Description of extension
A: object code base file
AAM: Authorware shocked file
AAS: Authorware shocked package
ABF: Adobe binary screen font
ABK: CorelDRAW automatic backup file
ABS: This kind of file is sometimes used to indicate a summary (this kind of file is used to indicate a summary. An abstract or summary of the article, taken from abstract)
ACE: ACE compressed file format
ACM: Windows system directory file
ACP: Microsoft office assistant preview file
Act: Microsoft office assistant file
AD: After Dark screen saver
ADA: ADA source file (non-GNAT) < p HP1LX organizer's appointment database
ADF: amiga disk file
ADI: AutoCAD device-independent binary plotter format
ADM: after dark multi-module screen saver; Windows NT policy template
ADP: fax work is an interactive installation file for fax modem; Astound Dynamite file
ADR: after dark random screen saver; Smart Address's address book
ads: ADA source file specification (GNAT)
AFM: Adobe's font size
AF2/AF3: ABC's FlowChat file
AI: Adobe Illustrator format graphics
AIF/AIFF: audio interchange file, Sound format of Silicon Graphic and Macintosh application
AIFC: compressed AIF
AIM: AOL instant messaging
AIS: ACDSEE graphic sequence file; Velvet Studio equipment files
akw: all A- keywords in Robohelp's help project
ALB: JASC Image Commander photo album
ALL: Art and Letter Library
AMS: Velvet Studio music module (MOD) files; Tracker module file of Extreme
ANC: palette file of canon computer, Contains a series of optional color swatches
ANI: animated cursor in Windows system
ANS: ANSI text file
Ant: SIMANT for game files saved in Windows
API: application programming interface file used by Adobe Acrobat
p>APS:Microsoft Visual C+++file
Ari: a. Ristotle sound file
arj: Robert jungarj compressed package file
art: xara studio painting file; Canon Crayola art documents; Clip Art file format; Another ray tracing format; Mark file
ASA: Microsoft Visual Interdev file
ASC: ASC Ⅱ text file compressed by Johnson-Grace compression algorithm used by AOL; PGP algorithm encrypted file
ASD: Microsoft Word automatically saved file; Description file of Microsoft advanced streaming format (ASF); You can use NSREX to open the Velvet Studio sample file
ASE: Velvet Studio sample file
ASF: Microsoft advanced streaming media format file
ASM: assembly language source file, Pro/E assembly file
ASO: Astound Dynamite object file
ASP: dynamic web page file; ProComm Plus installation and connection script file; Astound introduction file
ASV: data CAD automatic saving file
ASX: Cheyenne backup script file; Microsoft advanced streaming media redirector file, video file
ATW: Any Time Deluxe For Windows Personal Information Administrator file from personal software
Au: Sun/Next/DEC/UNIX sound file; Audio U-Law (pronounced "mu-law") file format
AVB: virus infected file of Computer Associates Inoculan anti-virus software
AVI: Microsoft Audio Video Interactive movie format
AVR: Audio Visual Research file format
AV. S: application visualization format
awd: faxvien document
awr: telsis digital storage audio file extension format
axx: subcontracting serial number file of arj compressed file, Used to compress a large file into several small compressed packages (xx takes the number from 1 to 99)
a3m/a4m: unpacked file of Authorware Macintosh
a4p: packaged file of Authorware without running time
A3W/A4W/ A5W: description of unpacked Authorware Windows file extension
BAK: backup file
BAS: Basic source file
BAT: batch file
BDF: West Point Bridger Designer file
BGL: Microsoft Flight Simulator. Scene file of
BI: binary file
bif: initialization file of groupwise
BIFF XLIFE 3D format file
BIN binary file
BK/ BK$ is sometimes used to represent the backup version
BKS IBM BookManager Read bookshelf file
BMK bookmark file
BMP Windows or OS/ 2 bitmap file
BOOK Adobe FrameMaker Book file
BRX file for viewing multimedia object directory
BSP Quake graphic file
batch file used by p>BTM Norton application
backup disk of p>BUD Quicken
BUN CakeWalk sound bundle file (a MIDI program) < P>BW SGI black-and-white image file
BWV commercial waveform file extension description
c code file
CAB Microsoft compressed file
Drafix CAD file of cadsoft dek
CAL CALS compressed bitmap; Calendar schedule data
CAP compressed music file format
CAS comma-separated ASCⅡ II file
CB Microsoft clean boot file
CC Visual dBASE user-defined class file
CCB Visual Basic dynamic button configuration file
CCH Corel chart file
CCO CyberChat data file < P > CCT macromedia director shockwave projection
CDA CD audio track
CDF Microsoft channel definition format file
CDI Philip's high-density disc interactive format
CDM Visual dBASE custom data module file
CDR CorelDRAW drawing file; Original audio CD data file
CDT CorelDRAW template
CDX CorelDRAW compressed drawing file; Microsoft Visual FoxPro index file
CFG configuration file
CGI public * * * Gateway interface script file
CGM computer graphics metafile
CHK file fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or disk scanning
HTML file compiled by p>CHM
CHR character set (font file)
CIF Adaptec CD creator CD image file
CIL Clip Gallery download package
CLASS Ja. Va class file
CLL Crick Software Clicker file
CLP Windows clipboard file
CLS Visual Basic class file
CMF Corel metafile
CMV Corel Move animation file
CMX Corel Presentation Exchange image < P>CNF Telnet, configuration files used by Windows and other applications whose internal formats will change
menu options and installation files of p>CNM Windows applications
content files used by p>CNT Windows (or other) systems to help index or other purposes
displayable machine code/assembly code files generated by p>COD Microsoft C compilers. With the source c code attached as the annotation
COM command file (program)
CPL control panel extension, Corel color board
CPO Corel print storage file
CPP C++ code file
CPR Corel provides instruction file
CPT Corel photo-painting image
CPX Corel Presentation Exchange compressed graphics file
CRD Windows Cardfile file
CRP Corel provides runtime introduction file; Visual dBASE custom report file
CRT authentication file
CSC Corel script file
CSP PC Emcee On_Screen image
CST Macromedia Director Cast file
CSV comma-separated value file
CTL is usually used to represent a file containing control information; FaxWork uses it to keep an archive file about the information received or sent by each fax
CUR Windows cursor file
CV Corel version; Microsoft CodeView information screen file
CXX C++ source code file extension description
DAT data file; WrodPerfect merges data files; Paradox 7 table for some MPEG files
DB Borland
DBC Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container file
DBF dBASE file
DBX Databorn image; Microsoft Visual FoxPro form file
DCM DCM module format file
DCS desktop color separator file
DCT Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container
DCU Delphi compilation unit file
DCX Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container; Fax image based on PCX; Macro
DEM is used to represent the USGS benchmark file of digital height model
DER authentication file
DEWF Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recording device format
DIB device-independent bitmap
DIC directory
DIF spreadsheet with data interchange
DIG DigiLink format; Sound DesignerⅠ I audio file
DIR Macromedia Director file
DIZ description file
DLG C++ dialog script file
DLS dynamic link library
DLS downloadable sound file
DMD Visual dBASE data MODule file
DMF X-Trakker music module (mod). File
DOC Word document
DOT Microsoft Word document template
DRAW Acorn's object-based vector image file
DRV driver
DRW MicrograFX Designer/Draw; Pro/ E drawing file
DSF Micrografx Designer VFX file
DSG DOOM saved file
DSM Dynamic Studio Music Module (MOD) file
DSP Microsoft Developer Studio project file
DSQ Corel QUERY file
DS. W Microsoft Developer Studio workspace file
DTD SGML document type definition (DTD) file
DUN Microsoft dialing network export file
DV digital video file (MIME)
DXF interchangeable drawing file format, binary DWG format text representation; Data exchange file
DXR Macromedia Director protected (uneditable) movie file extension description
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image
EDD element definition document (FrameMaker+SGML document)
EMD ABT extension module
EMF Windows enhanced metafile
EML Microsoft Outlook Ex.