Is it necessary to install a water purifier?

The first point of view

Home water purifier my family used to have, the kind of drinking water, but it is to change the filter cartridge and occasional replacement parts! Later, the year before bar in! I'll remove it without using it, and directly boil hot water! I live in Beijing, Beijing drinking water quality is good or bad, not to mention limescale, people who live in Beijing all year round should be clear, right? The bottom of the kettle is a big layer of limescale when you boil a kettle of water!

And Beijing's tap water is flavored, I can't drink it anymore, but last year a friend from Hebei came to stay with me for a few days, and he drank the tap water directly once, and then asked me, "Do you drink Beijing's water with a bad taste?

His family is from the countryside, they built their own small house, and then the well in the yard, the well water through the pump into the high-pressure tanks in the building, and then supply water to the small house!

And my friend's people there, a lot of times they just unscrew the faucet to catch the water and drink it! No one has a water purifier at home! I go to his house and drink cold water straight from the tap as well, and honestly, that water has a slightly sweet taste to it!

When he asked me I remembered that when I first came to Beijing, I was not in a good financial situation, and I regularly drank tap water directly, and at that time it was clear that I felt the strong taste of disinfected water! But nowadays I can't drink out of it, so I guess I'm used to it!

My family used to install water purifiers after the replacement of the cartridge master door-to-door service, I asked him how to deal with the replacement of the cartridge? He answered a moment downstairs directly to throw the trash can on the line!

At one point, I had a feeling that I was doing this to myself! Because we buy water dispensers in order to drink clean water, but water dispensers replace the parts of the cartridge directly thrown away. Not only does it create garbage, but if it rains again in a landfill, it will pollute the groundwater, and then the water quality will be bad, and more people will buy water purifiers for bad water quality, and then produce more garbage. ...... It's a dead end cycle!

Water purifiers do have an effect on purifying water, but ....... I hope that one day in the future we will be able to drink water with confidence when we don't have to use a water purifier!

The second point

In my experience, water purifiers should be installed, and older neighborhoods are even more important. Even if you have a water purifier, try not to drink raw water, because the quality of the water may be up to standard, but the "pipes" are not up to health and safety standards? Of course, people who have been accustomed to drinking raw water is not a problem. When we were in the countryside, we drank water from ditches and springs, and rarely had diarrhea, after all, strong physical labor will be a lot of sweat, can be detoxified.