Doctors reported by 12320 serious

Doctors by the patient complaint, if the investigation found that the doctor does have violations of the law, may be the health administrative department to give administrative punishment. Such as failing to truthfully inform the patient's condition, medical measures and medical risks, the circumstances are serious, the responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel shall be given administrative or disciplinary action according to law. If a patient suffers damage due to defects in medicines, disinfection products or medical devices, or if unqualified blood is imported, the patient may request compensation from the holder of the marketing authorization of the medicine, the producer, the institution providing the blood, or from the medical institution. If the patient requests compensation from the medical institution, the medical institution shall have the right to recover the compensation from the holder of the listed license of the medicine, the producer or the blood supplying institution which is responsible for the damage after the compensation. First, the occurrence of medical malpractice bear the following legal responsibility: 1, medical institutions in the occurrence of medical malpractice, by the administrative department of health, according to the level of medical malpractice and the circumstances, give a warning; the circumstances are serious, ordered to suspend rectification until the original licensing department to revoke the license to practice.

2, the medical personnel responsible for the occurrence of medical accidents in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crime of medical malpractice, shall be held criminally liable; not yet enough to be criminally punished, shall be given administrative or disciplinary action.

3, on the occurrence of medical malpractice of the medical staff, the health administrative department and may order the suspension of six months more than one year of practice; the circumstances are serious, revocation of its practicing certificate. Second, how to complain about the doctor is useful

1, timely retention of evidence. After the occurrence of medical disputes, patients and their families should promptly complain to the medical unit or its competent authorities, the investigation and handling of the request, in the process, timely request for the perpetrator and the department director to write a clear account of what happened, and will be used to seal the medical equipment. If the patient dies, promptly protect the body and request a medical appraisal from the competent authority to which it belongs.

2. Processing. Medical unit or its competent department will immediately after receiving the complaint, assign someone to properly store the original information, seal the medical items, to prevent alteration of medical records, forgery, concealment, destruction. If the patient dies, an autopsy will be initiated; if not, the patient's family should be reminded. The competent department will then organize an investigation by the medical administration and form an investigation report, which will be reported to the higher health administration if necessary. Individual practice of medical personnel, rural doctors in medical disputes occurring by the approval of the practice of health administrative departments to organize the investigation and handling. 3. Handling consequences. If it is a general medical dispute, after investigation, it can be resolved by the medical department (department, section) and the patient consultation. If the patient or family members can not accept, the results of the investigation will be reported to the leading group of medical disputes or medical unit leaders. General hospitals have medical complaints office, you can react to its, such as its stonewalling, should be asked to see the hospital leadership.