Water purification equipment system design specifications and implementation standards?

1. Process standards

"Water Treatment Equipment Technical Conditions JB/T 2932-1999"

"U.S. Hydrodynamic Membrane Reverse Osmosis Membrane Technical Manual" 2011 Edition

2. Vessel standards

"Steel Welded Pressure Vessels GB150, GB151"

"Thin Walled Stainless Steel Vessels for the Food Industry QB/T 2681-2004"

"Steel Welded Pressure Vessel NB/T 47003.1-2009"

3. Electrical Installation Standards

"Code for Construction and Acceptance of Grounding Devices for Electrical Installation Projects" (GB50169-2006)

"Electrical Installation Engineering panels / cabinets and secondary circuit construction and acceptance norms (GB50171-92)

"Low-voltage switchgear and control equipment sets" IEC439-1

4. Water quality standards

"Chinese Pharmacopoeia" 2010 version of the "purified water" requirements

European Pharmacopoeia GMP7.0

United States Pharmacopoeia USP36 "PW" requirements