However, except in some cases, if you transit in a third country, or the country gives you a transit sign, you can't stay beyond the prescribed transit sign; If you don't need a transit sign, you can only stay in the airport transit restricted area and can't leave the airport.
Generally, connecting flights will involve baggage problems. When you check in, you can check your luggage directly to the terminal, so your luggage doesn't need to be checked again, and the airport will automatically transfer it for you. If your connecting airline is different, you need to check in again.
Flight precautions.
1. Passengers are forbidden to use mobile phones on civil aviation flights in China, so make sure to turn them off. Please don't use mobile phones on the plane, especially when the plane takes off and lands. Prohibited electronic equipment also includes walkie-talkies, remote control toys and other electronic equipment with remote control devices, computers, audio players (tape recorders, CD players, MD players and MP3 players), video recorders (video cameras, vcd players and DVD players) and electronic game machines.
2. Personal belongings can be placed on the luggage rack above the head, and heavier items can be placed under the seat. But don't put anything in front of the security door or on the passage.
3. If there is a mistake, you should confirm it at the airport at noon 12 the day after the flight leaves the station at the latest. After that, if you want to change to a follow-up flight, the airline will handle it when the flight is available, and you will be exempted from the missed flight fee at one time.