1, most of the apparatus with wood, metal and other hard objects, is with a certain function of the object, the most important thing is that most of the apparatus has a certain mechanical principle, such as levers, pulleys, rivets and so on, most of them will be used in the apparatus, the general Instruments have at least two or more parts composed of bolts or rivets, instruments also have a relatively complex use of the function, people can usually rely on the completion of the work can not be completed by human hands alone, instruments must be a combination of some mechanical properties and manual auxiliary function of the product. If a thing has a certain function, such as a cup, but does not meet some of the above description, then the most can only be used as a tool, utensils, not instruments.
2, the concept of apparatus is broader than equipment. Such as medical devices include medical equipment, let's say the syringe is a medical device rather than a medical device, and X-ray machines and other medical equipment is also a medical device