What are the advantages of plastic PC and pmma?

1, physical properties: PC has better toughness and impact strength than PMMA, PMMA for brittle materials.

2, temperature resistance: PC is better than PMMA temperature resistance, PC TG reaches 120 °, PMMA only 85 °.

3, abrasion resistance: PC is better than PMMA abrasion resistance, but the surface scratch resistance is far less than PMMA, so scratch-resistant high-gloss ABS material inside the PMMA alloy modification are added.

4, fire resistance: PC than PMMA fire resistance is good, that is, good flame retardant, ordinary PC can be fire V2.

5, light transmission: PMMA than PC's light transmission performance is much better than the PMMA transmittance rate of 92 ~ 93%, so the best transparent material, so often used in more light guide plate and medical equipment, PC only 86 ~ 89%.

6, weathering: PMMA weathering is excellent, often used as outdoor products, PC used as outdoor products to add UV agents and antioxidants.

1, PC plastic: PC plastic raw materials commonly known as polycarbonate, polycarbonate English name for Polycarbonate, referred to as PC, it is a class of molecular chain containing carbonate structure of polymer compounds and it is based on a variety of materials made of the general term. According to the molecular structure of the ester group can be divided into aliphatic, alicyclic, aromatic and aliphatic-aromatic and other categories. Bisphenol A type polycarbonate is the most important, and the molecular weight is usually 3-10 million. In the absence of special instructions, the polycarbonate usually refers to bisphenol A polycarbonate and its modified varieties. Because of its excellent mechanical properties, commonly known as bulletproof rubber.

2, PC plastic applications: glass assembly industry, automotive industry and electronics, electrical industry, followed by industrial machinery parts, optical disks, packaging, computers and other office equipment, medical and health care, film, leisure and protective equipment.

3, PMMA plastic: Polymethylmethacrylate (Polymethylmethacrylate, referred to as PMMA, the English Acrylic), also known as acrylic or plexiglass, in Hong Kong, more known as the Agaric Glue, has a high degree of transparency, low prices, easy to mechanical processing, etc., is the usual and often used as a substitute for glass materials. The monomer of polymethyl methacrylate is methyl methacrylate (MMA, acrylic monomer). Excellent transparency, outstanding aging resistance; its specific gravity is less than half of ordinary glass, shatter resistance is several times higher; it has good insulation and mechanical strength; acid, alkali, salt has strong corrosion resistance; and easy to process; can be bonded, sawing, planing, drilling, engraving, grinding, screen printing, sandblasting and other manual and mechanical processing, heating can be bent and molded into a variety of acrylic products.

4, PMMA plastic applications: automotive industry (signaling equipment, instrument panels, etc.), the pharmaceutical industry (blood storage containers, etc.), industrial applications (video discs, light diffusers), the keys of electronic products (especially transparent). Consumer goods (beverage cups, stationery, etc.).