How do you convert imperial US screw cap threads to millimeters?

The conversion from imperial to metric is multiplied by 25.4, but that refers to imperial bolts and does not apply to pipe threads.

1 inch is equal to 8 minutes, such as 2 minutes is 2/8 inch, that is, 1/4, which is the nominal diameter; it corresponds to the number of millimeters to check the table. This table is easy to find on the internet, so search again, I've attached a portion of it.

Cylindrical Pipe Thread Size

Left 3 Columns Pipe Size 4 5 6 Columns Thread Size

Whitworth Thread (Whitworth Thread): BS 84 Designed by the British engineer Whitworth, the standard was introduced in the UK in 1841 and applies to manufacturing by the rolling method. Representation such as W 1/2 - 10, Whitworth coarse thread (B.S.W) and Whitworth fine thread (B.S.F). Inch thread W is not the same thread as Unified Standard thread

Nominal Diameter (inch) / Pipe O.D. (mm) / Pipe I.D. (mm) / O.D. D / I.D. d1 / Medium D.D. d2 / Number of Buckles per Inch (n)

1/8 " 9.729 8.567 9.148 28

1/4 " 13.5 8 13.158 11.446 12.302 19

3/8" 17 10 16.663 14.951 15.807 19

1/2" 21.25 15 20.956 18.632 19.794 14

5/8" 22.912 20.588 21.750 14

3/4" 26.75 20 26.442 24.119 25.281 14

7/8" 30.202 27.878 29.049 14

1" 33.5 25 33.250 30.293 31.771 11

11/8" 37.808 34.941 36.420 11

11/4" 42.35 32 41.912 38.954 40.133 11

1 3/8" 44.325 41.367 42.846 11

11/2" 48 40 47.805 44.847 46.326 11

13/4" 53.748 50.791 52.270 11

2" 60 50 59.616 56.659 58.137 11