Get to the point: Server motherboard: ASUS P7F-X. Many motherboards now have an intrusion warning function (we are used to calling it the chassis open warning function) (as shown below, online pictures are for reference only)
? The use of this function requires the use of external detection equipment such as chassis open detection sensors or micro switches. Therefore, this function needs to be used properly in a computer case with case opening detection function. By default, the chassis pin and the ground pin (GND) next to it are connected with a jumper cap, that is, the function is turned off. If you want to use this function, just remove the jumper cap on the two pins. When the error message mentioned above appears: We can first be sure that the motherboard has this function. There are two situations: 1. (Some set this function in the BIOS settings) Check whether the BIOS has this function. If so, turn it off. (Disable), if you cannot enter the BIOS, you can clear the CMOS and then enter; 2. You need to carefully find the location of the chassis pin on the motherboard. Some motherboards may not have it marked (for example, the ASUS P7F-X motherboard I encountered the problem did not have it marked. ) to view the motherboard manual. After finding the chassis pin header, make sure: whether the jumper cap is on the two pins of "chassis signal" and "ground", whether the jumper cap is intact, and the copper ring on some jumper caps has fallen off or is not pressed in place. You can try to replace other jumper caps on the motherboard to determine whether the jumper cap is good or bad. Turn off this function and the problem will be solved!
Note: You may not be able to enter the system even if you plug in the jumper cap directly. Clear the CMOS settings and then restart the system.
How to set up the CMOS insurance: 1. Remove the motherboard battery, and then reinstall the battery after about 30 seconds; 2. Find the CLR jumper pin of the motherboard, and insert it from the original 1 and 2 pins. Move it to positions 2 and 3, and then insert it back to positions 1 and 2 after about 10 seconds.
It is recommended that you do: "Restore the system"!
Please see this method to restore the system.
Not only can it help you repair and restore the computer system,
it will also save all the files on the disk:
After the computer is turned on,
press the "One-Key Rescue" shortcut key on the far right side of the keyboard (the "+" sign on the small keyboard)
(For laptops: F2 or F11),
Wait a moment and press "Deep One-Click Restore",
Wait for the system to "rescue and copy" all disk files,
( Note: After restoring, do not shut down or restart the computer. You should immediately "enter the main platform", that is,
"Desktop", otherwise, "all efforts will be wasted" and "restore will be invalid"
The computer immediately returns to the "factory state"!
Start downloading "360 Security Guard" and "360 Antivirus Dual Engine Edition",
Start a full scan for viruses and Trojans,
Fix computer vulnerabilities!
"Factory state": It is the state when you just bought it.
The software is all there. There is no need to "reinstall the system", which is "saving" than reinstalling. "More hearts"