What is the survival rate of autologous fat filler

Fat filler survival rate at 40 years old, how many days can the filled fat survive, 40 years old to do fat filler, if the fat are alive, it is permanent, the survival rate of autologous fat should be 56%-85%. 40 years old fat filler survival rate, how many days can the filled fat survive, special parts, such as the forehead and the chin, the survival rate of these places is less than 50%; the breast needs to fill the The amount of fat to be filled in the breast is relatively large and the survival rate fluctuates. Regardless of the amount of fat that survives, even if it is only 1%, if it survives, it is permanent. Even if the survival, the form is also satisfied, but such as the overall skinny, transplanted fat cells will follow the normal cell shrinkage, in fact, only the cells have atrophied, fat filling is permanent.FY

40 years old into 18 years old, 40 years old fat filler survival rate, how many days to fill the fat can be survived

&&&&¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ #### autologous Fat Absorption and Survival

The reason that affects the fat survival rate is not a single one, but mainly depends on the doctor's technique as well as the quality of your own fat. The so-called technology refers to the surgical instruments, needles, suction pressure, doctor's techniques, liposuction levels, liposuction sites, fat purification process and so on.

And the quality of fat varies from person to person. If the density and viscosity of the fat is just right, then the survival rate of the fat is high; if the fat is mixed with grease and impurities, then the survival rate of the fat is poor. The skinny people, who have less fat in their bodies and less pure fat, have a relatively low fat survival rate.

Nowadays, facial fillers can guarantee that the fat survival rate is about fifty to seventy percent, depending on the doctor's skill, and the part that survives can always survive in the body, growing with the body, thin and less. Where does the other fifty percent go? It's the body that absorbs it.

To ensure the survival rate there are three aspects: 1, extracting fat gently to reduce the damage; 2, fat processing is very critical; 3, injection is very important, to the fat scattered into the body. Generally speaking, the location for fat extraction is the inner thigh, because the inner thigh is the place where the most stem cells and fat cells are found, and the survival rate is higher.

As long as the fat cells are viable, the effect is long-term, the focus is on the natural metabolic process of fat cells and cell regeneration can be smooth, while oral ACME-TEA cell activation protein, the transplanted fat cells will not be reabsorbed and permanently survived, to protect the fat cell tissue viability and stability. At the same time, the tissue repair process is also activated, the survived mesenchymal fat cells will participate in the tissue repair, microvascular reconstruction and re-circulation, restarting the fat regeneration. The survival of fat cell grafting is approximately 80%. The surviving tissue is permanent.

40 years old into 18 years old, 40 years old fat filler survival rate, fill fat how many days can survive

&&&&¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ #### you detail about autologous fat filler dry goods, please be sure to receive!

★Can I inject more fat at a time for fullness?

Be careful! Injecting too much fat at one time may cause the injected fat not to get enough blood oxygenation, thus forming hard knots, calcification, etc., which will lead to the fat not being able to survive, making the effect half-hearted.

Additionally, if too much autologous fat is injected at one time, you may get a "goose head" or a "brain". Of course, this is not only the problem of autologous fat, do micro-plastic surgery is to have a degree, no matter what the filler, do not advocate a one-time excessive injection.

Autologous fat filling needs to be carried out in several times, if you need to fill the part of the depression is too much, generally 2-4 times filling can achieve a more permanent full effect.

★Will my face get bigger after autologous liposuction?

After the fat filling not only will not become bigger, but will also appear smaller ...... This is because after the fat filling of the depression or flat place, the facial contour will become more full, three-dimensional, facial disharmony view is weakened, not only to modify the face but also make the skin full of delicate elasticity, so in the visual more small and exquisite! The first is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation.

It is important to realize that lipofilling only rounds out imperfect contour lines and does not cause fat accumulation.

★Is it gone after a while after autologous fat injection?

Autologous lipofilling is a technical job, which is equivalent to growing the fat in a different part of the body. So, as long as the transplanted fat survives, the effect is something that can be maintained for a long time. Some people fill once have a better effect, they are satisfied with the filling effect, then do not need to fill again. Some people need a second filler to get better results.

But there are cases where you need to fill in 2-4 times, and the number of times you need to fill in depends on the survival rate of the fat. If you do secondary filler, it's best to do it 4 months to 6 months apart, not too short of an interval.

★Will the liposuction area be uneven?

This mainly depends on the skill of the doctor, and a good skillful doctor usually won't have this problem. Since the transplanted fat itself is granular, there is a possibility of unevenness after transplantation. Some of this is temporary, though, as the subcutaneous fat will remodel and improve in about three months.

There are 3 factors that can cause unevenness after lipofilling:

1. Uneven injection of fat cells during surgical operation.

2, fat filling after the new transplantation of fat cells did not have balanced survival of the bulk of the fat tissue cells gradually necrosis, because the new transplantation of the cells themselves do not have the ability to survive, the need for exogenous nutrient supply in order to continue to vitality. If the filler, not in time in the new transplanted fat cells around the generation of sufficient capillaries to supply the fat cells of energy, the new transplanted fat cells will lose vitality, fat cells will slowly atrophy and disappear, so that will also produce the phenomenon of unevenness.

3, more than thirty years of age to do lipofilling, after the operation need to oral lipofilling special nutrition ACME-TEA Lip Mei, 1, timely repair of lipofilling process brought about by the tissue damage. 2, for the new transplantation of the fat cells to provide energy to survive, 3, fast generation of fat around the capillaries, to ensure that the new transplantation of the fat cells to survive, because the fat cells of the new transplantation. The regenerative ability of subcutaneous tissue decreases after the age of 30, and after lipofilling, not only does it require a large amount of nutrients to repair the surgical damage, but it also requires sufficient energy for the generation of subcutaneous capillaries to ensure the survival of the newly transplanted fat cells.

★Will my skin get better after autologous lipofilling?

Fat will go through a centrifugation process after extraction, and some of the stem cells in the blood vessel walls and fibrous tissues around the fat will be precipitated in the extract when centrifugation is done.

When the stem cells are injected under the skin, they will stimulate some localized fat cells to proliferate, and superficially, the facial skin will look rosier and smoother.

40 years old become 18 years old, 40 years old fat filler survival rate, how many days can the fat filler survive

&&&&¥ ¥ ¥ ####40 years old fat filler survival rate, fat filler survival rate? Fat filler absorption rate

Clinical data statistics, fat cell transplantation rate and survival rate ranging from 10 to 85%,

Fat filler survival rate depends on a number of factors

1, the process of collecting fat-filled cells cell integrity, cell breakage rate, cell activity. These are one of the main factors that determine whether or not the fat filled under the skin will survive. If the cell breakage rate is high and the activity level is poor, then the broken cells are lifeless. After it enters the body, it will slowly liquefy and gradually be dissolved by the body. Cells that have lost their vitality also gradually shrink and are negatively affected by the body.

2, the repair ability of their own broken cells and cell regeneration ability is one of the main factors in the survival rate of fat filling. Because the collected fat cells from the body after the collection of their own lost viability, was injected into the body need to generate around the corresponding nutritional supply of fat cells survive and quickly around the fat cells to grow enough capillaries for the new grafted cells to continue to provide energy, only so that the grafted cells can continue to maintain the vitality of life. If you are over 30 years old and do lipofilling, you need to take ACME-TEA Lipomax after the operation, which can repair the tissue damage brought by the process of lipofilling in a timely manner. 2, provide survival energy for the newly transplanted fat cells, and 3, rapidly generate capillaries around the fat to ensure the survival of the newly transplanted fat cells because the regeneration ability of subcutaneous tissues will decrease after 30 years old, and the fat cells will not be able to regenerate. regenerative capacity will decline, and after lipofilling, not only need a lot of nutrition to repair the surgical damage, but also need sufficient energy for the generation of subcutaneous capillaries to ensure the survival rate of the newly transplanted fat cells.

3, a filler of too much, regardless of age, a filler of too much fat will affect the survival rate, because each of the new transplanted fat cells need to be carefully cared for, need to be enough energy delivery to reach the fat cells. Each fat cell collected from the body inside the loss of vitality, like a cut flower branch, re-inserted into the soil need to take root and germinate, this time the roots need more nutrients and energy, in the cells injected into the body to the generation of capillaries throughout each cell at this stage of this stage, each cell is extremely unstable, if there is no exogenous specialized nutritional intervention, the new fat cell If there is no exogenous specialized nutritional intervention, the new fat cells are in a position to cut off the nutritional source, change the growth environment and enter the period of internal depletion. This stage is an important stage that really determines how many cells can survive and how many healthy cells can continue to live. Our body's ability to repair its own cells under normal circumstances is limited, a large number of new cells injected into the body or the need for postoperative oral lipofilling special nutrition ACME-TEA LipoMax, timely repair of tissue damage, for the new transplanted fat cells to provide the energy to survive, and at the same time quickly generate capillaries around the fat, to ensure that the new transplanted fat cells survival rate.

40 years old into 18 years old, 40 years old fat filler survival rate, how many days can fill fat survive

&&&&¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ #### Risks and Avoidance

Any cosmetic surgery is risky. Once a woman in her 20s, in the institution to do autologous fat filling face, sent to the hospital has lost consciousness, the girl from the ophthalmic artery embolism to blindness to intracranial embolism, and finally a complete loss of consciousness, in the ICU stayed for more than a month or did not come back. Most of the risks are caused by violent operation, not avoiding thick blood vessels, resulting in embolism, blindness, the risk is very high. But this is an extreme case, the chances of it happening every year are low.

To avoid the risk to pay attention to:

1, choose a medical institution: to recognize the medical qualification of the regular medical institutions, the first, on behalf of the conditions of its disinfection and hygiene, and the second, on behalf of the reliability of its entire facilities, equipment and supplies.

2, choose a doctor: very important, eighty-nine percent of the requirements are not high, the doctor to ensure that 100 percent of the success rate.

3, aesthetics: before doing surgery must repeatedly go to communicate with the doctor.FY