1. Garbage reduction: through high-temperature incineration, the volume and weight of the garbage is greatly reduced, usually after incineration of the residue (slag) of the volume of the original garbage is only 10% or so, the weight is reduced by about 80%, an effective solution to the problem of landfill space tension.
2. Energy Recovery: Heat will be generated in the process of garbage incineration, and this heat can be converted into steam for power generation or used for heating, etc. through the waste heat boiler, which realizes the recycling of resources, and it is an effective means of energy recovery.
3. Pathogen inactivation: For medical waste, animal waste and other garbage that may contain pathogens and viruses, the incinerator can completely destroy them at high temperatures, avoiding the public **** health risks associated with the spread of pathogens.
4. Harmful substances control: Although the incineration process will produce a certain amount of harmful gases, but the modern waste incineration technology is equipped with advanced exhaust gas treatment system, the flue gas can be purified and treated to remove harmful substances (such as dioxin, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc.), so that it meets the emission standards and then discharged into the atmosphere.
5. Treatment of mixed garbage: The waste incinerator can treat mixed general household garbage, industrial garbage, medical garbage, and many other combustible solid wastes, including but not limited to plastics, paper, fabrics, wood, food scraps, discarded chemical containers, medical supplies, and so on.
6. Reduced environmental pollution: Compared to traditional landfills, incineration reduces soil and groundwater pollution from waste leachate, and reduces methane emissions (a strong greenhouse gas) from waste accumulation.
In short, waste incinerators, as a highly efficient means of waste disposal, can effectively solve waste disposal problems, reduce pressure on the environment, and achieve a certain degree of energy recovery. However, incineration also requires strict operational management and technical monitoring to ensure that the safety and environmental standards of the incineration process are effectively implemented.