How to get a product assistant interview and how to quickly learn on the job

I, product manager career development points

Deliver excellent products (the biggest criterion for success)

Release a number of products to accumulate experience (the length of the product lifecycle varies, to improve, you need to go through several complete product production process)

Become a leader in the industry (more time to study the industry and customers)

Join a team that can continuously learn new skills

Choose a company where you can learn the most

Choose a company that is constantly growing (there are new opportunities all the time)

Choose a boss who trusts you (find a good boss and work hard to show him that you are loyal and reliable, make great products, and are brave enough to take on the heavy lifting)

Strive to be productive (how to make trade-offs, time management)

How to integrate your role with the company's development (broaden your scope of work to include a wider range of product management, and understand how the various parts of the product chain make up the larger product architecture)

Help the team produce something practical as soon as possible (go through the team's work and see if you can help some of the employees with some of the tougher problems, or look into some of the work that's been slow to get done). a bit of work that's been slow to get done, put their minds at ease, and integrate easily into the new team)

Doing something more important to the team and the company (make a splash on work that doesn't mean much, prove that you're capable of more important work, and then figure out what you think is an important area to work on and contribute to)

Accepting cross-team or company-wide assignments (in the company's visibility to influence a promotion, lead a big company-wide project, teach a training class or attend an all-hands meeting)

Define and Measure Success (quantify the value that success brings to the team)

Don't Let the Team Do the Unimportant Work (direct the team to do something more important, and if that doesn't work, suggest to your boss that the team be disbanded, but only after you've done your research to make sure that your suggestion is accepted, or consider a different team). (make sure you can meet all the requirements of the next level, and at the same time build up a good reputation)

Find mentors (find people who you think are really strong in a particular field, and approach these mentors with specific questions)

Build a reputation (reputations are as valuable as gold, and the most direct way to do this is by delivering results, and by paying attention to the way you are perceived to ensure that you make the impression that you expect to make)

Other career points

1. Early on, you should be an observer as much as possible, and not be in a hurry to change or break anything; there is already an inherent culture of decision-making in most cases, and things are prioritized for a reason. Start by understanding why things are always the way they are, allow yourself to become curious, and don't try to make decisions.

The way to get to the tipping point early is to bring your value to the forefront and try to make some things work without you.

To find out your own decision-making system and principles, communicate it as best you can. Stick to your principles all the time and you'll find different ways of solving things than you have in the past. For example, when the user has used a functional feature with a non-shortcut and is familiar enough with it, it makes sense to pop up about the shortcut and not show it upfront.

2. The people who wrote the content down defined the history, the people who tested and developed it recorded it. Make sure to find something you have an interest in outside of work hours to develop as a career.

Product managers should be experts on their customers, which is the fundamental difference between PMs and developers and testers. All questions should start with "who is the customer" and "what is success".

It's important to understand and take an interest in the underlying technical principles of the product, and to learn as much as possible about design and user research.

3. Do something interesting and important.

It's important to communicate to people what you're doing, and product demos are the best proof of that work. Never give up and find a boss who trusts you.

Goal oriented, focused, prioritize, keep focusing on product utility, start and finish everything. Encouraging others, strong technical skills, and good social skills are a plus.

4. An open mind, a strong sense of curiosity, a desire to learn, to learn from those around you, to really communicate and collaborate, and the realization that you can never be the best marketer, engineer, or salesperson.

Across multiple levels and audiences, PM's are not obviously strictly defined positions, think about what makes you happy, think about your style, find what you are good at, be excited and driven, be motivated and empathetic.

Be able to seize an opportunity when it arises and believe that it will always materialize in the end.

An MBA degree by itself has little value in the tech industry, and there may be requirements in management consulting, but the value of an MBA from a top school lies in the ability to build a strong network of people. You need to think hard about what you want to get out of it and why you're investing time and money in it.

5. PM job responsibilities:

The main four aspects: demand research, product definition, business modeling, product acceptance

Peripheral four aspects: data analysis, project management, product operations, marketing

Three, PM interviews

PM interviews face what?

Demand analysis ability, interaction design ability, logical thinking ability (process, drawing prototypes, writing documents), communication skills, project management ability, data analysis ability, market analysis ability, management and leadership ability.

What do I need to do before the interview?

Dress appropriately, understand the company and its products, bring enough resumes and materials, and give yourself a mock interview.

Common interview questions?

Self-introduction, try to use the way others can remember (between 100~200 words, 1~2 minutes, to examine the ability of the PM to grasp the key, only say and position-related things, resume content does not need to be repeated, focus on the product is consistent with some of the experience, such as entrepreneurship or internship experience, to guide the interviewer to go to your strengths in the field of the question);

Why did you choose the company ( product) (company advantages, product advantages, combination of interests, development prospects);

How to get and find user needs (questionnaire survey, core user interviews, competitor analysis, data analysis).

Tell us about these projects you did and the role you played in the middle.

Focus on one project where you had the most success.

What would you do if this project was revisited?

Where do you typically look at data? What are the more important recent data changes? What are the conclusions?

Tell us what your typical workflow looks like from start to finish each day.

Examine the basic skills of a product manager, the ability to express themselves, and the ability to think logically.

Which new app did you use recently, tell us about the features, logic, details, patterns, etc.?

Say what you understand the complete product process is like?

What do you do when your opinion doesn't match that of your superiors?

Care to see what apps you have installed on your phone?

Examining curiosity, product perspective, understanding of the complete product process, execution and upward management skills.

Tell me about a PM you've come in contact with or know of who has traits that set them apart from others and cause them to stand out in their profession.

What do you think are the core competencies of a product manager?

Examining the ability to learn well and the depth of understanding of the product manager career.

What are your strengths?

What are your long-held interests that you can talk about in depth?

Examining the degree of knowledge about yourself and the depth of digging into a particular thing (hobby). There is no standard answer to every question, and the answers will vary depending on each person's understanding, love of the product, and the stage they are at.

From these answers, we can extract the applicant's relevant abilities:

Basic product skills; execution; thinking and logic; learning attitude; industry knowledge; teamwork; independent thinking; smartness; final conclusion

Set a score for each of these items, and then draw a final conclusion.

Some other plus points:

1. Resume done beautifully, beautiful format, sufficient material; attached a copy of the author's resume for your reference.

2. With works, documents, prototypes, and the final realization of the example; I interviewed that brought their own independently designed App prototype document, attached here is a mind map it.

3. On time.

What are the answers to the classic questions of the written test?

(Brush off more than 80% of the people, to focus on the ideas, direction. Do not focus on length. (Go online and find more written questions to practice)

Baidu written test question 1: For Baidu knowledge-based products, such as know, encyclopedia, please explain for their wireless product design, can be combined with the unique characteristics of the mobile terminal? What new scenarios and features can be derived?

Thinking: PM do product two directions, from 0 to 1, from nothing to do out; from 1 to N, from the original basis for micro-innovation, as far as possible to extend the product life cycle. Baidu this question belongs to the latter, easier, just through the dynamic iteration of micro-innovation, to extend the product life cycle can be.

Reference answer: Baidu know before trying to socialize the direction, due to the lack of effective social relationship chain, Baidu know to answer the question of knowledge is relatively wide, the degree of professionalism is not high, so the socialization direction of the challenge is greater, it is recommended that do not put too much thought.

The more successful innovation attempt is to do the verticalization mode of knowledge Q&A, targeting mother and baby, pets, students' homework, etc., to do some verticalization of the market segments, which is the more successful wireless products at present. At present, the internal do better products are Baidu know, baby know, homework help, thumb doctor, you can expand on this point.

You can also think about the other segments of the market with space to fully tap into the user needs, in addition to product design, if you can put forward a viable business model, there is a clear way to realize profitability, so it will get extra points.

Q&A products, the future strategy is to turn the information into a service, through the Q&A information flow, to better serve the user, to create value for the user. By doing deep and vertical, to further meet the needs of users, circle more users to come in, better sell traffic to make money, the essence of this model has not changed, just do deeper and more vertical, is Baidu know Q&A products 2.0 version.

Baidu written test question two: in consideration of the current map user habits, please design a bearing in the framework of Baidu map O2O products, product direction is not limited. (Note: need to include but not limited to the following: the main functions of the product, the overall product flow <from the entrance to the main framework of the page >, the value of the product <demand analysis, revenue, etc. >. (The product direction can be a brand new product direction not covered by Baidu Maps, or it can be an O2O product that already exists < such as car, group buying, hotel, etc. >)

Thinking: GOD and Baidu's product strategy is different, Baidu chose the O2O cash business model, through the LBS service to provide a variety of O2O services for the user; however, GOD gave up the O2O model However, AutoNavi gave up the O2O model and chose to be an LBS development platform, which is consistent with Ali's idea of being a platform, so you can see a lot of AutoNavi's LBS open platform salon activities on the Internet.

Reference answer: product positioning: car care services. Function: Provide maintenance, car wash, refueling, beauty and other functions. Displayed in the form of a list, the list is horizontally divided into services, scenarios, existing pages, pages that can be added, the form of welfare tips, the content of the tips, etc., and vertically divided into four items such as maintenance, car wash, beauty, and insurance + wash + beauty. (Mainly drawn with pen and paper, the entrance can be added to where? What does the new function page look like?)

Drop written test questions: please for the existing large hospital overcrowding, patients complained about the design of an optimization of the process of seeing a doctor (can be designed software and hardware), a brief description of the user needs, design ideas, design decision-making basis.

Thinking: first of all, to clarify who the user is. This product users can be divided into two categories: one is the patient; this is almost all product managers will take into account, and a class of users are hospitals or doctors. It is often easy to ignore the B-side users, just one-sided consideration of the C-side users, which is a misunderstanding.

The current hot O2O products, the core structure is composed of three parts, respectively, the platform, the demand side of the user, and the supply side of the merchant, which is indispensable, the platform to do a good job of matching the needs of users and merchants and the balance of interests, in order to get a long and healthy and sustainable development.

This is to design a better patient care program for patients, and to fully consider the needs of patients and hospitals (doctors) when conducting demand analysis and product design.

Reference Answer:

Patient needs, when sick, can easily and quickly access to medical solutions, do not have to suffer from queuing difficult, difficult to register and expensive medical problems.

Hospital demand, is also very simple, the use of limited resources, maximize the service users, reduce user complaints and complaints.

The medical system can not be solved in a moment, and the shortage of medical resources can not be solved in a short time. Therefore, the core of software and hardware should be to optimize the process of seeing a doctor and improve the matching efficiency between medical resources and patients.

The process of seeing a doctor can be divided into three stages: (before) booking a doctor's appointment and registering for preparation before seeing a doctor; (in) the patient receiving treatment; (after) the doctor's follow-up treatment services for the patient's later stage. Each link is well connected to improve efficiency.

The first module, should be the online booking and registration, real-time tracking of the doctor's resources, the release of the hospital registration window, so that the registration is completed online in advance. The benefit is that you don't have to wait in line for a long time, and in the end you may not be able to see a doctor, and the hospital saves on labor costs and reduces the number of complaints and grumbles from patients about the difficulty of queuing up at the hospital.

The second module, can be from the medical record as an entry point, the cloud medical record to replace the paper booklet, the doctor does not have to handwrite the booklet, directly online synchronization of the patient's treatment, put the treatment process in the cloud, real-time synchronization with the patient. In the process of treatment, remind the patient to take medication on time, the whole intimate tracking of the patient's treatment.

The third module, after the basic recovery of the body, the later health tracking and protection services, there can be hardware intervention, such as bracelets, real-time monitoring of the user's basic body indicators. Through the indicators tracking observation, you can observe whether the patient user really recovered. Then, it can also predict in advance the body may appear problems, in advance before the emergence of big problems solved.

How is the final Offer chosen? (Judged according to the weight of different factors)

1, choose the big company scenario: no big company resume, have a big company plot, steady and conservative type, make excellent contacts.

2, choose a small company scenario: already have a large company resume, no large company plot, have ideas do not want to be constrained, like the challenge of adventure, the pursuit of high salary and high title.

3, startups how to choose:

Elect the team. The founder of the traditional industry is usually not selected, the founder of the loser before the startup is not selected, the investor and founder is not selected. There is a continuous entrepreneurial experience plus points, a large company background founders can add points, there are sentimental founders plus points, there are big cattle members plus points.

Pick capital. First-line VC investment priority, such as Sequoia, Matrix Partners, IDG, Softbank, etc., with BAT investment priority, post-investment management to do a good job of priority, coal boss or traditional tycoon investment projects must be cautious, and the priority of more money to melt.

Pick stage. The later the round, the more mature the model, the lower the risk. It is not recommended to choose the angel round of the company. Heavy mode requires more investment rounds, with reference to Jingdong, DDT and so on. Light mode of lower capital needs, after the C round can not see the prospect of caution, be vigilant to become a zombie enterprise. (A round to lay the foundation, B round to run the scale, C round to see the real chapter) life pressure, choose C round and above. Play big data and distributed, A round of companies have no use. For those who play with commercial products, companies at the end of the B round or after the C round are more suitable.

Pick a business model. The model must solve the actual pain points. Such as DDT and Meituan. Giant deep involvement in the field of caution. The field that has been repeatedly proved to be infeasible by practice should be entered cautiously, for example: social networking. The model is too heavy, too big, and too spacey.

4, how to choose a large company:

Look at whether the core business and exclusive areas (genetically different).

Core functions are prioritized (technology, product and operation oriented are different, and the discourse and resource allocation are also different).

The company has a backer priority (large companies job rank set up basic screw state, many bulls, want to get ahead is not easy. Familiar with a leader, he can give you more and better growth opportunities, someone to help you carry things, you can stand out faster).

Good development momentum is preferred (keep up with the development trend of first choice, the first choice of the financial report of the stock red, the first choice of a strategic alliance, the first choice of a wide range of business lines).

Four, interview details to prepare:

(a) resume (15-second scanning law)

1, the law:

The shorter, the better; list of points can be, do not use a large paragraph of the text; the results of the work (what has been done, how the performance), rather than the job responsibilities; to find a good template (the text style is not fancy, do not the left column to put the title alone, not too much) spaces, try to save space, text blocks look nice); don't skip the best stuff (related projects, hobbies, achievements, etc.).

2, quality resume attributes:

Passion for technology (self-taught coding, building your own website); initiative; leadership; impact (something that builds, creates, realizes); technical skills; attention to detail.

3. Include content:

Objectives don't write, waste of space; Abstract less;

Work experience; Educational background; Skills (write as needed);

Awards (to write, but write in a meaningful way, make it clear that the relevance and the rules of the selection);

Projects (write it on); Activities (sometimes write, consider the relevance);

Website address (write it up); social media accounts (maybe);

Details of the college/university (depends, mostly founding achievements, key leadership positions, etc.);

Online courses and "extracurriculars" (could be placed in "Education" or "More about Education");

Online courses and "extracurriculars" (could be placed in "Education" or "More about Education"). "or" more information "part, the latter is more appropriate)

4, product thinking writing resume:

Who is the user: HR (on the stage), employing department (professionalism), Leader

Usage scenarios: busy, scanning and reading the second sieve

User needs: find people with matching conditions (ability, work experience, etc.)

Bottom line: integrity.

5, three steps to write a resume:

1. Meet the demand: mining related experience to find the job requirements of the job posting. Such as relevant project experience, learning network courses, mastery of software tools, value outputs, product works, product analysis, personal blogs and so on.

2. Design function: rewrite the experience. Described by the STAR rule, Situation: what happens in what situation; Task: what is your task; Action: for such a situation analysis, what action you take; Result: what is the result, what achievements.

Example (1): How can a non-product career demonstrate product competency? Rewrite it using the STAR rule.

Example (2): How to translate job duties into job competencies?

Corresponding to the job requirements that you want to demonstrate: product work experience, requirements analysis, interaction design skills.

After rewriting: S planned the [Wisdom Tour World] App for China Construction Bank; T independently conducted research and usability analysis on nearly 100 enterprise users; A optimized the material to make it 15% leaner based on the research results; R became a typical learning case for the General Administration in 2014, one of the outstanding performances in 2014.

3. User experience: choosing how to present.

Project experience-very much needed; work experience-more needed for social recruiting; education experience-abbreviated needed; self-assessment-work-related needed; skills-professional skills needed; award-winning experience -work related needed (scholarships can be omitted); photo - high face value needed.

(2) cover letter

1, excellent cover letter features:

short (200~250 words or so);

show passion;

show skills (especially you have mastered, but in the resume is not good to be reflected in the use of the cover letter to show);

fitting in with the company's culture (business, funny, bizarre );

Crafted (to match your background with the "perfect" product manager).

2, cover letter template:

Determine the reader: Dear _____, (know the reader's name, fill in)

Opening: that is, the first paragraph, a brief introduction to who you are, what kind of position you are looking for. There is no need to give your name, there is a signature after it, if you know someone in the company who is related to the position, or an interesting way, just mention it here.

Second paragraph: explain how your background matches the position. Note that this is not a summary of your job role, but rather connect your skills and accomplishments to what the company is looking for. Highlight skills and back them up with achievements.

The third paragraph: to explain why you are interested in this position. This paragraph should not be too long, just demonstrate the importance of the position and show that it is not just another company you are applying to.

Fourth paragraph: End the letter with "Thank you".

Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.


(your name)

(C) Researching the company

1. Products (web search and personal use of their products)

Products: products or sequences of features developed by the company, how the products fit together

Competitors: what competitors are out there, and how the company is differentiating itself from these rivals

Customers/markets: what are the target markets? Is there a secondary market? Are there markets you would recommend the company enter?

Revenue: the profit model, how the proposed company will make money, revenue strategies you want to explore

Customer satisfaction: do they like it or not? What are the most common complaints?

Metrics: try to understand the company's key metrics, what are the ones they struggle with, how many users? What's the conversion rate? What's the growth rate?

News and rumors: news reports about the company, form your own opinion

2. Strategy

Mission: mission and purpose, be as specific as you can

Strategy: what do you think the company strategy is? Any mistakes?

Strengths: What are the selling points of the product? What factors make the company's products successful?

Weaknesses: what are the main problems facing the company and its products? How to deal with them?

Challenges: the biggest challenges, how they were dealt with, what difficulties were overcome?

Opportunities: are there things that can create opportunities for the company in the future?

Threats: what will threaten the company's success in the future

Future: what does the company hold in the future? Think about new products or functional features that can be naturally integrated

3. Corporate culture

Corporate culture: look for reviews from applicants, current and former employees

Values: look at interviews with the founders

History: how long has it been in business? How did it start? Does it remain true to its original purpose? Or has it changed direction?

Interviewer: search for them online, but don't get into personal issues

Organization: how big is the company? How is the company organized? Does everyone basically report to the CEO or is there a strict hierarchy

4. Roles

Roles: what is the role of the product manager in this house, how do you position technology? How to make decisions?

Idea generation: where do ideas come from?" Bottom up" from devs and PMs or "top down" from executives?

Realistic or crazy: it helps to know whether the company likes bold ideas or incremental improvements to come up with your kind of ideas

Things to change: what do you want to change or achieve at the company? Understanding user dissatisfaction is your starting point

Why you want the job: be passionate about why you're passionate about this company and why you're passionate about product management

Why you'd be a good candidate: throw out persuasive arguments to show that your skills and background are indeed a good match for the role, the job description is a great place to start, but think y about what challenges does the company face? What challenges does the company face? Why are you the right person to solve them?

5. Questions

Practical questions: When asked what questions you have, it can be valuable to ask an open-ended question such as "What do you find most challenging about being a PM here? "

Questions that demonstrate passion: e.g. ask why the company is abandoning their initial commercialization strategy? Or what will the company be like in the next 5 years?

Professional questions: show that you've done your research and have a deep understanding of the company's business.

Don't ask questions: red flags (vacation-related questions); obvious questions (proof that you're not prepared); critical questions ("Why aren't you doing it? "These kinds of annoying questions)

Examples of appropriate questions: How is a PM's day spent here, and how is the time allocated? What are the changes in PM positions? How is the relationship between PM,RD,UI and how is the decision making mechanism? What are the requirements to become a product manager candidate in your mind? What makes you think this company's corporate culture is unique?