The model of superstring theory;
The term "string theory" originally referred to bosonic string theory, which encompasses 26 degrees of space, and superstring theory, which incorporates supersymmetry. In recent physics, the term "string theory" is generally used to refer exclusively to "superstring theory", whereas the earlier "bosonic string theory" is referred to by its full name for ease of distinction. In the 1990s, Edward Witton proposed an M-theory with 11 degrees of space, and he and other scholars found strong evidence that the many different versions of superstring theory at the time were in fact the result of different limiting conditions of M-theory, and these discoveries led to a second revolution in superstring theory.
The most fundamental unit of matter is not a particle, but a one-dimensional curve, the string, whose length ? = Planck length.
String vibration mode:
String vibration is divided into fundamental frequency and generalized frequency nth generalized frequency rate is. (l: length of the string) Due to the reflection at the endpoints, the vibrations on the string form standing waves. different values of n correspond to different modes of the open string. The string vibration corresponds to the harmonic vibration of an infinite number of resonators. The closed string mode of vibration has only left and right rotating traveling waves because there are no reflected wave endpoints.
The more violent the vibration of a string, the greater the energy of the particle; the softer the vibration, the smaller the energy of the particle. According to Einstein's mass-energy principle, large energy means large mass and small energy means small mass. Therefore, the more intense vibration of the particle mass is larger, and vice versa, the more gentle vibration of the particle mass is smaller. In quantum theory, particles have wave-particle duality. String theory, on the other hand, explains that the volatility of particles comes from the vibrations of strings.
Observable entities:
Open strings: like strings, with endpoints. Closed strings: like rubber bands, without endpoints.
String theory has only one interaction, the splitting and binding of strings. When an open string touches, it can form a third string by touching and joining at the endpoints, and then this third string forms the final two strings. The endpoints of open strings can also butt together to form closed strings, so there are also closed strings in open string theory.
How quarks, protons, and electrons are created with strings:
The properties of different particles are determined by the different vibrational behaviors of the strings, with electrons being strings that vibrate in a certain way, and quarks being strings that vibrate in another way,. The fundamental units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small, thread-like "strings," whose different vibrations and motions give rise to a variety of different elementary particles.
The physical model in the superstring theory considers that the most basic unit of all matter is a small piece of "energy string", and that all the elementary particles, such as electrons, protons, and quarks, are composed of this "energy string", which occupies the two-dimensional space-time. The "energy strings" are all composed of this "energy line" that occupies two dimensions of space and time. In Chinese translation, it is usually translated as "strings". Superstring theory can solve problems related to black holes.
In superstring string theory, the fundamental objects are not elementary particles occupying a single point in space, but one-dimensional strings. These strings can have endpoints, or they can connect themselves into a closed-loop ring. Just like the strings on a violin, certain modes of oscillation, or *** vibrational frequencies, whose wavelengths fit exactly, are supported in string theory.