, full recovery of the important links

2, the size of the loan and the ratio control

Judging the bank loan scale is moderate and whether the structure is reasonable, you can use some indicators to measure. The main ones are:

1) loan/deposit ratio. This indicator reflects the proportion of bank funds utilized in loans and the size of the loan capacity. China's commercial banking law stipulates that this ratio of the bank shall not exceed 75%.

2) Loan/capital ratio. This ratio reflects the profitability of the bank's capital and the bank's ability to withstand loan losses. The Central Bank of China, in accordance with the international standards set out in the Basel Accord, has determined that the ratio of total capital to weighted risk assets for commercial banks should not be less than 8%, and the ratio of core capital to weighted risk assets should not be less than 4%.

3) Individual business loan ratio. The ratio refers to the ratio of bank loans to the largest one customer or the largest ten customers to the bank's capital, which reflects the concentration of bank loans and risk profile. The Central Bank of China stipulates that the balance of commercial bank loans to the largest customer shall not exceed 15% of the bank's capital, and the balance of loans to the largest ten customers shall not exceed 50% of the bank's capital.

4) Medium and long-term loan ratio. This is the ratio of the balance of medium and long term loans granted by the bank with a maturity of more than one year to the balance of all deposits with a maturity of more than one year. It reflects the overall liquidity of the bank's loans, the higher this ratio is, the less liquid it is; conversely, the more liquid it is. According to the current regulations of the Central Bank of China, this ratio must be less than 120%.

3, the types of loans and regions

The types of loans and their composition, the formation of the bank's loan structure. And the loan structure has a very important impact on the safety, liquidity and profitability of commercial banks' credit assets. Therefore, the bank's lending policy must make clear provisions for the Bank's loan types and their structure.

The area of lending refers to the geographical scope of the bank's control of lending operations. The area of bank lending is related to the size of the bank. Large banks, because of their large number of branches, generally do not limit their lending areas in their lending policies; small and medium-sized banks tend to limit their lending operations to the cities and regions where the bank is located, or to the areas that the bank traditionally serves .

4. Guarantee of loans

In the loan policy, the loan guarantee policy should be determined in accordance with the relevant laws. Loan guarantee policy should generally include the following:

1) a clear guarantee . Such as the "Chinese People's *** and State Guarantee Law" provides for the guarantee methods are: guarantor guarantee, mortgage guarantee, pledge guarantee, lien and deposit;

2) provide for the identification of collateral, assessment methods and procedures;

3) to determine the ratio of the value of the loan and collateral, the ratio of the loan and the pledge;

4) to determine the eligibility of the guarantor and the ability to repay the loan of the assessment methods and procedures, etc.

5. Loan Pricing

In a market economy, the pricing of loans is a complex process, and the bank's lending policy should be clearly defined.

The price of a bank loan generally includes the interest rate on the loan, the compensating balance on the loan (the balance back on deposit) and fees charged on certain loans (such as the assumption fee, etc.), so loan pricing has become more than just a process of determining the interest rate on the loan.

In the loan pricing process, banks must consider a variety of factors such as the cost of funds, the level of risk of the loan, the term of the loan, loan administration costs, deposit balances, repayment methods, the relationship between the bank and the borrower, and return on assets targets.

6, loan file management policy

Loan file is a detailed record of the bank's loan management process, reflecting the level of bank management and the quality of credit personnel, which can reflect the quality of the loan, and in some cases, can even determine the quality of the loan. A complete loan file management system should usually include the following:

1) the structure of the loan file and the documents it should include;

2) the person responsible for the custody of the loan file;

3) a clear location for the custody of the loan file, the legal documents should be kept separately, and it should be kept in the place of fireproofing, waterproofing, and loss-proofing;

4) a clear definition of loan file filing, lending and inspection system.

7, the daily management of loans and collection system

After the loans are issued, the daily management of the loans is especially important to ensure the quality of the loans, so it should be stipulated in the loan policy. At the same time, the bank should develop an effective loan recovery and collection system.

8, the management of non-performing loans

The management of non-performing loans is an important part of the commercial bank's loan policy. After the loan is issued, if the early warning signals of non-performing loans are found in the post-loan inspection, or if the loans are included in the loan quality assessment below the concern level, they should be given full attention.