How bad is pet dr radiation for doctors

Not very harmful.

Pet DR machine radiation dose is low, the price of two to three hundred thousand is considered an expensive equipment in the pet hospital, coupled with good protective measures, can greatly reduce the harm of radiation on the human body, especially for the frequent contact with the equipment of the medical staff, but also a kind of protection.

Secondly, in the pet hospital, the room where the filming is done is equipped with certain anti-radiation measures, coupled with the design of the animal dr itself in terms of radiation, so the filming process, the radiation dose produced is very small.

Pet DR equipment use protection tips

1. shorten the time. Under the premise of meeting the diagnostic quality, try to shorten the exposure time of X-rays, the shorter the exposure time, the lower the radiation dose received by the staff and sick animals.

2. Distance protection: X-ray exposure is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, the distance increases by a factor of 1, the exposure is reduced to the original 1/4. Therefore, X-ray machine exposure veterinary workers should try to stay away from the X-ray tube.

3. Shielding protection. In radiation protection, the configuration of the necessary protective equipment such as lead clothing, lead gloves, lead bibs, etc., the operation of X-ray staff if there is a possibility of exposure to X-rays, to wear protective equipment.

4. Other protection. Radiation should not only take measures from the equipment and other hardware aspects, but also in the management of good measures. The operation of the medical staff to conduct regular training in the operation of the product, as far as possible in the shooting, a one-time success, to avoid repeated shooting.