Laiyang Hongfulei Nursing Center is a sole proprietorship enterprise registered on 2016-12-01 in Laiyang City, Yantai City, Shandong Province, with its registered address at the north end of Huanghai 4th Road, Laiyang City Food Industrial Park, Yantai City, Shandong Province.
The Unified Social Credit Code/Registration Number of Laiyang Hongfu Lai Nursing Center is 91370682MA3CN4Y9XM, the legal person of the enterprise is Chou Jiezhong, and the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.
Laiyang Hongfulei Nursing Center, within the province, the current registered capital of the enterprise belongs to the general.
View more information and information about Laiyang Hongfu Lai Nursing Center through Baidu Enterprise Credit.