Catalog of Import and Export Tariff Code Commodity and Item Notes


General Rules of Classification

Class I Live Animals; Animal Products

Chapter I Live Animals

Chapter II Meat and Edible Miscellaneous Minced Meat

Chapter III Fish, Crustaceans, Mollusks, and Other Aquatic Invertebrates

Chapter IV Milk; Eggs; Natural Honey; and Other Edible Animal Products

Chapter V Other animal products

Category II Plant products

Chapter VI Live trees and other live plants; bulbs, roots and the like; floral arrangements and decorative clusters

Chapter VII Vegetables for human consumption, roots and tubers

Chapter VIII Fruits and nuts for human consumption; rinds of citrus fruits or melons

Chapter IX Coffee, tea, maté and flavouring spices

Chapter IV Dairy products; eggs; natural honey; other food animal products

Chapter V Other animal products

Category II Plant products

Chapter IV Dairy products; egg products; natural honey; other food animal products

Chapter X Cereals

Chapter XI Products of the milling industry; malt; starch; inulin; gluten

Chapter XII Oleaginous kernels and fruits; miscellaneous kernels and fruits; plants for industrial or medicinal purposes; straw, straw and fodder

Chapter XIII Insects' gums; gums, resins, and other plant liquids and juices

Chapter XIV Plant materials for plaits; other vegetable products

Chapter XIV Plant materials for plaiting and knotting; other plant products. Plant materials; other plant products

Category III Oils, fats and oils of animals and plants and products of their decomposition; refined edible fats and oils: waxes of animals and plants

Chapter XV Oils, fats, oils and fats of animals and plants and products of their decomposition; refined edible fats and oils; waxes of animals and plants

Category IV Foodstuffs; beverages, wines and vinegars; products of tobacco, tobacco and tobacco substitutes

Chapter XVI Products of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

Chapter XVII Sugar and saccharine foods

Chapter XVIII Cocoa and cocoa products

Chapter XIX Products of cereals, grain flour, starch or milk; cakes and confectionery

Chapter XX Products of vegetables, fruits, nuts or other parts of plants

Chapter 22 Beverages, Wine and Vinegar

Chapter 23 Residues and Wastes of the Foodstuffs Industry; Prepared Animal Feeds

Chapter 24 Tobacco, Products of Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes

Category V Mineral Products

Chapter 25 Salt; Sulphur; Clay and Stone; Gypsum, Lime and Cement

Category V Mineral Products

Category VI Salt; Sulfur; Clay and Stone; Gypsum, Lime and Cement

Chapter 27 Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and their Distillation Products; Bituminous Substances; Mineral Waxes

Category VI Products of the Chemical Industry and its Allied Industries

Chapter 28 Inorganic Chemicals; Organic and Inorganic Compounds of Precious Metals, Rare-Earth Metals, Radioactive Elements and their Isotopes

Chapter 30 Pharmaceuticals

Chapter 31 Fertilizers

Chapter 32 Tanning extracts and dyestuffs; tannins and their derivatives; dyestuffs, pigments and other coloring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other similar adhesives; inks and printing inks

Chapter 33 Essential Oils and Balms; Aromatic preparations and cosmetics and toilet articles Chapter 34 Soaps, organic surfactants, detergents, lubricants, artificial waxes, modifying waxes, polishes, candles and the like, paste for molding, "dental waxes" and preparations of calcined gypsum for dental purposes

Chapter 35 Proteins; modified starches; gums; enzymes

Chapter 36 Explosives; perfumes; aromatic products and cosmetic toiletries

Chapter 37 Proteins and other substances; adhesives; inks; printing inks

Chapter 38 Proteins and other substances; adhesive substances; inks and other similar adhesive substances; inks and other similar adhesive substances Chapter 36 Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrotechnic alloys; products of flammable materials

Chapter 37 Photographic and cinematographic products

Chapter 38 Miscellaneous chemical products

Class VII Plastics and products thereof; rubber and products thereof

Chapter 39 Plastics and products thereof

Chapter 40 Rubber and products thereof

Category VIII Raw hides, skins, leather, wool and woolen goods

Category VIII Raw hides, skins, leather, woolen goods and woolen goods, rubber and products thereof

Category VIII Class VIII Raw hides, skins, furs and articles thereof; saddlery and harnesses; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal intestines (except silk)

Chapter 41 Raw hides (except furs) and skins

Chapter 42 Leather articles; saddlery and harnesses; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal intestines (except silk)

Chapter 43 Fur, artificial fur and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof

Category VIII Plastics and articles thereof Chapter 43 Fur, artificial fur and articles thereof

Category IX Wood and articles of wood; charcoal; cork and articles of cork; articles of straw, straw, thatch or other plaited materials; baskets and wickerwork

Chapter 44 Wood and articles of wood; charcoal

Chapter 45 Cork and articles of cork

Chapter 46 Straw, straw, thatch or other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials; articles of straw and other plaited materials. Other woven material products; basket and wickerwork

Category X Wood pulp and other fibrous cellulose pulp; recycled (waste and shredded) paper or paperboard; paper, paperboard and its products

Chapter 47 Wood pulp and other fibrous cellulose pulp; recycled (waste and shredded) paper or paperboard

Chapter 48 Paper and paperboard; paper pulp, paper or paperboard products

Category XI Textile raw materials and textile products

Chapter 50 Silk sericulture

Chapter 51 Wool, fine or coarse animal wool; horsehair yarn and its woven fabrics

Chapter 52 Cotton

Chapter 53 Other vegetable textile Fibres; paper yarns and woven fabrics thereof

Chapter 54 Chemical fibre filaments; flattened strips of chemical fibre textile materials and the like

Chapter 55 Chemical fibre staple fibres

Chapter 56 Woven flotsam, felted tweeds and non-woven fabrics; special yarns; threads, cords, ropes, cords, cables and articles thereof

Chapter 57 Carpets and other paving articles of textile materials

Chapter 58 Carpets and other paving articles of textile materials

Chapter 59 Carpet and other paving articles of textile materials

Cotton Chapter 58 Special Woven Fabrics; Tufted Fabrics; Lace; Decorative Blankets; Decorative Tapes; Embroidery

Chapter 59 Impregnated, Coated, Coated or Laminated Textiles; Textile Products for Industrial Use

Chapter 60 Knitted and Crocheted Fabrics

Chapter 61 Garments and Accessories for Clothing, Knitted or Crocheted

Characteristics for Chapter 62 Clothing and Accessories for Clothing, Not Knitted or Not Crocheted

Chapter 62 Garments and Clothing, Not Knitted or Not Crocheted Clothing and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted

Chapter 63 Other textile articles of manufacture; sets; used clothing and used textiles; rags

Category XII Shoes, hats, umbrellas, canes, whips, and parts thereof; worked feathers and articles thereof; artificial flowers; articles of human hair

Chapter 64 Shoes, boots, shin guards, and the like, and parts thereof

Capsule, and parts thereof

Capsule XXV Hats and parts thereof

Chapter 66 Umbrellas, parasols, canes, whips, riding whips and parts thereof

Chapter 67 Processed feathers, down and articles thereof; artificial flowers; articles of human hair

Category XIII Articles of stone, gypsum, cement, asbestos, mica and similar materials; ceramic products; glass and articles thereof

Chapter 68 Stone materials, Products of stone, gypsum, cement, asbestos, mica and similar materials

Chapter 69 Ceramic products

Chapter 70 Glass and products thereof

Category XIV Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, cladding of precious metals, and products thereof; imitation jewelry; coins

Chapter 71 Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, cladding of precious metals, and products thereof; imitation jewelry Precious metals and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coins

Class XV Base metals and articles thereof

Chapter 72 Iron and steel

Chapter 73 Iron and steel articles

Chapter 74 Copper and articles thereof

Chapter 75 Nickel and articles thereof

Chapter 76 Aluminium and articles thereof

Chapter 77 (Reserved for future use in the Harmonized System)

Chapter 77 (Reserved for future use in the Harmonized System)

Capters 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 Chapter 78 Lead and articles thereof

Chapter 79 Zinc and articles thereof

Chapter 80 Tin and articles thereof

Chapter 81 Other base metals, cermets and articles thereof

Chapter 82 Tools, implements, sharps, spoons, forks and parts thereof of base metals

Chapter 83 Miscellaneous articles of base metals

Chapter 84 Miscellaneous articles of base metals

Chapters 85, 86, 87 and 88 Chapter Miscellaneous articles of base metals

Category XVI Machines, mechanical appliances, electrical equipment and parts thereof; tape recorders and sound players, apparatus for recording and reproducing television images and sound and parts thereof, accessories

Chapter 84 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machines, mechanical appliances and parts thereof

Chapter 85 Motors, electrical equipment and parts thereof; tape recorders and sound players, Television images, sound recording and playback equipment and their parts, accessories

Category XVII Vehicles, aircraft, ships and related transportation equipment

Chapter 86 Railway and tramway locomotives, vehicles and their parts; railway and tramway track fixtures and their parts, accessories; all kinds of mechanical (including electro-mechanical) traffic signaling equipment

Chapter 87 Vehicles Parts and accessories thereof, except railway and tramway vehicles

Chapter 88 Aircraft, spacecraft and parts thereof

Chapter 89 Ships and floating structures

Class XVIII Optical, photographic, cinematographic, metrological, measuring, testing, medical or surgical instruments and appliances, precision instruments and equipment; clocks and watches; musical instruments: parts and accessories for the aforesaid articles

Chapter 91 Clocks and clocks and parts thereof

Chapter 92 Musical instruments and parts thereof, accessories thereof

Category XIX Weapons, ammunition and parts thereof, accessories thereto

Capital XXIII Weapons, ammunition and parts thereof, accessories thereto

Cap. XXIII. Weapons, ammunition and parts thereof, and accessories thereto

Category XX Miscellaneous articles

Chapter 94 Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress springs, upholstered cushions and similar stuffed articles; lamps and lighting fixtures, not elsewhere listed; illuminated signs, illuminated monuments and the like; mobile homes

Category XXV Toys, playthings, sporting goods and parts thereof, and accessories thereto

Category XCIII Miscellaneous articles

Chapter XIX Weapons, ammunition and parts thereof, and accessories thereto

Chapter XXVI Chapter Miscellaneous Articles

Class XXI Works of Art, Collections and Antiquities

Chapter 97 Works of Art, Collections and Antiquities

Annexes Abbreviations and Symbols of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System)