List of Myopia Surgery Prices

List of Prices for Femtosecond Laser Myopia Surgery

The cost of femtosecond laser myopia surgery may cost between $20,000 and $30,000 for a femtosecond laser myopia surgery. Each person's eye condition is different, the surgical operation is not the same, the price is not uniform. The specific femtosecond laser myopia surgery price can consult Guangzhou Aier Eye Hospital, which is a well-known domestic eye hospital, tertiary ophthalmology, medical insurance designated, national chain, free post-operative review. Click to test whether I am suitable for myopia correction

The approximate cost is 20,000 yuan if half femtosecond laser is used to treat myopia, and 30,000 yuan if full femtosecond laser is used to treat myopia. Myopia laser surgery is divided into semi-femtosecond and full-femtosecond, if it is a full-femtosecond, it will consume more corneal tissue, and because the incision in the corneal surface layer is relatively small, so his said recovery time is still relatively fast, this is a kind of cornea used for myopia surgery, refractive surgery in the cornea, through the molecular laser cutting corneal part of the tissues to make the cornea's central frequency, so as to correct the Myopia, etc., whether half-femtosecond or full-femtosecond, it thesis of the surgical method have their own advantages and disadvantages, need to be based on each person's eye conditions, etc. to make a decision on the use of the surgical method.

To learn more about the cost of laser myopia surgery, we recommend consulting with Guangzhou Aier Ophthalmology. We emphasize the basic and internal construction, starting from environment, talents, technology, management, etc., combining training, education and inspection, improving various rules and regulations, establishing and improving the internal medical quality management and control system, and guaranteeing medical treatment. Medical quality is the foundation of a hospital. The quality of medical care is the foundation of the hospital, and it is the primary responsibility of AIEL Ophthalmology to protect medical care for patients throughout the treatment of each patient.

How much does full femtosecond surgery cost?

Full Femtosecond Surgery Price

A: Standard Excimer Laser Surgery: the cost of the surgery is 9,000 yuan/both eyes. Mechanical laminar knife flap making, high requirements for corneal thickness. Personalized excimer laser surgery: the cost of surgery is 12,000 yuan/both eyes. Wavefront phase contrast or corneal topography guidance is used.? Femtosecond Laser Myopia Surgery: The cost of the surgery is 15,000 RMB/eye. A femtosecond laser is used to create a corneal flap, which is electrically ...

2019-10-29?Answered by:? I'm Shandong Nagada?48 Answers?6

Wuhan 2021 full femtosecond surgery price list?

Q: Wuhan 2021 full femtosecond surgery price list?

A: full femtosecond activity price medical 11800?Full femtosecond surgery is about 10,000 yuan. Full femtosecond is to use a femtosecond laser to make a convex lens in the corneal stroma, and then make a small incision to remove the convex lens, just like making a concave lens in the cornea. There is an exam fee of about $300 prior to the procedure and the exam is passed before this procedure can be done. Medications for the surgery cost about $200 or so...

2021-01-19?Answered by:? Wuhan Baisi Jia Ophthalmology?1 Answer?1

What is the price of full femtosecond laser surgery?

Answer: Generally speaking, the price of laser surgery varies in price according to the type of surgery, usually ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, the price of full femtosecond laser is generally about 20,000 yuan, and it is recommended that you go to the professional eye hospitals in your area to consult with them.

How much does myopic surgery cost?

Myopia surgery is divided into many types, commonly used corneal refractive surgery, including PRK, LASIK and femtosecond surgery, the cost of different types of different. If you need myopia surgery, we recommend you to choose Aier Eye Hospital.

PRK surgery is about 3,500 yuan per eye, LASIK surgery is about 7,000 yuan per eye, and femtosecond surgery is about 14,000 yuan per eye, but the price varies greatly because supply and demand are not the same in different places and at different economic levels. For those who are not doing corneal refractive surgery, if they are doing ICL surgery, the ICL price is about $6,000 - $8,000, plus the surgical fee, which may be about $15,000 for a single eye. In addition, if you choose to have lens removal, plus IOL surgery, the surgery is about the same price as having a senile cataract. If you don't include the cost of the IOL, it is roughly nearly $3,000 for a single eye, and if you choose a $3,000-$5,000 lens, it may cost $6,000-$8,000 for a single eye. If you choose a more expensive lens, it could cost even more. Therefore, the cost of myopic surgery varies greatly, and you can make a choice according to your financial strength and needs. Welcome to learn more

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Myopia Surgery Price List

Different types of myopia surgery and different hospitals will affect the price of the surgery, and you need to go to the hospital you choose to consult. If you need myopia surgery, we recommend you to choose Guangzhou Yinghua Ophthalmology.

There is more than one type of myopia surgery, and each type has a different price. The prices of different surgical programs are as follows:

1. Excimer laser surgery, the price ranges from 6,000RMB-1,000RMB;

2. Semi-femtosecond surgery, the price ranges from 10,000RMB-16,000RMB;

3. Full-femtosecond surgery, the price ranges from 16,000 yuan - 20,000 yuan or so.

Which kind of surgery can be done needs to be evaluated before surgery, and the following conditions should be met before the surgery can be done:

1, age, the suitable age for the surgery is usually between 18-50 years old;

2, eye degree, the patient is required to have myopia of 100 degrees or more, and the maximum should not be more than 1,200 degrees. Click to test whether I am suitable for myopic surgery

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List of myopic surgery prices?

Everyone has a different degree of myopia, uses a different surgical method, chooses a different medical institution, and has a different regional consumption level, all of which can lead to price differences. The price of myopia surgery is the same as that of myopia surgery, but the price of myopia surgery is not the same as that of myopia surgery, because the price of myopia surgery is not the same as that of myopia surgery. Click to test whether I am suitable for myopia surgery

Everyone has a different degree of myopia, and the degree of difficulty will be different when using laser for treatment, and the cost will be different. In general the more severe the myopia, the more difficult the treatment and the higher the price. Secondly, there are many medical institutions that can perform myopic surgery. Each medical institution has a different level of qualification, different level of experience of doctors, different level of advanced medical equipment, and different pricing standards for the same kind of myopic surgery. In addition, myopic surgery in different areas will also affect the price, generally speaking, the first-tier big cities have higher consumption level, compared with the third-tier and fourth-tier small cities prices will be more expensive. It is recommended to choose a regular hospital. Generally speaking, the regular public hospital, high medical level, safety and effect is more guaranteed, and the charges are transparent and reasonable.

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