Cross-border thinking and innovative development

The so-called cross-border thinking is a way of thinking in which the big world has a big vision and views problems and solutions from multiple perspectives and horizons. It is interpreted as crossover, crossing over. It not only represents a fashionable attitude to life, but also represents a new world vision, thinking qualities. Breaking the established methods, borrowing extensively, returning to the essence to find the principles under the rules and trends, and finding an alternative and effective solution. Break the established methods, extensive reference, return to the essence to find the rules and trends under the principle, to find an alternative and effective solutions. How to break the rules, break through the limitations of the established methods, to find a revolutionary means to solve more complex problems, this is the cross-border.

In the human thought level, the most macro thinking is humanistic thinking, because the humanities is all-encompassing, as long as it involves people, involves people and external relations, involves people and internal relations, etc., all humanistic thinking. Humanities seem to have no direct relationship with our life experience and business behavior, in the humanities thinking down, it is covered by another layer of thinking structure is scientific thinking. But the goal of science is very much focused on a certain object, which is scientific thinking. It addresses the thinking that bridges each horizon further forward within the larger horizon of humanistic thinking. Underneath scientific thinking there is another thinking enveloped, called technical thinking. What is technical thinking? Scientific thinking which can be practiced into something practical, something that can be used for us, through verification, through material science, through other integrated sciences, is called technological thinking. And science is beyond technology, it's an abstract layer of thinking. The next level I call business thinking. What is business thinking, business thinking is the thinking when humanistic thinking, scientific thinking, and technological thinking can be realized as the end point of products and services, which is business thinking. So business thinking is actually facing the final node, how do you make it get life, and continue the life of the problem, very specific. People come to this society don't they? First know mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and then learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide, and then learn professional skills, and finally feel that they have a few brushes, need to do business on their own. Young people have innovative thinking, bold and daring, if there is no comprehensive thinking or the help of people with comprehensive thinking, success is difficult. So the team combination of young people i.e. all kinds of thinking ability people together the chance of success is much higher.

For example, biopolitics is an emerging cross-discipline arising from the combination of biology and political science. Mainly study the impact of biological factors on political behavior, the relationship between life sciences and political science and its nature and development law. British scholar Molly Roberts published the book "Biopolitics: On the Physiology, Pathology and Politics of Social and Living Organisms", which first put forward the concept of biopolitics. Western academics widely used the sociobiological point of view to study all kinds of humanities. Campbell used it to study political science, arguing that nepotism, anti-social behavior, etc. are closely related to sociobiological theories. Other scholars have used the results of human life sciences to explain political processes and consequences, drawing inspiration from biology or from animal behavior, focusing on the evolution of popular political behavior, and forming the new discipline of biopolitics. Other scholars in this field have paid attention to the study of the physiological basis of individual or small-group political behavior, which involves medicine, public ****medicine, psychology and physiological psychology and pharmacological psychology, among others. Political science does not focus on the study of the biological characteristics of human political behavior, only to study the human being as a political unit or a factor in the political system, contrary to the principle of "humanism", only to consider the human being as a biological whole, in order to make the original political science of humanism embodied. Through the combination of natural science and social science can better understand human political behavior.

People with IQ below 80 are able to understand state behavior and know cold, heat and satiety, but are unable to understand human social behavior. They are still in the moral phase of their personality, and their criteria for evaluating all things are at the stage of simple yes or no, right or wrong. So these people are bound to control everything and always think that others should be responsible for their own situation.

People with an IQ of around 90 can understand human social behavior, but not human psychological behavior. They are strong-willed economic believers, still in the interest period of their personality, convinced that the ass determines the brain, and that whatever position one is in, one says. These same people are also proponents of the struggle theory, believing only in conflict and not in cooperation.

People with an IQ of around 100, who are able to understand human psychological behavior and explain social phenomena with both psychology and economics, are composite theorists. Their disadvantage is that they are not yet able to fully cognize the laws themselves, and their thinking is only fragmented points, unable to form an integrated surface or body.

With an IQ of 110, they are able to understand stable cognitive systems, but they will unconsciously reject phenomena and evidence that are unfavorable to their own conceptions, and are unable to understand sudden unstable systems. So these people become determinists, claiming to be rational, but seeking a precise outcome in everything. Munger cautions these people that it is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.

With an IQ of 120, this is when the human mind gets its start, when it is possible to develop a basic awareness of sudden unstable systems. And as you know, human society and human nature itself is essentially an emergent unstable system. And the novelist, Kazuaki Takano, tries to make up a story that allows the reader to recognize this.

The perspectives and methods we use to perceive the world, and the skills and patterns we acquire, are derived from those summarized in our unique upbringing and learning environments. Creating your own cognitive system takes two disjointed bodies of knowledge and crisscrosses them together.

You can intertwine political science and math to create a discipline of econometric politics, which was played by sci-fi guru Asimov of yesteryear, who combined Aristotle's Politics with math to write a set of Galactic Empire-Bases, which still sells well. You could combine history and psychology and have a historical psychology. You can also apply statistics and human nature combined together, used to study the stock market, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, is how to play.

The industrial era pursued vertical development, while the connected era pursued horizontal development. Horizontal development and various industries need a lot of touch points or combinations, which is cross-border. Cross-border is a combination of points, the real economy can not avoid the impact of the Internet, experience business should be a focus on cross-border thinking, need to be combined with the Internet to land. Do not do any cross-border and integration will be eliminated by the market. For example, Jiawen is a children's entertainment business is mainly a variety of business or a variety of functions combined together in the complex, a main multi-subsidiary, in order to have a tenacious vitality. Experience? Business is a cross-border thinking, to be combined with Internet promotion. Experience business should be a collection of cross-border thinking, need to be combined with the Internet to land, the Internet is the means and bridge, whether it is a shopping center or a brand, must do to focus on customer concerns, relying on the Internet to do marketing promotion. For brand merchants, they should think about whether they can survive after moving into the shopping center, whether they can bring strong customer flow, and whether they can maintain a sustainable vitality. As for shopping centers, they should think about their tenants from the beginning of planning and design. The key to the success or failure of a commercial project or brand lies in the ability to think clearly about the purpose and means of various promotions from the source.

Cross-border should be the most talked about mode of thinking on the Internet, from the beginning of the Apple cross-border into the cell phone industry, subverting Nokia, WeChat cross-border into the field of communications, subverting the operator's voice and text message business to the current full swing of the Internet financial subversion of the traditional bank's huge impact, so that people can appreciate the tremendous revolutionary power of cross-border thinking at the same time, but also thinking: cross-border is not all Revolutionary innovation, are all explosive influence? In fact, cross-border is everywhere, it may be just a tiny innovation, it may be just a subtle change, it can change the pattern of the big industry in a silent way. Today we share a micro-innovation that is changing or subverting the world of car navigation, to experience the charm of cross-border thinking. The development of smart phones, touch screen technology has basically unified the world, in order to bring users a better experience, but also to another group of users: the driver has brought inconvenience. In the era of push-button cell phones, it is relatively easy to receive and dial calls while driving, but in the touch era, one-handed operation can be said to be quite inconvenient, especially for large-screen cell phones, and it is almost impossible to operate with one hand. At the same time, the development of cell phone navigation technology, its real-time update of the map and road information, coupled with the free strategy of map manufacturers, making it better than the traditional car navigation, but the biggest inconvenience is the lack of an optimal location in the car to put a cell phone, so that drivers can see the key intersection of the instructions, and easy to switch between the phone and the navigation.

In modern society, a person without cross-border thinking is difficult to succeed, why? Because the value of human embodied in the scarcity, value is relative, everyone has the value is not what value. What is the essence of scarcity? It is innovation. What is the essence of innovation? The essence of innovation is the recombination of elements. At present, the national implementation of the "medical and nursing" refers to the combination of medical resources and pension resources to maximize the use of social resources. Among them, the elements of "medical" include medical rehabilitation and health care services, specifically medical services, health consulting services, health examination services, disease diagnosis and treatment and nursing care services, rehabilitation services for serious illnesses, and hospice care services, etc.; the elements of "nourishment" include life care services, spiritual and psychological services, and cultural activity services, The "nourishment" element includes life care services, spiritual and psychological services, and cultural activity services. Utilizing the development model of "medical and nursing integration", integrating medical treatment, rehabilitation, health care and pension as a whole, placing the health care services for the elderly in the first place, combining the functions of nursing institutions and hospitals, and integrating life care and rehabilitation care into a new model.

What kind of people can find innovative opportunities to recombine elements? The answer is people with cross-border thinking. You can look closely at the next, everything is almost almost from the era of cross-border innovation. For example, when the examination of Taobao rich that group of people is to understand, the Internet + business, the two elements of the combination of huge opportunities. Micro business rich people is to understand, social + marketing, social networks, this new element appeared, and the combination of marketing appeared a huge opportunity. Pinduoduo on the rich people is to understand, social + group purchase + e-commerce, these elements reorganization, in WeChat quickly set off the traffic dividend. Shake voice on the crazy powder and get rich people is to understand, short video + intelligent distribution, which largely subverted the traditional long video and search mode of information distribution. So we can hardly understand Baidu Robin Li playing artificial intelligence. It can be said that all successful people are seizing the opportunity of his time, which others can not see. For example, the dividends of reform and opening up, how many people could figure it out at that time? At that time, in those days, banks released loans, and many people did not dare to ask for them. If there is no cross-border thinking there will be two consequences: not being able to see when the opportunity comes, always following others' asses, and never enjoying the biggest dividends. No innovation ability, it also means that can only do the work that others can do, will inevitably be gradually mediocre, because the essence of wealth is innovation. The more the era develops, the more important cross-border thinking, because the same industry competition will become more and more intense, the innovation space will become smaller and smaller, even if there is not your turn, the latecomers and young people must find their own opportunities through cross-border innovation, and cross-border thinking is the weapon we must have.

The enterprise's resources are limited, the market competition challenges are unlimited, how to limited resources, timely and effective to achieve the goals of the organization, to complete the various stages of the task? In the face of globalization and information technology, business leaders need to understand the business environment, through cross-border development, strategic planning, the use of organizational manpower and team intelligence, to play the leader's qualities and skills, and can efficiently integrate various resources, and timely lead the organization and motivate the team to complete the task, so that the enterprise to reach the peak again.
