Can an insurance company check a user's case from ten years ago?

Insurance companies can check a user's case ten years ago, insurance companies usually use the insured's ID number to access their company's designated hospitals, which are big hospitals and easy to check. Now a lot of places are building health management centers, which will be the place for insurance companies to work with in the future, and this health management center will be connected to all the hospitals, so as long as you go to the hospital, medical records will be kept and checked.

Many people may not realize that we have illnesses before we buy insurance, and after you get sick and buy insurance, you don't go to claim, as for checking your situation before the illness exists, it is very simple, you can check your hospital record by checking your medical record, so the health insurance card don't swipe some medicines or lend it to someone else, just like your previous medical history. In theory, salespeople should disclose the risk to the buyer during the sales process and state that the insurance company can check the patient's medical history. In reality, many insurance people fail to tell the buyer in order to achieve results, and they all make selling insurance their number one goal, with performance bonuses coming first.

Insurance salespeople are basically labor dispatchers, and most of them leave after only two to three years of employment. When you need to claim, he is no longer in this insurance company, and you can not find him, so for him, he is not afraid of your subsequent trouble; on the other hand, although you do, he did not resign, you are ultimately a failure, because these terms in the insurance contract can be agreed upon, you do not have a careful look at their own when you buy, black and white contract signed anyway, although you go to court involved in the lawsuit, without any problematic lawsuit is also a failure. So before you buy the insurance, the insurance man will not check your past medical records, his aim is to sell and collect commission.

Insurance claims, that's when the insurance company has to pay real money, so the insurance company must be incredibly cautious, it tries to insure all the deductibles one by one for the deductible, exactly the more deductibles it has, the higher the profit. So it's not surprising that it would find cases from 20 years ago, let alone 10 years ago. Whether you deliberately forget or hide it, it's just that when operating a claims check on you, it's based on the principle of maximizing profits insurance companies to handle it, it's business, and no one wants to make more money. As long as it is legal, it has nothing to do with honesty and moral bottom line. In fact, run insurance, on the surface may be trying to persuade you, in fact, what they think in their hearts is actually how to get you on, in short, insurance, in addition to accident insurance, medical insurance is useful, the other main thing is to rely on fooling. You can try different commercial insurance companies, only buy accident or medical insurance, see their attitude, maybe they will not even sell you alone.