How to fill the technical deviation form in the commercial technical bid?

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Commercial and technical bids to fill in the technical deviation table is as follows:

1, the technical specifications deviation table is meant to list the requirements of the bidding documents and

1. The technical specification deviation table is intended to list the clauses that do not conform to the requirements of the bidding document, but it is recommended to utilize this table to explain all technical specifications.

2, if there is a deviation from the requirements of the technical specifications of the bidding documents, fill in, if the technical specifications and the requirements of the bidding documents can not fill in the same.

Commercial terms of the deviation table is filled out as follows:

1, the first part of the contents of the standard business document format, so the focus is on the review of the "tender information form" and "contract terms and conditions of the information form" in the changes, including "Tender information sheet" in the important items are: the offer and the requirements of the relevant costs; performance requirements; acceptance of the goods need spare parts for years; evaluation of the full range of factors for consideration (delivery time, payment requirements, spare parts prices, after-sales service, etc.).

2, "contract terms and conditions information sheet" in the concern of the provisions of the performance bond requirements, destination, accompanying services, spare parts, warranty period, maintenance response time and payment terms (some of the factors will be explained in the technical requirements). Any difference with the above terms should be pointed out in the commercial deviation table, such as the delivery period and payment time.

3. Advantages of the bidder should also be emphasized here, such as maintenance points and bonded warehouses. Depending on the different requirements of the bidding documents, the deviation of the commercial terms may directly cause the abolition of the bidding, and may also lead to the adjustment of the evaluation price, so it is better to have no deviation, and should try to meet all the requirements of the bidding documents.

Rigorous and complete technical part of the bidding documents should include

(1) technical specifications response, that is, the technical specifications against the bidding documents, item by item responsiveness, including the responsiveness of the relevant service requirements (such as willing to be placed in the commercial part can be, but can not be omitted);

(2) the scope of supply, refers to the component parts of the goods and the price of the components (separate form of an attachment) Explanation can also be, or as needed without pointing out the price);

(3) description of the goods, that is, the bidder's own way, custom and format of the product in detail, highlighting the features and advantages;

(4) product printing sample information.