Water treatment in the current more promising is which direction

After recent years of efforts, China's urban wastewater treatment technology has made greater achievements, fruitful results. As a piece of "blue ocean" yet to be opened up, the water treatment market outlook is very optimistic. According to the Prospect Industry Research Institute, "China's sewage industry market outlook and investment analysis report" shows that China's existing water plants more than 4,000, more than 3,500 sewage treatment plants, with the gradual improvement of sewage treatment facilities, China's sewage treatment rate has risen to a high level.

Currently, China's sewage treatment equipment product structure is being upgraded in the direction of refinement, intelligence and other directions, including integrated sewage treatment equipment, industrial water treatment equipment, sludge dewatering equipment, desalination equipment, ultraviolet sterilizers and other subsections are expected to continue to maintain growth, emerging areas are very likely to become the next point of strength of the sewage treatment equipment industry.

As an important part of the strategic emerging industries, environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry is developing rapidly, and become one of the main growth points of the mechanical equipment manufacturing industry in the next few years. At present, China still has nearly 70% of the environmental protection field governance needs have not been met, environmental protection investment prospects are very broad.